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Everything posted by DrunkPonyMaster

  1. hunter. i have a shield and cannon thing attatched to mt arm
  2. is the master chief armor going to be in the marketplace a little while after cea comes out or is it a preorder exclusive?
  3. i honestly didnt like halo odst, the campaign was to dark and somewhat meaningless. it was very boring to me
  4. i've heard good things about all the assassins creed games, i'm goin to try and get a couple
  5. if i got forza 4, the warthog would be the main reason i would get it.
  6. i've heard its good and i want to get it, sounds like a creative game
  7. i want all new armor in the halo 4 multiplayer
  8. i dont like the grav hammer in grifball. in infection the only reason i hate the sword is because i shoot someone with the shotgun and their sword flies towards me and stabs me, which infects me. i hate when that happens
  9. that sounds good but not to many credits for each gun
  10. i wonder if 343 would add the flood to reach, they could make a new choice in the living dead playlist instead of just infection and alpha zombies
  11. i should probably start reading the books so i know some more of the halo story
  12. i vote no. but dont they describe his face in one of the halo books, i thought that in one of the books he took his helmet off or somethin like that
  13. i wish it had a playlist elites vs spartans, it would really make the multiplayer fit in with campaign. it doesnt make sense for spartans to fight eachother
  14. hope we see your ideas in all the halo games to come
  15. yea, the picture it showed for the map was unearthed, but im not sure if that had anything to do with it
  16. i like gears 3, but i like the campaign more than the multiplayer, for me i have to play online for awhile before i actually start doing really good
  17. yea i turned on my xbox and played reach, and when i went to check it out again it was gone, i wonder if that was a leak or a glitch
  18. i went into forge and saw that there are a few new maps you can forge with, and their firefight maps! i cant do anything with those maps though. they are just blank stars and when i try and use them it takes me to the marketplace, and i've already bought all map packs. anyone else have this problem, or just like the TU playlist?
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