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  1. its not a big deal but i think it would be cool to have water vehicles in halo 5 i want to be able to go underwater too
  2. in halo 3 i liked the equipment like bubble shield and the others halo 5 should be like that mixed with armor abilities and keep sprint a default i mean theyre freaking spartans of course they can sprint and they shouldnt have fall damage because they are spartans they are able to survive a 30 foot fall make it like halo 3
  3. i like the idea of c12 explosives from the books and i would like an option for 1st person vehicles and i liked the silenced pistol and smg from ODST active camo should be more like halo 3 with no jammer and you can move without it fading and maybe add a hawk from halo wars and falcon and in multiplayer aerial ships like falcon and anyothers they might add should have pilot weapons instead of just turrets for passengers but not to overpowered halo 5 should have more defined armor because in halo 4 all the armor looked similar, if you were in a game you couldnt tell what armor they were wearing and add more armor unlocked by special things instead of just ranking up like in halo 3 you had to get skulls to get hayabusa and complete campaign on different difficulties. and if elites are in multiplayer which i hope i think the customization should be similar to halo 3 where you could mix and match unlike halo reach when it was a set of armor. I would also like a better color pallet with more colors and variety but i did like the visors from halo 4
  4. there should be pelicans and phantoms in multiplayer also be able to get into passenger areas instead of just turret ex. falcon you could only get in the turrets in forge there should be a variety of maps but alot bigger and different environments ex. one a jungle/beachy, an arctic one, a desert one elites should be in multiplayer too you should also be able to control weather in custom maps depending on environment ex. rain/storm on a jungle type and snowing in an arctic environment. and be different texture forge objectsex. covenant structure, unsc structure,forerunner structure.also more natural objects like trees and more rocks and be able to change between nighttime/daytime and can add lightpole type objects. in campaign 343 said they put more details from the books and i read the books and it didnt really seem like it so they should try doing that more and add a few of the other spartan 2's like fred, kelly, or linda and glad arbiters confirmed you should be able to turn on weapon flashlight on in multiplayer. also be able to lower weapon easily and i've always wanted to be able to lay down AND crouch
  5. there should be movable objects in forge ex.doors,gates,elavators and more
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