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Creative Gaming Inc.

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Everything posted by Creative Gaming Inc.

  1. Hmm, I think I see a variation of my famous bench! In fact that bench is the only thing I'm famous for ._. I love that about jersey barrier scenery. Anything destructable or interactive is great to see on a Forge map.
  2. Looks a lot like the Destiny E3 gameplay. Did you happen to draw any inspiration from that?
  3. Wrong forum. Go post this on Competitive Submissions.
  4. Wow, this is the first time I've seen the "Next Gen" (I don't even like calling it that, the way they screwed it up) used effectively. I love the atmosphere. Nice job on the aesthetics. but how does it play?
  5. Hey, has anyone noticed how Damnation is a Covenant water energy station? You know, like, a DAM? DAMnation?
  6. Oh my god that is one huge paragraph. Don't like the weapon customization idea. Halo has never been anything like COD, and it never should be. The simple, equal weapons are part of what has made Halo's multiplayer.
  7. Wow, I've been working on a Sidewinder-inspired map that is frighteningly similar to this. Ran out of budget, though… Anyways, the key to a big, open map like this is sightlines. You need to invest most of your rocks into tall, yet smooth Blood Gulch-syle hills.
  8. I sure do like that projector.
  9. That Zeppelin sure looks cool, but you know something? If it keeps on raining, the levee's gonna break.
  10. Haha, I made a Flood map based on this level as well, only it was on the outside, in the swamp. I was planning on remaking the interior in a separate map as well, but I doubt I'll ever get around to that. Looks cool, I always love retro-themed maps.
  11. I believe that perhaps the Flood aren't actually a society or fully sentient species until they are allowed to develop, thus the Gravemind essentially controls the lower Flood, they're more like tools than individuals.
  12. Hmmm. The boat could look more… boat-ish, but otherwise it looks pretty cool.
  13. Cool, but I don't think buses have that many wheels. Not so spread out, anyway. Really like the headlights. You should put something under it so that when it disappears after shooting it, it'll look blown out.
  14. Oh hai dere. I got fifty dollars for my birthday, and I'm going to spend twenty of it on Minecraft XBLA, though my credit card is maxed so I'll probably have to buy thirty bucks worth of points on prepaid cards, leaving me with $20. I've been looking to buy some new games unlike what I've already played, with lots to do. Open-world and sci-fi games are welcome. Here's what Platinum games I already have: Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed II Batman Arkham Asylum I've been looking at Bioshock and Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Please leave recommendations. Thanks!
  15. Sure Forge Island has lots of space, but it's kind of useless since about 80% of it is water, and we don't have enough pieces or budget to cover it up. Plus, there's not really any good way to use the water in a land-based map since there's no beaches. Forge Island gives us ten times less budget than Forge World and puts some of the most useful pieces all into one category that only allows twenty pieces at $150 each. The budget wouldn't really be a problem if we had more to work with instead of having to build our own rock walls and such, which Forge World provided. Forge World also had useful special effects such as purple and orange for different times of day, and Next Gen for a cloudy look (Next Gen in Halo 4 just messes everything up). I feel that the lack of terrain in the Anvils is actually a very big problem as we only have very little rock pieces if we want t use buildings, walkway larges, Colliseum windows, or round ramps. Plus Forge World had a large indoor palette that didn't get in the way of the natural terrain whatsoever.
  16. Hm, this is the best-looking zombie town map I've seen yet. Too bad there's no purple filter to give it the nightfall mechanic.
  17. Impact has the darkest shadows, and since the map is pretty much completely indoors I would recommend using that palette. You also get a nice moonlight effect on through the barricades.
  18. Well it seems you have more rocks, trees, and decoratives than you need. You could substitute the railings pretty easily. If you're interested in doing a collab on the redo, I'd be in.
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