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Everything posted by Judgemodalla

  1. My new map is finished! I say thanks to all who replied to my concept. Hopefully you enjoy the map as well.

  2. Looks pretty sick. The map reminds me of Pinnacle from Halo:Reach due to the amount of scenery around the map, but scenery isn't an issue at all with this map. Nice job
  3. Sounds good. I understand that you don't have a picture yet, but I honestly can't be intrigued into your map without a picture.
  4. Nice. I understand what you mean. Now however...your gonna have to find a way to use teleporters. Maybe, people who pass the stage go in a room with a safe teleport, and people who fail are sent to a hard kill zone? People who proceed each round can continue, and people who fail are sent to a kill zone and cant respawn. I think it would be a good idea, but I'm not much of a mini-games person so I won't do it myself. Good luck on your mini-map!
  5. Now i know what you mean. Honestly, I've never done anything like that before in my whole forging career. Honestly, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, though this idea does remind me of those "5 Rooms" infection maps I've seen on THFE. Maybe focus on that?
  6. When you say race do you mean on vehicles or just running? Eitherway: Why don't you make a map where players have to drive (or run) through a long hallway where there's a bunch of debris being hauled at you. Kinda like one of those "Hurricane Katrina" gametypes from Halo 3 or Halo Reach.
  7. Got some new ideas for a forge map Im gonna make. Tell me what you guys think if you could: a> a>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Judgemodalla


      Thank guys. I noticed the bridges are at height advantage and are faster transport, so I'm gonan give guys who go up there small cover from fire. It will make the bridges a dangerous but rewardig path.

    3. Judgemodalla


      *gonna , *rewarding

    4. a live dinosaur
  8. Simply beautiful. Even for a smaller map, I would treat it as any other competitive. Maybe even fit for multiplayer doubles. Nice job!
  9. Time to work on a new project, should take about maybe 3 days...

  10. I'ts my first full day on and someone already liked me. To whoever it was who did so, thanks alot. Makes me feel welcomed :)

  11. I could see this being featured in matchmaking. Looks very decent. Nice job!
  12. Looks pretty sweet! I like the fact that you were able to forge the map inside of the ridge in Ravine. I've tried but I fail to come up with a good idea. Btw I like how you made several pathways overlapping one another. Good job!
  13. Just finished making a signature with CS3. Now I'm looking professional! :D

  14. Thanks guys. I gonna have to look more into these play dates...
  15. Thanks. I when i actually come across something I like, I will continue it till' I'm done. I forget which map is Sanctuary. Wasn't it from Halo Reach?
  16. HEY GUYS. as you can see my name is Judgemodalla. Although I am a high-ranked spartan and I play war games from time-to-time, I am more of a forger than a fighter. Since Halo 3, I loved to forge race tracks, but over time i grew to make more competitive-style maps such as slayer instead. Honestly, I am newer to forums, and this may be one of the only official forums I will stay active with. Sometimes, it may take time for me to create and issue these maps I make, due to the fact that some projects i may abandon. Though in return, maps I do publish will be spectacular (hope you guys feel the same way). Hopefully I can meet some new people.
  17. Reminds me of Halo:Reach in all ways. Nice job!
  18. Gamertag: TheJudgemodalla Map Name: Heist Gametype: Slayer, CTF Description: Heist is a symmetrical competitive map that supports Slayer and CTF. There is a rail gun in the top-middle of the map that could wipe out enemies, if used by the right person. There are two mounted turrets on both team spawns. There are also damage boosts and extra frags on both farther sides of the map, but these locations are cut off from the center of the map. When in the middle of the map, being at an elevated level will give you an advantage, but you would be much more open to others. There is a one-way teleport in each team spawn. Because it is a smaller map, I would recommend that 3v3 or 4v4 should be used only. Please write feedback if you could. This is my first post . (Still not sure how to add the images in the text so I'll just attatch them) THERE'S ALSO SOME SHMEEFS IN THERE TOO!
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