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  1. Here's my brief request: Placeable A.I. spawns, themes as a forge option for placeable structures (UNSC, Covenant, Forerunner, or Flood), and a forgeworld sized spacebattle map where the sky box is a fight between UNSC and Covenant warships.
  2. I would like to see the Chief fight side by side with either a Forerunner or Promethean.
  3. I would like to see a map that's smack dab in the middle of a space battle between the UNSC and Covenant as well as the ability to place A.I. spawn spots in forge mode. The spacebattle map could be forgeworld sized and have vehicles such as the Broadsword, Pelican, Seraph, and Phantom among other ones. On foot battles could take place in a debris field with really low gravity or maybe on a UNSC warship or Covenant warship that is at the very least partially exploreable. Combined with the placeable A.I., the possibilities could be endless!
  4. The A.I. in minecraft, the newest builds for it at least, have some sort of pathfinding system in their coding. Now, I won't pretend to know how it works or how it can be effectively implemented, but let's just keep the nay saying on the down low and stay constructive, alright? Instead of saying it can't be done or it's impossibly hard, why not brainstorm ideas to fix whatever problems arise, yea? I mean, if we listed all the reasons on why it would be impossibly hard to make a man fly or go to the moon and left it at that, then important achievements in human history would have never happened.
  5. I'm liking these Ideas. Here's one of my own: Place able AI spawn spots, and different spawning bots. Example: Say you make a symmetric capture the flag map for two teams. In the middle are A.I. in the form of Human, Covenant, Flood, or Promethean whose objective is to basically impede your progress at obtaining YOUR objective. This could make for some intense three way battles. Expanding on this idea, is forge able firefight maps. Another thing that would be cool to see, are some wicked multiplayer spacebattles. Like, one map could be right in the middle of a fight between UNSC and Covenant ships. On foot battles can take place in a debris field and some of the vehicle selection could be Broadswords, Pelicans, Seraphs, and Phantoms. Adding in the ideas from earlier, and we've got a three way battle on the backdrop of space, explosions happening everywhere, and the player feeling like they're actually in a galactic war.
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