Scarabs are armored Lekgolo worms that the covenant took control of. Look it up on waypoint. Anyway, on to business. All weapons from across the halos, Supercombine explosive launcher (Needle Blaster), Supercombine Sniper (Needle Sniper), return of the needle rifle (I realize that I like needlers. Get over it.), More Sandbox-style forge maps; at least 2 (meaning big, open, and full of opportunities like forgeworld and sandbox), SET OBJECT PROPERTIES IN FORGE!!! (this would be the biggest success in halo. The ability to set a certain object to, say, explode when you stand on it too long, or a certain weapon's bullet makes some type of trigger sequence like shoot a sniper bullet at the light to make the floor disappear. You get the idea.), playable elites WITH AS MANY CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS AS SPARTANS, more ranks, more specializations, BETTER specializations, MUCH HIGHER RANK CAP, balanced weapons (in case you haven't noticed, UNSC weapons are much more powerful, whether you want to believe it or not), A COLOR PALET FOR MORE COLOR OPTIONS, CUSTOMIZABLE WEAPON COLORS, a promethean vehicle, return of the hornet (or falcon, I don't care), possibly dual wielding?, more diverse color schemes of maps, more armors (I do like the unlockable armor skins, but it's honestly just a cover-up to show the few armor pieces.), and diverse situations throughout the campaign. I like to think these are obvious, though.
THIS JUST CAME TO ME. Forge- the ability to spawn AI's to a certain team, to spice things up a little. I don't care whether it's just marines, or if it's all of the different AI's. With some maps, two people isn't enough. In some maps, 16 isn't enough. Spawning AI's would make it enough. Also, a command key for them (use x to access, chose to give weapon, tell them to get back, tell them to go to an objective, and tell them to hunt for enemies.) I will honestly say, regardless of the reviews, I will promise to buy halo 5 if this feature is included.