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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. I'd say it's pretty nice. I'm definitely utilizing the best terrain available - Water. And air space.
  2. Yeah, thats about it. The green screen is a wall created to help machinima directors animate backgrounds/place backgrounds with Spartans on it. You can have fun with it on maps, too. Especially with player effects and special effects.
  3. Kind of true; this would be like saying a girl is ugly but has a great personality. Post good enough content and people will watch. Very simple. You just have to factor in the fact that how annoying your voice is affects a part of how good your content is, ESPECIALLY if your content revolves around 'you talking as the main thing with gameplay just as a background'.
  4. I dunno. Do you have a lisp or something? Your voice IS a bit annoying, but I can bear with it so long as it wasn't as squeaky as can be. In terms of content, I'm confused. You've practically made a series of you just talking with gameplay in the background....and not only that, you evidently don't really know how to use theater, as evidenced by the remaining white name tag in the middle of the screen. And then there are those full-retard spots that would've probably been ok if you had fully passed puberty, but until then you should just....not do it. Like 1:06. I'd say you'd be better off 1. making commentaries when your voice has matured, 2. Make your voice a bit more enthusiastic, 3. Actually have a topic instead of just 'you' talking about 'stuff' and 4. Until your voice has matured, instead make entertainment through editing and not speech.
  5. Its an OP version of the Hardlight Shield....... If anything, I'd rather have a faster activating, less time hardlight shield so you use it based on your reflexes. Would love that; I'd return so many gauss and tank shots....
  6. Awesome! However, without knowing the classes yet I still feel I will choose Human when I get the game.
  7. Promethean Knights (And, to be less specific, the Knights, Watchers and Crawlers you face for the first time in Halo 4)
  8. My guess is Flood as well.... I'm always one step behind :3
  9. I wanna play Clue. :/

  10. How did- oh my- what teff- holy - You are a hacker. gj.
  11. One of em joined a custom game I was playing in. :/
  12. I love Reach. It is, excluding the boring Online Gameplay, the most fun game I've played. Campaign, I preferred over the ones with the Chief in it not only because of the sense of you-have-people-who-got-your-back but also because the plot was good and the gameplay was fun. Firefight I didn't really play, but Customs? Machinima? Reach is the epitome of great Forge, the revolution of customs (undone by Halo 4), the apex of Machinima. <3 Reach. Oh, and by the way, Reach had waaaaaay more armor permutations than Halo 4's stuff.
  13. Any good Call of Duty player will tell you that Call of Duty is truly bull*#&$ because of how many times the retards manage to kill you, most of the time for bs reasons which I don't even want to bother to start to list. To the point that most of the time, they don't play in the normal playlists anymore.
  14. Sometimes, I look at people who on the internet just have terrible grammar and spelling, and I wonder if they're doing it on purpose.

    1. EliteSniper
    2. Percy Jackson

      Percy Jackson

      Lol I sometimes do that but on accident not on purpose.

  15. 1. You can check what you have/haven't done in the commendations section; it's the commendations that unlocks the armor. 2. Commendations are online-based. Therefore, you MUST be online to get the commendations.... 3. And, assuming that you played on co-op, online mustn't be the issue. Therefore, it should be because you didn't play through in one go. I don't know if this applies to sp, but in co-op you MUST play from start to finish. I had a lot of fun with my friends as we skipped fights by leaping ahead and getting checkpoints. In any case, its too bad you didn't get it. I didn't get it a few times as well, and 343's way of programming made rules that were just bs, but don't worry. It isn't the worse thing 343 has done.
  16. Ok, to explain it - all shield worlds all have one function that they share with each other; this is to shield from the Halo Array's biological weapon. But then there are many different other shield worlds and they each have differnet uses. Onyx = A massive amount of sentinels came together to make a sphere that was terraformed into a planet. Underground was a slipspace portal to a dyson sphere, which can be explained by the lack of physics - it's a world within a sphere about a few cm wide, I believe. cm or m. Halo wars shield world = A combat based shield world. It held an entire fleet of Forerunner machines. Requiem = THE combat shield world. It was, during the Forerunner-Flood and Forerunner-Human war, the main operational base that the Didact used. Afterwards, when the Didact became a bit of an A##hole, they instead put him inside. Requiem's structure is different in that it is layered; the outer layer is where the Infinity was trapped in. It has all the natural stuff. Through layers more, was the inner core which featured what could be called a comms booster - it's actually a Cryptum, and it has that ability. This layer was small enough that with enough time, land vehicles could cover it quickly. Requiem was not built by terraformed Sentinels; granted, Sentinels definitely helped in the creation process, but Requiem isn't a bunch of sentinels. Next, it dove into the sun because that was part of it's self destruct program.
  17. Is not JL


    Hello! Welcome to the community! I hope you'll be an active person in it, and..well, I dunno. Have fun, enjoy, all those stuff. Yeah~ Welcome to 343i!
  18. Right, to the guy above who has a half japanese post and half weird alphabetic words, are you trying to get us to get your celiné handbags to japan? I'm asian but I still don't know what to make of your post. @OP, I had this issue once where it said I didn't own the crimson map pack. I reset H4, turned off 360, joined and finished a game, I dunno WHAT I did, but after some kind of 'reset' to the game I got the ability to choose them to forge again. Just wait it out. And, on a slightly less concerning note, Crimson MP kinda sucks anyways.
  19. Came here from Halo customs. But doesn't matter where, this is EPIC! I'll download this! It looks great, even though much of the exact details aren't even nearly close. How you managed to use the pieces into creating this, I don't know. Imagine a machinima in amazing mini-aesthetics with the modded mini-player gametype.
  20. You don't have hammers in the v2 gametype tho.
  21. If it's not a disc problem, and not an Xbox 360 problem, and since 343's servers are perfectly fine, then I think you should start looking to discuss about your internet connection.
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