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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hello! My name is SPARTAN-A061, and I am posting my new fan fiction story here! I also have posted it on fanfiction.net (It's the same title), but I would also like to see what other people think. I will post the new chapters as they come, and I hope you enjoy! Prologue RE: OPERATION: SWIFT HARPOON FROM: MGEN. TIKHON A. KONSTANTINOV, UNSC HIGHCOM TO: COL. INGOLF C. LARSSON, UNSC-SANGHEILI COORDINATOR Colonel Larsson, unfortunately for your request on OPERATION: SWIFT HARPOON, there are not nearly enough SPARTAN-IVs to conduct it. Currently, the majority of the branch has been deployed to Forerunner Shield World Requiem, under the command of CDR. Sarah Palmer. However, OPERATION: SWIFT HARPOON may still be initiated; there are two SPARTAN-IV fireteams currently available: Fireteams Echo and Charlie. Though off the record, you’re gonna have a hell of a time trying to convince the Arbiter to lend more of the SpecOps for the operation. There is good news though, Fireteam Charlie is lead by SPARTAN-A061, also known as CDR. James H. Lombardi. Do not reply to this message within the next 24 hours if you believe OPERATION: SWIFT HARPOON should be initiated.
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