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Phillip Easter

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Everything posted by Phillip Easter

  1. 4 major points i gotta make. 1. so when is there going to be a fix for spawning in the middle of a firefight or in line of sight of a enemy player? it shouldn't happen, that's all there is to it. it happens to everybody. every player will agree it's bull****. you simply cant expect players to instantly know what is going on in their immediate area when they are spawned. 2. i know there are other players that have brought this up. but the kill cam is inaccurate. fix it or remove it. i'm sure you'll make a lot of halo players happy if it was removed. 3. why was the X from being killed removed? i dont see how we are supposed to help our allies when they're in trouble. 4. why was the arrows removed that show when our allies are firing or are getting hit? once again, it goes back to not seeing how we are supposed to help our allies when they are in trouble.
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