Gamertag: TheJudgemodalla
Map: Barrows
Gametype: SLAYER, CTF
Description: Barrows is a symmetrical competitive map that supports Slayer and CTF. The map is made in an arch-shaped formation and has two bases. There are few power weapons on the map (Shotgun on top middle, Sniper w/ 4 bullets on bottom middle, Sticky Detonators on both sides, and Needlers in both bases. There is also one mongoose in each base for faster access to the middle. There is a turret on the upper level of each base, but have slightly blocked sight lines from the middle. There are 4 gravity lifts that will bring the player to the higher levels of the map. The map will work best with 4v4, 3v3, and 2v2. Knowing that using normal Infinity slayer and CTF on these maps will take away from its originality, I attempted at making the map and gameplay seem much more like halo 3 by making two gametypes, one for Slayer and one for CTF. The Map can be downloaded in the link below. The gametypes are also shown in the links below:
Judge CTF:!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=List&startIndex=0&details=65c381d0-bf2e-4476-baad-f1658d27b9cb
Original Slayer:!/?section=GameSettings&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=List&startIndex=0&details=b9286a76-9d88-42bf-b54f-b3e6031c3cae
Hope you guys enjoy the map! Please leave feedback if you could.
Fact: This map only took 2 days to create and finish.