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Everything posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Imagine Arnold S. agreeing. SO yes I agree!
  2. Halo 4 and Halo 3 I think are Family?

  3. I get one nomination? I nominate Pbrabbit He seems like a nice guy!
  4. Now It came across to me to think who the hell would a Grunt invite to his/her birthday party? Any ideas?
  5. I feel your pain, but look who doesn't like OHKilling somebody once in a while. I think it can be used for skill if only used once in a while. Though I do agree, if you just camp around a corner and wait for people to walk by, there's no skill in that.
  6. ahhhhh the bolt shot. Boom!(btw I just killed somebody with it) Hello there my name is Turner Trolly! I am your neighborhood Troll. My favorite secondary weapon is my good friend, Sally Boltshot! She gots such a nasty bite that you just fall over if she hits you. But you know you love her. I love her. Sally and I actually got married. Thats right, 2nd Amendment all over my butt! I am married to a gun. Imagine that! A troller married to Sally Boltshot, every trollers Fantasy am I right? P.S. hey guys this Pbrabbit, I totally just made this story up, but if you liked it, just in the slightest bit, let me know, K? THANKS- PB
  7. I find the concern very interesting myself. I share the same thoughts with all of you, yes they should make a forge world map, no they should not, or maybe so I don't care what they do. The point is yes I think they should make one because it is interesting to see how all the other maps 343 has made do have large areas for you to forge in, it's just that they're nothing compared to Halo 4's forge world. But I also say no for the reason that all of the maps 343 made do have 3-4 nice big spaces for you to create your own work. So this is one of those questions where you would have to choose a side. As I look at it, my final answer is yes.
  8. You are probably one of the best resources for Halo 4, I respect you man. Keep giving me and the people of the Halo 4 community good information.
  9. What is up everybody! My name is Pbrabbit here on the forums and then my XBL is The Pbrabbit I just wanted to say Hi and that I'm very excited to be apart of this community. Thanks- PB
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