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    XboxGamersOnline and Any HALO games, as well as any other Xbox Gaming...ect.

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XGO PERSEPHONE's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Thank you for the welcomes everybody and yes I'm excited for the improved team snipers to come to H4!! If you are interested in joining XboxGamersOnline, XGO feel free to message me at this gtag on XBL! XGO PERSEPHONE
  2. Thank you for the warm welcomes! Just to let everybody know, I'm the captain of XGO TRINITY SO and our gaming clan is XboxGamersOnline or XGO. If anybody's interested in joining us, just message me or anybody on my friend list on XBL with XGO in their Gamertag and XGO info in their profile! Thank you guys!
  3. Oh thank you Sikslik7 for letting me know this. Yea some of my squad's members were looking for the Forge World or hoping that it would return for H4. I'm ecstatic to know that Team Snipers will be coming back!! YAAAY!
  4. Hey Everybody!! Just wondering where I would go to ask about adding new content to HALO 4. Forgeworld and Team Snipers!
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