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Tifa T-F

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Everything posted by Tifa T-F

  1. Okay, so first, since I've gotten this before, don't dis me on my name. Now, I am not going to go into the weapons, the gameplay, the maps, etc. because the list is TOO freakin' long, and everyone else seems to have those areas covered. What I do want to express is that, no matter how much I am into Halo as a video game, I was appalled as an Author that the STORY took the turn that it did... HELLO they killed a main character! How many people where NOT pissed off when they killed Rachel Dawes in Batman? My point is, killing a main character of any kind is REALLY bad plot writing skills, and 343/Halo did just that when Cortana 'multiplied' and then ended up telling 'John' that she 'wasn't coming with him this time'. My hope as an Author is that they find a way to bring Cortana back, my hope as a gameplayer is that they work her coming back INTO the plot and don't make it THE PLOT. Maybe something along the lines of her and John 'taking care' of each other again(saving each other in same way...) I don't want the next plot to simply be a depressed mission about finding the long lost love AI and bringing her back from where ever she is. Another thing; how many where confused when the 'narrator' says, at the end of Halo 4, 'the reclamation has already begun, and we are hopeless to stop it'? Which side is he talking about? And what did the 'Librarian' do to Master Chief? Seriously, did she turn him into a Forerunner, or is he just a 'descendant' of them and still human. I think that all these things spanned out through out the plot line would have made a great game plot but putting them ALL together into one game was WAY TOO confusing, to much crap going on. So like I said; bring Cortana back, but don't make it all about her, just tie her into it. And PLEASE explain the whole thing that the 'Librarian' did, and while your at it tell us whether she is on the Forerunner's side or Our side. And I do agree with everyone on maps, weapons, enemies, allies, and what not, don't think I'm not there... I just decided not to get into it this time, Everyone else seems to know what they are talking about. Hope this sparks some discussion if not, please don't haggle me or attack me about my choice of post. Thanks.
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