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XO Jaime OX

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Everything posted by XO Jaime OX

  1. well im fine with no beta, id rather have them make this game better than it would with one
  2. wasnt it friend then foe, then after finding out it was the floods fault, felt bad for punishing them?
  3. ehh, i was expecting clearer images or info but its still better than nothing
  4. Halo 4 is going to be EPIC!!!
  5. I just looked up websites about the Forerunners and put information on them here. If you want to know where i got all of that from, i have the links right after the quotes.
  6. i found this and it seems very close to the picture: type a comment on what you think about it
  7. no, the forerunners and humans were ok with each other until humans discovered the Flood. they had a war and had lost many planets in the process to the flood. to regain the planets, they took over forerunner planets and that is how the forerunners got mad at them.
  8. well i read somewhere that the figurines had a forerunner and precursor included, so we at least know those are important in the game now, even if we cant see them
  9. Your welcome and well thats what we know, there might have been more to the story and the precursors might have not been as mean as we think they are
  10. well if it was going to explain more of the game, wouldn't it make sense to put the flood, forerunners, and precursors in it so they can be more thoroughly explained?
  11. Info on the Precursor Prisoner/The Captive/The Timeless One (however you now it) can also be found HERE
  12. I added a new topic on who the precursors were for those who wanted to see it
  13. Not much is known about them, but information that can be found by text from the logs stored in the terminals around the Ark indicates it is possible that the Forerunner 'Mantle' (Guardians of the Galaxy and all life) was handed down from "legends of the past", the Precursors. It has been presumed that the Precursors viewed the Forerunners as their own legacy, continuing their work after they departed, much in the same way Forerunner lifeworkers (including the greatest lifeworker: the Librarian, or the Lifeshaper) viewed Humanity before the activation of the rings. Having obtained the status of tier-0, it is likely that the Precursors can travel between galaxies. Precursors are described as "very large", with 4 upper limbs and 2 legs. Also having an "ugly head shaped like arthropods" - like spiders or crabs(describe like scorpion) - they have oval, faceted slanted eyes and a "flat face". Coming from the back of the head is a long tail with a 2 meter barb coming out of it. Whether this is the way all Precursors look has yet to be revealed, but this is the way the prisoner on Charum Hakkor is described. - Halo Nation - Precursor <---More info here Precursors are thought to be the creators of the Forerunners and the Flood. They had the most advanced technology out of every creature in the universe at Tier-0. The Forerunners and the Precursors had a big war and even though the precursors had better tech, the forerunners beat them. The prisoner mentioned above is also referred to The Timeless One, the Precursors created a new Precursor that was too powerful, so they locked him up. More on the Timeless One can be found HERE The Precursors created species for the Milky Way, and if they didn't find them worthy, they would be eliminated. The Forerunners were created and after a while, they were thought not worthy to exist so the precursors were going to eliminate them. the Forerunners became aware of this and attacked the Precursors. They won and decided to destroy the Precursors, but a number of them escaped from them prior to their destruction. Those that escaped created a new race called humanity. The surviving Precursors decided to try and unify the Forerunners and Pre-humans into their shared origin before thier ultimate downfall, so they created a parasitic species called the Flood. The Precursors died off, all except the Timeless One, who was thought to have turned into a Gravemind. Another Website on Precursors is - http://www.halopedian.com/Precursor If you haven't seen my other topic on what Forerunners were, go check it out: http://www.343indust...-what-they-did/ Also, if you know something that i missed about Precursors, please post it to help others out. Thanks
  14. if you guys want, ill make another topic also explaining the Precursors. if i can
  15. This topic was originally started by Omar3r in the Halo 4 forum, but i thought it would be better if it was placed in this one. "A lot of people don't seem to know what a Forerunner is or what their role was in the Halo Universe so help me explain. What I know I learned from reading, watching Origins I and II, and talking to Halo Fans. The Forerunners were(or possibly are) a very advanced civilization. The most advanced civilization that humans have ever thought of. They created the Halo Rings to stop The Flood from controlling all sentient life in the Galaxy, at the cost of all life in the Galaxy, including their own. but they prepared for this mass slaughter and re-populated the planets with the same species that originally inhabited them, save their own species. The chief blew up one of the Halo Rings(Alpha Halo) but it turned out there was a replacement. The Forerunners are awesome like that." -Omar3rd and this is what i have to add: The Forerunners are a long-lost species which are first cryptically mentioned in Halo: Combat Evolved. Little is revealed about the Forerunners in the games, but for unknown reasons they consider humanity to be "special"; humanity is thus the only race which can reclaim the keys which activate the Halo network. According to the official backstory to the series, the Forerunners came to power after the extinction of an even more ancient race, known to them as the Precursors,[27] and formed a galaxy wide empire more than 3 billion years before the events of the main Halo story arc.[28] The Forerunners took it upon themselves to protect all life in the galaxy, but were threatened by the parasitic Flood. The Forerunners took action, but the parasite was unstoppable. A group of Forerunners conceived a plan to stop the Flood once and for all, building an installation known as the Ark that created seven ring-shaped megastructures called "Halos". The Halo Array, when activated, would destroy all sentient life within range—depriving the Flood of its food. After waiting as long as they could, and travelling the galaxy to collect species from planets, which would later be used to "re-seed" the galaxy, the Forerunners activated the Array and vanished.[29] Although the parasite's spread across the galaxy was halted, the Forerunners paid a terrible price as they, and all sentient life capable of sustaining the Flood in the galaxy, were annihilated. The Covenant worship the Forerunners as deities and relentlessly search for Forerunner relics. The reason for the Forerunner's disappearance is revealed in Halo: Combat Evolved, when the artificial intelligence Cortana enters one of the Halo's computer networks and learns the true purpose of the Halos. -http://en.wikipedia....Halo#Forerunner For more information about Forerunners, go to this website: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Forerunner this is how Forerunners looked like: If you haven't seen my other topic on who Precursors were, go check it out: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5479-precursors-who-they-were-and-what-they-did/
  16. i remember that i was like 7 when my dad got this game on the PC and let me and my sister watch him. the first level i saw was Halo, and after the level, me and my sister nicknamed all the covenant species. every night, i would try to watch every level he played. my dad stopped playing after he beat the campaign, and shortly after, i met a new friend in my neighborhood and he had the Xbox and Halo. i would always go to his house and we would play that game every time. i then got an Xbox with halo 2, then got halo 3 and halo reach, and I'm fixing on getting halo 4
  17. yea, an easter egg would be something like around 52-54, you can see a four (signaling the fourth halo) in the left side of the screen right next to where the door he brakes open is
  18. for Spartans, it changes the armor and the color, and for elites, it lets you see all the armor effects and can take away the helmet. this can be done when dying right after letting a hologram go, and if you let a hologram go right as you turn into an oracle in forge
  19. but that wouldn't make sense since in the first terminal of halo CEA, you can see the Oracle read the data and files of the Pillar of Autumn, and by reading them and discovering humans history, he should have known that master chief was human not forerunner. he also says "Welcome humans" after looking at the information
  20. that could be possible, and would also explain why the oracle said "why would you hesitate to do what you have already done?" when asking the master chief to arm the first halo, but i highly doubt we are the same species.
  21. the pictures are linked on my signature, the part where it says Epic Screenshots. the ones you will see are my best four, but i think this is my best one: Fanale
  22. i found the one on Truth and Reconciliation by accident when trying to find my way out of the place :
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