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Posts posted by Pbrabbit

  1. Constantinople has taken all the responses in consideration and has decided to award all the participating cities with +5 wind energy and +10 Population. Each city also gets to choose a +10 energy of their choice through PM. Please contact the capital by 10PM EST tomorrow. Once again, through PM. Thank you all. Be on the look out for Turn 2. 

    Turn 1 has concluded.

  2. Here it is folks! All the cities have traveled to Constantinople (The Capital), and have gathered here for the first debate question. How this works:

    is that all those participating, the cities, get to have a 1 to 4 sentence response to the question. Cities are strictly told to stay within those guidelines. No city may go over 4 sentences. With those 4 sentences, you may write a poem, craft a clear ad concise response, or do anything you want. Just realize there is a prize for the top two responses. 1st prize gets the choice of a population boost or an energy boost. Second place receives whatever first place did not choose.


    First Debate Question:

    The cities of Berlin and Eclipse are quite intelligent with their use for energy. Berlin uses Water and Fossil Fuel as their energy, and Eclipse uses Solar and Fossil Fuel as their energy. Looking at the map and assuming the land Eclipse is on is flat, and that Berlin is right by the sea, which city would profit more by using Wind energy instead of Fossil Fuel?


    If you are a member of the forum watching the game at the moment, there is a way for you to participate too! When a city or someone you like has posted a response you particularly enjoy, PM myself! That way, all of you out there can participate as well!

  3. Turn One Starts Today

    What this means for all of you:


    -Choose which 1 energy you are going to cash in. (1 Energy= +5 energy points for that category)

    -You may secretly or publicly make an alliance, just let me know in a pm separate from the one we already have.

    -You may also not make an alliance on the first turn. It is your choice.


    If you wish to make an alliance with the capital, pm myself. If by any chance there is more than 1 person wanting to put themselves with the capital at the beginning of the game, then a coin will be flipped to decide the alliance. But recognize that you may not travel to any city yet except the capital for this turn.


    - Also prepare for the first Debate question to be posted tomorrow. You each will represent your country in this question. The top 2 winners not only get their bragging rights, but prizes along with their victory. (Those prizes include Energy Points and/or +Population)

    As for a hint on tomorrow's question from the Capital:


    Sun Energy and/or Wind Energy



    Radioactive energy gives you 10 energy each round where the other energies get 5, but to kill 55 population, you only need to pay 50; in retrospect, it's like radioactive energy only costs 25 because you recieve double each round. :P

    Also, wind is the next best energy source... 


    When using radioactive energy, you may use it, but the next turn you cannot use energy of any kind*

  4. Why is Radioactive energy so much better than the others? Is there a downfall to using it - same goes for Water? 

    When energy points are cashed into the capitol, how are we supposed to know the point exchange for each type of energy? 1 energy is converted into how many points? 


    Also, these super millitary weapons... do they all have the same point cost? 


    Additionally, if my entire population dies, do I lose? Common sense would say yes, but I'm not sure. 


    Thank you very much for the feedback and questions. It helps me and the game get better.

    Amendment #1:

    As for radioactive energy, each bomb(s) in total will add up to 55 population killed in total, for one bomb. What I will do is make the cash in values for these higher than let us say the Oil drops that do 20 Population. Although some seem better, cash in wise (with points) it is going to be a different story. 

    What I will do in the next hour is post the point cash in values for each energy for cashing in with the capital and then with the super weapons. I will also effectively be taking off the number of each bomb you may use, as cash in values for points can determine how many bombs of a certain type, one is willing to buy. Also remember that there are two ways to go about this game. Energy points or military dominance. So maybe picking the cheaper energy or trading with someone you're in an alliance with is the way to go.


    As for trading, you may go by the point cash in chart, or by a different price depending on what your ally or enemy is willing to trade with you.


    If the entire population dies the city is either 1, taken over, or 2 pillaged and ransacked to never be in existence again.

  5. Matching making wise, betrayal is an important aspect to have. But for infection, I do not think it should be in that game type. But for other game types online, with other people, I most definitely think you should have it. Although we all hate it when some betrays us, lets be honest and think back to that one time we betrayed somebody because we said YOLO or something like that. Otherwise, I like that there are no more betrayals.

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