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Riven Damascus

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Everything posted by Riven Damascus

  1. For the past two or three days me and my friend have been playing Halo 4 matchmaking and we start the match fine. But then our abilities stop working and all that is there is a box. And then we can not access our loadouts and puts us back to SR1. My NAT is open and there is no issues with the XBOX live or connection. We have been playing for about three months now and this has just been happening recently. So I am not sure what to do and what is going on. This is killing my profile stats. If someone can get back to me on what is going on or email me that this is something on the server status side please let me know. Oh and before anyone says anything...I know for a FACT that this is not a LAG issue. I have dealt with Lags and this is not it.
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