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Duncan Steele

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. They should bring back Invasion. It was awesome. Also bring back firefight. Spartan ops is more like campaign than firefight. Flood would be cool to have in campaign again. Brutes don't have to come back but hey need to bring back brute weapons. Like the brute shot, the spike grenade, and most importantly the brute mauler. They also need some UNSC flying vehicles. I mean come on! The falcon was awesome. They should bring back the brute chopper also, my favorite vehicle. Scarabs would be nice but I don't really care. As far as maps go, I think they should have sandtrap, death island, sidewinder, etc. The classics. Also they should bring back the halo reach forge map island thing. The pit would be nice to have online and not just in forge. Yeah. That's my random rant about halo 5 things.
  2. Awesome... Reminds me of Left for Dead 2 when you got to play as the zombies vs. 4 humans who were holding out in the street. Awesome idea.
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