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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. This Forum is not the company 343 and its developers. We are just people close to Halo and other gaming platforms sometimes, But your little glitch maybe something someone else experiences so just wait and see if someone else replies.
  2. I like that little dark side of you. "If it's getting used on me I am going to use it back."
  3. The Majestic Map pack is out, now just to download it. YAY!

  4. Pbrabbit

    Tank Poll

    The Scorpian by far for me was and always has been the best tank vehicle. nothing tops it yet.
  5. 9. I've been playing on nine about a month or two after 4 came out. You really need to get to nine or ten because after a while it really makes a difference.
  6. the Shotgun is a Shotgun. It has always been OHK at point-blank/ close range. but two shots from a farther away distance as I know it.
  7. As we all know the Famous OHK Secondary weapon known as the Bolshot, was perviously Nerfed by having its blast range down to 15 M instead of 25 M. How have you been doing since that nerf? has it affected you?
  8. Playing as Forerunners would be better in my opinion.
  9. This is Disappointing, anyone who used the bolt-shot now has a reason to be upset. As cheap as it may have been...I still liked it the way it was.
  10. Survivor at 5! Don't forget to come!

  11. Man its tough not want to have your kill stolen, but if they made it so no-one could kill the person your assassinating not only would that make then invincible but then you would probs be invincible too, and thats not fair. And if the game was to have a final way of killing, it would go against real life feel/effects in Halo 4.
  12. Interesting. I feel that the Shotgun In 4 is way underpowered than it is in reach, mainly for the Range buff and fire rate. But otherwise the gun is still alright.
  13. Guys we need to find a time to meet. Lets please coordinate as best as possible. Thanks!
  14. African or European? Can one grip it by the husk? Let me know below. IF there is another type of swallow put a picture of it below and say what type it is.
  15. You are Totally right! They should have vehicles, even though that the forerunner species can telepot, but forerunner vehicles would be amazing. Definitely something I would drive!
  16. Todays Survivor season 2 was pretty sweet..I gotta say. Team work is key though. Without my team, I'd be horrible.

  17. This thread will just be for complimenting on how the day went. not for private matters.
  18. With all the Pollution in this world, toxic snow is one thing to be careful of. So wearing a mask while shoveling is perfectly acceptable.
  19. This thread is only for people in Survivor: Participants are: Captoenail24-Vaulting Frog D.a. Deztroyer DGS Harbinger- Harbinger IMIILI- Realtalks irishdude117- york Purpl3 KRAYON- HaloGeek No-one else post except these people. Hey guys HEWASNUMB3R1,(Pbrabbit) here, So as you know AD gave us our first challenge to build a UNSC camp for our team. As you know PURPL3 KRAYON is restricted and I'm sure other people are too, so we can either build early saturday, or even today after survivor(Or some other time). Post below and I'll PM people about when to meet.
  20. May I say that Pbrabbit pumps lead into his enemies. Don't be his enemy. :)

    1. The Director

      The Director

      Mmmmm. Sweet, sweet lead.

  21. Thanks for all the posts again guys! and remember if you like the post, like it! Thanks again- Pbrabbit(XBLG: HEWASNUMB3R1)
  22. Yeah Read the books, then compare to the games. The books explain sooooo much!
  23. Over the summer I acquired a mini HD Tv that I now use to use my xbox with almost Anywhere I travel to, to play Xbox Games. How far would you or have you taken your xbox 360?
  24. interesting, I would not think of this. Great Idea!
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