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Posts posted by outvintus

  1. Dont worry its not dying, true that theres bugs and backdraw to work out but all in all its an awesome game, Ive met alot of people who actually bought the game Halo 4" not knowing or cared to play 1-3 reach etc. they loved it. as for 343 fixing things lets just wait abit more, They Just got one of the best or THY Best Game on Xbox and Im sure theyre listening and learning from his Hardcore fans like us to make the game even better so yea instead of complaining we should cheer on 343 indus.

  2. Im not sure if this topic has been raised already or if its the right place to throw this but anyways, I want a halo movie. I mean you guys agree right? Ive been screaming in youtube comments saying there should be a Halo movie already, Ever since I played CE Ive always wished they made a movie out of this game.


    Well yea they made that short "series" about Lasky and it was great but to be frank its not enough, I was loving those needlers,carbines, camoed elites and those huge badassed hunters but it was just too short. so yea I was hoping for a movie, something I think Bungie com. didn't mind. Since its 343 handling the prods I was hoping for them to hear those who wants a movie.

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  3. i guess giving chief a more human side to him, his been acting up like a machine from 1-3 and hell it gets to you, thats why when he was finally softening up,i was relieved, so hopefuly we get to see a breakdown of chief in halo 5 . . Machine to Human or Human to Machine as for what cortana said.



    reach is not better in both catagories. reach's campagin while entertaining contradicts halo books, cantradicts halo2, cantradicts halo1, cantradicts halo 3. it took the awsome story line that so many had work on and dragged it through the mud in a pig pen. so now if anyone takes reach campaign seriously their understanding of the halo story is covered in mud and pig ****.


    that being said reach's multiplay was fun. thing that ruin reach multiplayer 1 quitt bann, 2 armor lock. 3. no true skill system.

    things that ruin h4's multiplayer 1 quit bann 2 no true skill system 3. some say dmr too powerful.(I say dmr is ine but br is too weak)



    reach is not better in both catagories. reach's campagin while entertaining contradicts halo books, cantradicts halo2, cantradicts halo1, cantradicts halo 3. it took the awsome story line that so many had work on and dragged it through the mud in a pig pen. so now if anyone takes reach campaign seriously their understanding of the halo story is covered in mud and pig ****.


    that being said reach's multiplay was fun. thing that ruin reach multiplayer 1 quitt bann, 2 armor lock. 3. no true skill system.

    things that ruin h4's multiplayer 1 quit bann 2 no true skill system 3. some say dmr too powerful.(I say dmr is fine but br is too weak)

    I agree, as for recently reading the books, the campaign on reach did a number of brain jabs on me, the game didnt really follow the plot of the book, and as for multiplayers its pretty good, nothing to be sad about. though i miss some armor abilities like evade and armor lock.
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