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    ExG ramshaw

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. hey skull_blade. A little run down of the clan is simply this. The name is ExG (execution gaming) we are a mature group mostly in our 20s. We dont typically invite players that are not at least 16 to play due to the complaining or trash talking that is usually seen by younger players. We would make an exception to those that game well with us and have a mature personality. We do enjoy clan battles and mostly play social for fun. ExG practices are 2 times a week. wed and sat. by attending practices and posting in our websites forum gives you points to go up in the ranks with the other clan members. Our website is http://executiongaming.enjin.com/ come by check us out and ill throw you a friend request to get ahold of you. Have fun skull_blade
  2. hey there that finnish gu. ExG is a eastern time clan. originating out of chicago. We have 2 practice manditory nights. wed and sat. each day has its own elements that will be gone over. we socially play everyday. At ExG we have a code of ethics that we follow and expect all members to portray as we are all either into our late teens to our twenties. Always up for a good clan match. Finally our website is http://executiongaming.enjin.com/ so i hope you come check us out and have a few games with us. try out. and ill throw you a friend request to get ahold of you. have a good one gu. I am looking for a dedicated clan. I am 16 (about to turn 17) I have a k/d ratio of 1.05 and on Halotracker.com I am in the top 52% of Halo 4 players. I play just about everyday including weekends. looking for a clan preferably in eastern time zone. I want a clan that has training times, clan battles and other events. I will be loyal and do what I am told. I am a good scout and like to stay moving instead of camping. Also I am good at close quarters. I am very patient, don't have gamer rage and good at leading and following orders. Last I enjoy forging and skilled at aesthetics.
  3. Hi ted. Our clan plays alot of social for fun and are always up for clan matches. The clan is ExG. We practice 2 times a week, have a code of ethics we follow and through posts on the websites and making practices puts you higher into the rankings of the clan. We are a laid back bunch, we would love to have you come try us out and play a few games with us. our website is http://executiongaming.enjin.com hope to see you out there ted.
  4. Hey beast mode 69. dont know if you found a clan yet but at ExG we are recruiting. We are dedicated group that are on everyday and practice 2 times a week. we are a mature group and follow a strict guidline of code of ethics. basically we dont beat down verbally the other players. We are always looking for clan matchs and make a good repoire with them that we can play them again and network through them to other clans. up to you beast ill hit you up on xbox live and our website is http://executiongaming.enjin.com
  5. ramshaw


    hey how is it going. been playing halo since the 3 installement. Im in a clan called ExG. I def dont claim to be the best but i have fun playing the game. P.S. boltshot is too powerfull
  6. Hello all, my gt is ExG Ramshaw. I am a recruiter for my clan and we are a mature group that play with a code of ethics conduct and representation of our clan. We hold practices twice a week every week excluding holidays. Wed and Sat are practice days. Wed is map recognition (call outs), strat and social play as a team. Sat is customs/clan and social matches. Along with that we review your game play and try to work on weak points or we suggest a way to improve your k/d ratio. We do have a website that requires a sign in and a recruitment application to be filled. We also need our players to know the code of conduct of our clan and sign a reply with there gt. We are still looking for more members and we dont need the best players, anyone is free to come try out with the clan run a few maps with us and well get to know each other. Our website is http://executiongaming.enjin.com come by check us out and hopefully see you guys out there.
  7. For halo 5, i would like to see armor customization go further. each peice does a certain upgrade such as stranger damage, faster sprint, more shield, faster regen, regen shield, on top of what you already choose as your loadouts. (not saying a drastic change but you can stack to be just a bit more stronger then normal.) using weapons over time gives you available upgrades like being able to attach needler to another weapon or being able to put the magnum on a assualt rifle for added power. which would compliment the newly added armor customization. For forge, being able to set terrain would be great. I think if you can make some crazy landscapes in a simply game like minecraft. Im sure it wouldnt burden you guys to give us more ability to build our own landscapes. More money or the ability get more items. Its horrible to get a good map going only to have to compromise using something else just to make a wall.(or be able to sacrifice a certain type if we dont use to give avail to other stuff we need) Weapons like I said before being able to make the smaller guns to be attachments would be amazing. If they upgrade kinect system would be a new lvl of fun to be able to play that way instead of using the controller. (plus if you guys would make a halo gun as a something we can actually hold with sensors that would be sick and make you guys even that much more money) vehicles I think are great as you have them. Maybe if you added something that is an upgraded version of the mongoose that had say turrets on the sides and had a top cage to it like a go-cart (something like a ghost.) bring back the hornet!!! If you guys made a map that was space or air revolved I think it would be fun. make the game type like capture the hill but only have to touch the spot that way it moves to a different area. Or make a map that is water based and make use of vehicles that could be driven on the water. Armor abilities would be nice to be able to make upgradeable when you play the campaign on each level gives you peices that goes to your armor that can make your hologram appear to be shooting or your regen shield doesnt distort your vision, thruster has longer life span, promothean vision can send out in a short distance that disrupts shielding in half, the shield can be made 1 sided to allow shooting through with one hand (magnum or bolt (no charge)) adding teleportation would be crazy but i can only see that working like it does in the campaign, in short bursts so you can still follow where the person goes. oh and put my face in the game as a character lol. Thats about all i can say about that, lifes like a box of chocolate and all that good crap. Have a good one.
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