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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. IC: JL - Geo - Reyna JL looked at Reyna, who looked hot. Reyna looked back, and JL looked away. As he did, he looked over to all the weaponry and tech they had brought, and went through everything. 1 BR85HB Service Rifle, 2 DMR M395 Service Rifles, Reyna and her Sniper Rifle, customized for lightweight mobility, a shorter barrel, iron sights with an additional 2x zoom below the barrel, and a silencer. Each of them carried a Magnum equipped with silencers, and JL brought with him his own Energy Sword. Along with them were 15 Fragmentation grenades, a communications jammer, and then there were the armor ability modules that they had brought along. There were 3 Active Camo units, JL already wore a Promethean Vision unit and Geo brought with him a Hardlight shield generator. "T-Minus 4 seconds," Geo said calmly, and Reyna and JL casually strode over to the now open bay door. Each of them on one side, all 3 helmets began a united countdown towards zero from 4. 4......3......2.......1....... I've never been one for plans, JL thought as he jumped forwards, turned, grabbed the edge of the Pelican, and used his momentum to swing into the canyon wall they just flew across, landing on a gradient and quickly sliding down. Quickly, he pulled out his Battle Rifle, and with 3 bursts downed 3 Covenant with headshots. The Sangheili in charge quickly shouted a order to the remaining soldiers, his menacing growl scaring the Grunts more than the sound of JL's rifle. The Elite quickly turned to contact the mothership, which was located a few clicks northwest. Just outside sensor ranges. Reyna kept it that way; As she jumped out, she also carried the jammer, activated it, and held it, activating her activ camo and....waiting. The battle raged on as a few more Battle Rifle shots were fired, Grunts shouted in pain and the only sound that echoed as well in the canyon were the sounds of bodies dropping and one Elite as he shouted in frustration. Then came the sound of an Energy Sword being drawn. "Ohohoho!", JL said with a smile on his face, "This is gonna be fun. Lets duel!" And so he became a blur of blue, his own Energy Sword lit as he leapt towards the Sangheili, whose face showed none other than first surprise, then anger. He shouted in an incomprehensible speech, four jaws snapping in unison against the sound of two magnetic fields clashing against each other and the sparks of friction in the air caused by two plasma blades. "Heretic!" the translator shouted as it echoed in JL's helmet. Can a human be a alien heretic? he thought to himself as he parried a strike, dropped low to dodge another one and swung upwards, the force from his sword knocking it clean out of the alien's hands and onto the floor, where the plasma first embedded itself, then disappeared. The Elite screamed as the idiotic feeling of loss of honor suddenly came unto him. There was a cleave, and JL sighed, just happy that all the Covenant in that outpost had been killed painlessly. OOC: TBC-
  2. What's on my mind? How amazing I can multitask, doing HW and playing customs all at once. Yeah ;)

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      You can do homework while playing multiplayer? Heh.

    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      i can do homework and chat on this forum, but that's all


  3. The RP here is boring. You can't actually interact with other people and there's no actual 'bad guy' side of the game.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I didn't even know there was an RPG here.


      On a brighter note I am setting up a Halo RPG on BZP.

    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      :( sorry you feel that way. It's not an official RP. If you'd like to start one I'd be willing to join it.
  4. 86. Death by 343's awesome programming teleporting you out of the map.
  5. WRONG. This game is easy. It's just that 1. It's so bad that it scares Halo fans away (Yes) and 2. Why the heck would Cod fans leave Cod for something that is similar yet still very far away from Cod, when they HAVE Cod, which is both much more fun for them and had much better gameplay mechanics than the boring Halo 4, which didn't actually reward you for being good. Noob-Friendly? Oh, heck yes! This game takes no skill. Team Throwdown is a bit competitive, granted, but it is nowhere near how even the simple 'Team Slayer' was. Rank? First of all, you can progress to SR 130 in days if you wanted to. Days. Provided you lived in America. Had a lot of skill? Doesn't matter. That lowly noob over there can reach SR-130 easily. And then thats that. No more ranking up and replayability. CSR? Not in game, nope. Only visible in the place where about 5% of the community visits. I wouldve said 10%, but the amount of people who are 1. retarded over there and 2. Banned because they didn't like retards over there are just astounding. I've been banned, for what, I don't know. So, yeah. THe one ranking system that might dictate skill is not only at a web browser requiring phones and stuff, but it's also one that is just a pure 'official' copy of one that already exists. Spartan Ops: Oh, you got to be kidding me. Call of Duty, a game many Halo players call 'bad', features a game where you can play on for nearly infinite rounds against tons and tons of zombies on massive sandbox maps. Meanwhile, we're stuck with a boring linear play map that barely actually enhances the plot, and unless you're the host, you're gonna be lagging about 5 seconds behind what you moved on your controller. Gameplay? Random, random, random. Ordnance drops: You a bad player? Cannot time power weapons? Cannon fight for it? No problem! In about 5 minutes time eventually you'll be offered a bunch of weapons that may or may not consist of an incineration cannon! Guns: We have a pocket shotgun. A rocket launcher that launches smaller rockets. A sniper rifle that kills to the toe. An actual shotgun that loses to the pocket shotgun. Armor abilities: Actually fine. Except you can't turn off sprint. like, wth. Custom games: LAAAAAACKING. Campaign: Story was ok. Gameplay? Not that ok. It was boring and SUUUUper glitchy. Lag: Haha. What, host migrations every game 10x a game? I've literally been glitched out of the game during custom games where I'd just get a black screen without anything else on it. Sounds are fine, since when I press the guide button the guide sound pops up....but thats that. Fixes when I remove H4 from game disc. In game? HAH! Joke. 343 likes giving host to quitters and laggers. Mods: 343 made a game that doesn't support modding. Top gametypes: Modded gametypes. Thats ok, except then you go onto matchmaking and all of a sudden there bcomes problems. Theater: Bad. Forge: Bad. Many other things: Bad. Maps: Bad. IU: How the hell can you go from a great IU of Halo: Reach to a terrible trashy IU like the one in Halo 4? First of all, blue everywhere? Why? That boring scroll playercard thing? Why? It was easier in Reach. There are good things, though. In essence, Halo 4 is like a diamond coated in feces; gameplay wise it's like a scattershot; looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, can be epic but most of the time is so inconsistent you want to break your controller by smashing it into the game disc. I've been reduced to the point of playing Customs every day.....and when I'm not, playing Cod, because I never actually find people with mics on Halo.
  6. IC: JL - Reyna - Geo Once, twice, thrice. All 3 Spartans were together again, 'Lightning' squad now reunited aboard the UNSC Eagle's talon. As the team walked towards where Geo stated the mission board was, JL was in the back of the trio, happily enjoying his hamburger, french fries, soft drink, fried chickens, and chocolate sundae. Reyna, meanwhile, was simply polishing and re-polishing every single piece of her Sniper Rifle and it's pieces. Nobody, not even Geo, could tell what her emotions were. Directly opposite of JL, who was quite happy about his food. Evidently. And finally there was Geo in the lead, who towered over just about anyone else in the ship. He'd been on missions as Lightning Squad's leader before, but never had he actually gone on such a ... full frontal op. It was rare that they did things that hadn't been planned and triple checked by ONI, and so serving aboard Eagle's Talon and going on the 'missions' there were a totally different thing from what he expected. Not that it mattered. They would finish their missions with the least casualties to their enemies, no scratches to themselves, the best success rate, and if they had a choice, they'd pick the hardest ones. Together, they each reached the hangar bay, where they quickly accessed a terminal to receive their mission. //Reports are coming in of a cloaked ship positioned on Mars. We managed to get a few I.D. hits, suggesting it's a covenant ship. We're sending you there to investigate. It's a medium sized Destroyer class, so expect Sangheili and Unggoy to be there in decent numbers. get into the ship, Find out what it's doing there, and destroy it. Make it look like an accident. The truce between the humans and Covenant is Shaky at best. We need to make sure this situation doesn't get out of hand. Good Luck.// "What a joke," JL mumbled as he gulped down the hamburger and moved on to ravaging the french fries, "They want us to blow it up without making it look like we did it. I don't get it. Why can't they just be peaceful? It's simple." "Orders are orders, fool." Reyna said. Nothing followed. Geo sighed. It was a simple mission; nothing wrong. He'd been hoping that the missions would have been more than just the 3 of them; both JL and Reyna needed more interaction with others. But, it wasn't that often that Spartan Fireteams were sent alongside other marine corps as they went onto the missions. Uploading ALL the data from the Talon's database, he placed his helmet on, the visor flashing under the light of the hangar bay, reflected and refracted by the blue and purple visors that also covered JL and Reyna's faces. "Now, now. Lets just focus on the mission at hand. Pack our stuff. We'll get there on a standard D79 Gunship." JL shook his head, and his team members heard both his voice from the air around them and from the internal comms in their helmets like an energetic echo. "Just standard? Wow. Its like they're testing us. Can I-" "I'm the pilot." "Fine. Old man." OOC: JL, Reyna and Geo to Mission thread And also, I really can't stand editing colors while there's such a dark background, so I give up. Not using it!
  7. Either a better looking Falcon or a Hornet which 1. Don't have rockets except on like 1 map (Like with snow warthogs) and 2. Turrets over heat and exist only for the passengers. So yeah, a Falcon. It let people evade locked on Banshee bombs if the pilot was good, flew at a high top speed, and it's turret is actually very powerful with good teammates. I loved it; it was both very useful and very fun to use. I loved killing teammates with the rotor blades. My main issue would be for people to fall off the roof less.
  8. Would've been better if you went into theater for the screenshots. In any case, it seems like a form of 'Invasion' gametype? Too bad we don't have it. I like the aesthetics in the last picture, but I don't understand why there's a kill ball. Is the gameplay very competitive? And how do you use your bomb?
  9. Halocustoms = Best thing I've come across in my online life since Halo. No questions asked, it lets people share maps, showcase maps, ask for help with maps, easily test maps, and most of all be able to meet other people and consistently play with them (So long as they're consistent!) It's through this site that I met a bunch of people who played during my timezone (Or, more accurately, 5am in 'Murica which is just about when I get home from school), and through this site that I met a whole bunch of other people, and even share some of my maps with great forgers who offered me their help (Although it was through an accidental 'I read the timezone wrong' ask for an invitation.) I've never hosted a lobby as the timezone I would host won't have the ability to consistently be able to get players, unlike my friends who start playing about 6 hours before I join the lobby. Despite all this, I still find the site useful, and I've even been able to get some of my maps played by many other players by asking a friendly lobby host - it was only thanks to Halocustoms that I was able to actually get a map to presentable form (My second one in all of Halo; my first one I actually present), which I both have gameplay on and I have submitted on 343i. In any case, Halocustoms is built around a magnificent idea, except it's the first time a whole site has been built around customs - and works, possibly because the people running it have successfully made the connections needed. Long story short, yay Halocustoms because without you I would have Halo 4 shelved from how boring it's matchmaking is, and would have been stuck being bored by the lack of people with mics due to the people in my timezone just....not being as open as westerners.
  10. Xbox 360, because I don't have friends who play on other consoles, except my Dad (And we share a PS3. And he only plays Gran Turismo. I only use it for blu-ray discs.) and maybe my grandfather (Who has a Wii, which he used about a year ago....when I went to play.)
  11. Hopefully the Flood return to the story and as an enemy, but not as one you face alone..... ......I liked them. They scared me, which is good.
  12. Ugh...... iMovie literally broke the clips I recorded for a video for this map and gametype.... So i have to do it all over again. Nooooo.........
  13. IC: JL New. That was the impression. JL - and most of his squad - was new. He didn't get the place. He knew there were other Spartan's around; and, thank goodness, good cooks. That much came from the rep of the Eagle's Talon. You didn't get around in other places without at least hearing snippets of how the guys serving on Eagle's Talon got all the good food. JL walked out of his room, and looked around for a map. He walked ten paces, paused, then went back into his room. I'm pretty sure that Park guy sent some kind of initiation thing, right? He tapped around on his data pads, lazily shifting through as he looked for information that might pertain to Eagle's Talon and the whereabouts of it's cafeteria. Or maybe even the closest snackbar. Done. He had found the data, and in one smooth motion had it transferred to his Armor's database. Placing his helmet on so he could use the visor, he quickly turned to exit the door - And smashed into the automatic door, which surprisingly decided to close itself now. I take that as a testament to my speed, o' dear ship. Thank you.
  14. Right, then. If more than one character is allowed, this'll be my second and third character, and they and my 'main' as you say it will push each other's character development. Name: Geo Affiliation: Spartan II - Spartan IV Race: Twice genetically enhanced human fighter, 'Spartan IV'. Appearance: One of the last surviving Spartan II's, Geo towers over the average Spartan IV the same way the average Spartan IV towers over the average human. He is bulkier, more muscular and generally bigger, but he still manages to outspeed much of the Spartan IV's like it were nothing. His armor is colored crimson, with many shades of black to go with it. In combat, he's rarely seen without a weapon in his right hand and the key to finishing the fight in the other. Weapon of Choice: DMR (Uses anything, so long as it finishes the fight in the best and quickest way) History: Obviously, much of the following is classified; many people don't know it. Geo does, and he keeps it even from his current squad, the people closest to him nowadays. Kidnapped the night before his 5th birthday, Geo is one of the youngest Spartan II's to exist; it was luck that the Spartans were trained in a way that made each of them related the same way one might feel to a brother or sister. Geo was trained for the next decade, the amazing teaching capabilities the military provided boosting his already heightened knowledge, the physical training successfully improving his body's already above-average abilities until they were near the average human max by the time he hit puberty. Then came the augmentation. Geo survived. He nearly didn't; both of his arm's bones were pulverized as the bone improvements were a bit too slow compared to the muscle density improvements. First there was the small pain in his elbow; when he twitched to the pain, his muscles squeezed his bones to smithereens. 2 weeks after most of the other Spartan II's recovered and were amidst their zero-g training, Geo awoke from his coma, his arms having just been saved. To this day, he still feels slight pain in his elbows, although he feels it much less, and to a much lower scale. After augmentation, he continued training, his maximum now improved to the point that he didn't have one. (His sexual drive too. Woops.) His mental capabilities, something which made him a better strategist than the other Spartans, who were already at ONI level mission planning, were improved as well; in every mission, in every fight, he has the ability to plan ahead, predict the enemy, and come out with a win; his brain can literally play out the moves ahead in the fight, see the most likely, and respond. To him, every fight is a game. A lethal game that can take the life of anyone he cared about, if he made one mistep. Many times, he survived the ops that his friends - friends who he cared for and was cared by the same way a brother and sister cared for each other, were killed. This conflicted him; as a Spartan he was meant to put duty before anything else; he'd been told time and time again that those who disobeyed orders were scum. But having been a successful Spartan II test subject who had nearly died and had for 2 weeks felt immense pain while his friends were watching him, hoping he would survive, also made him one of the most emotional, most human Spartans there were. Eventually there came an operation that took the life of his best friend in the Spartan II project - his squad of 3, led by him, and joined by his best friend and another female Spartan. The operation was a success, but during the process, the female was captured by enemy forces and while Geo tried to continue the mission, his best friend went back to save her. The words exchanged affected Geo's future the most: "People who disobey the rules might be scum, but people who leave their teammates are even worse scum!", and Geo also went back. Together all 3 Spartans escaped, but as they ran, one of the enemies who had a Rocket Launcher, determined Geo, as squad leader, to be responsible for his soon-to-be-death. A lucky shot meant for Geo was instead taken by his friend, who acknowledged Geo as being the better one of the two, before ushering him to finish what they originally set out to do. Fast forward to just a few years ago, and Geo is luckily chosen as the first previous Spartan who is inserted into the Spartan IV program, and he was redirected to work for the Infinity project just before the fall of Reach. On Infinity he helped with the process of Spartan initiation, Spartan IV training processes and the Infinity's war games simulations. It was during this time that he helped pick a list of people who would be successful as the Commander of the Spartan IV's, and it was during this time that he reviewed the files of two other Spartan IV candidates, who would, by his command (And ONI's) be directed into his squad, named 'Lightning' by the spooks, which would then be redirected again to Eagle's Talon. It was just by chance that both choices possessed genes that would have made them candidates for the Spartan II's - and, with the addition of the same, if not better, bio-augmentations, he knew that eventually their physical and therefore mental capabilities would easily reach and possibly surpass the abilities of the Spartan II's. This became a reason why he eventually started training the two of them, His first choice was JL, who ended up being his own 'protege', with Geo training the younger Spartan in the ways of combat, trying to utilize the capabilities that the arrogant yet skillful Spartan IV had. His second choice was Reyna, the Spartan he picked due to her polar opposite of JL, whose arrogance led him to both disobey the rules, yet still be a 'good person' and save others, while Reyna was a serious person who always followed the rules. Together, 'Lightning' was one of the best Spartan IV squads; if placed into the UNSC Infinity's crew, their 3 man team, in War Games simulations, would easily be able to hold their own against Infinity's best Spartan IV squads, such as the 4-man Crimson or the 5-man Majestic. That would be, if Reyna and JL weren't arguing, and if Geo wasn't too caught up in his own mental issues. Weaknesses: Geo's ability to plan and overplan can sometimes backfire, as there are times when he has limited information. Another weakness is the physical issue of intense pain that would happen when intense pressure was placed upon his elbows; such pain could cause memory of physical trauma, which would then further worsen his fighting capabilities for the time. ===== Name: Reyna Affiliation: Spartan III Beta Squad - Spartan IV Race: Genetically enhanced human, Spartan IV Appearance: Sleek and curvy, Reyna could be classified as hot. And pretty, too. For a Spartan. Her armor, similarly, is sleek, sharp but smooth at the same time, and whether or not she is wearing it, many others find her attractive. In combat, she is constantly not there. Search for her if you will, but you will never find one of the best stealth specialists of the Spartan IV's. Wearing armor of different shades of purple, you will never find her holding a weapon that isn't based on Precision and range. Weapon of choice: Customized Sniper Rifle History: One of the youngest Spartan III's who were placed into Beta squad, she lost her parents to the covenant. Due to her age, there was very little 'missing' - she joined the Spartan III's out of fear from what would happen if she said 'no', and soon after did everything due to orders. During the bio-augmentation, it was discovered she had the similar genes as the Spartan II candidates, and she was chosen to a possible Noble Team candidate. The spots were filled quickly, so instead she was placed for the Infinity and Spartan IV projects. All of the times where she has barely been able to grasp something, but failed, and was pushed by someone into something else, made her into an obedient soldier who always followed what other people told them, never trying out new things on her own, afraid of the pain of failure that will come. Soon afterwards, she was placed into 'Lightning', led by Geo. She quickly developed a rivalry with the remaining member, JL, who ignored many rules and struck out on his own. Despite all this, though, they still see each other as friends and have no hate with each other, although many times they develop into conflict which is only quelled by Geo. The one thing that makes her different is that she was a Beta squad soldier who also received the drugs, 009762-OO and 009927-DG, the drug that caused Gamma Spartan's to have increased fighting power and pain resistance, especially when near death. However, she didn't receive 009127-PX, the effect that neutralizes the combat drug, only the drug that neutralizes the psychological effects. In combination with her genes, this caused her to receive increased aggression response, resistance to pain and a 'heightened' boost whenever Adrenaline came, and as such every time threatened, she changes into a non-strategic fighting machine. As such, she trained to be a sniper, where the risk was at the least, and learned to become a great marksman, capable of customizing and utilizing different Sniper parts to the best for the mission she was one, and being able to quickly disassemble and reassemble her weapons while in perfect stealth, and in the perfect position. As such, she is most likely to use either an Active Camouflage module or a Jetpack Unit.
  15. .... Amazing aesthetics! And I love how you tie in your Zombie Games into a full on plot. I'll definitely be checking this out; and no doubt have fun!
  16. Any images? What kind of gameplay happens?
  17. You need permission? And you can't have more than one character?..... :L Note that because much of the 1st post was very un-specific about timelines and canonity, I've used traditional Halo lore and use the idea that this RP takes place after the events of Halo 4's campaign, as Requiem has been discovered. Name: 'JL' Affiliation: Spartan IV Race: Genetically Modified Enhanced Human Warrior, 'SPARTAN IV' Appearance: Never seen without some armor (Or his semi-stolen Energy Sword, something which, surprisingly, he knows how to recharge and does it whenever the Commanders say 'Care for your weapons!), JL wears black armor with dark blue additions and utilizes a 4.0 VISR, visibly blue when viewed from the outside. Taller than the average human but not as tall and as large as the average Spartan IV, JL is sleeker and less muscular than others of his genetic brethren. Weapon of Choice: Energy Sword. History (And THIS is where it gets interesting) + Bio: JL is more or less a prodigy who lacks the ability to utilize his full potential; rather brag about it and actually not do anything about it than actually using his abilities. Joining the UNSC Military on Reach merely days before the invasion of the Covenant, his military school was instantly attacker. Hotheaded as always, first thing he did was grab an Assault Rifle and jump into the line of fire, and, by what is possibly a fluke, shoot down a pair of Sangheili and their squad of Unggoy. Of course, he did do the right thing; if not for his killing, each of his squad members would have died. Despite his ignorant personality and the fact that he thinks he's the best, deep down he still has a good heart and wouldn't hesitate to step out and help people truly in need. As such, when he joined the war, he became a 'dropout', leaving the military due to the the death around him, whether it was on his side of the war or the side that wanted him dead. So for a time, he didn't serve with the military. Then came the day that changed it for good. The invasion of earth began, and while most of the fighting was focused in and around the area of Africa, it wasn't the only place invaded. His home was one of the place attacked, and he convinced himself to do nothing and let the military do all the dirty work. Nope. A squad of Sangheili, each wielding an Energy Sword, air-dropped down and killed all of the marines. Of course, 'JL' (He wasn't always known with that name) was forced to pick up a Battle Rifle from the ground, and used his knowledge of the surroundings to eventually reduce the fight to a one on one against the leader of the Sangheili Squadron; a battle he barely won just thanks to his nimble form and his fast reaction time. Of course, it was a battle that he got out of not without marks, temporary physical ones and then the mental ones that would take more than biofoam to heal. And so, soon afterwards, he rejoined the military, easily getting a boost due to both his ignoring of orders (Whoever looked at his file was probably pretty desperate) and his abilities - abilities that were already amazing for itself, but was untamed. Abilities that would only be intensified when he was forced into the Spartan IV project by ONI, who wanted him used as a powerful strike force soldier, to try and harness his skills. Slowly, pride overcame himself, and he became the more arrogant person he is today, especially after all the medals he earned from the missions ONI gave to him. Eventually, ONI transferred him to the UNSC Eagle's Talon, using him as a defense force; but also keeping him in check, knowing him to be a very loose cannon. Not in combat though, he is a bit of a joker. Weakness: Hotheaded and Arrogant, and too sure of his own abilities, JL rarely ever plans, and provoked, would happily run into a trap - which, unsurprisingly, has happened more than once, which he has escaped without a scratch from.
  18. Well... Wow. That little bar on the right side with 4 things in it is really hindering my ability to focus. Anyways, uh, this map is made by me. My GT is: Jl1223 X Please note that it's NOT a capital i, but a lower case L. Il - there's a difference, right? Thank goodness Halo 4 forces caps on me; people misread it a total of 0% less. Hmm. What else did I have to put here, apart from images? Lets put an image first, then check. If you can't tell, the above image showcases the map; asymmetrical but both sides very similar to each other, this image features the red team's half of the map. In the distance you can see the flag plate on a bigger plate, (I think), and to its left you'll see the only structure (Apart from the decorative 3-room up in the wall) in red team's half of the map - blue team's jail. (If you don't count slides as structures. And plates.) Right, next I have to do map and gametype? Um.... Map name: Childhood Wars v2. You should be able to find it on my fileshare. Note that if you accidentally download the original, not-v2 version, I will laugh. Gametype: Imagination v2. Again, on my fileshare. Credit to AM3R1CAN MUSCLE for helping test the gametype to perfect it. The above SCREENSHOT (Yes, I actually screenshot this off a 2 second video because it's more of a hassle to screenshot and upload to internet. And it raises my self esteem. The other pictures were off 2 second videos too.) shows the red teams jail on blue team's half of the map. It features a bad luck red-teamer, who probably died trying to jailbreak his team, and a scumbag blue-teamer, who for some reason freed his enemy team from their jail. Now, uh, description? If you have ever played CTF in real life, it probably goes like this - once you pass a boundary and enter the enemy team's half on the play area (For me, it was like this big campsite place I visited when I went to USA last summer), you can only run. But if you're in your zone and an enemy comes past the border, bam! You can tag him, and escort him to jail........or have him cheat, beat you up, and win the game immediately. AAAAAAnyways, this emulates that form of CTF, except obviously with a little bit more Halo craziness. Created using 2 trait zones of both Alpha and Bravo, this game lets you have 1000% damage resistance on your side, and increased speed and jump height on the enemy's half. That isn't to say it's hard to kill you; but any good player can easily score. Play offense or defense, but note - if you die, you will respawn in a jail, just like how you escort the guy. Or have him beat you up. Blue team jail (Where blue team members respawn) is on red team's side, and vice versa. To open the jail, you'll need either a good teammate or a bad enemy to touch a landmine, which'll blow up fusion coils holding back a crate. Try not to blow them up randomly. Once they get out of jail, they get teleported back to their own side, for the game to continue. 5 captures win the game, but playing defense means you won't win. (And in the end, it's not really hard to jump over 8 guys if you're faster than everyone backtracking.) Make sure, if you're playing this in a lobby, to tell people about trait zones. Right. As I try to find my fileshare on Halo Waypoint (And also ignorantly ignore that I wrote about 90% more than the average mini-game submission, and pray people haven't lost interest already), here's another picture. Remember that this game isn't about killing but about scoring. That really kewl blue team guy with the flag? That's me. Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this map and game play style. The map features 2 shmeef's on it, and overall I've received positive feedback - from those who are either mature enough to actually give feedback, and those who actually knew how to play when the game started (IE didn't go around playing slayer on CTF, specifically with the trait zones in this game) Enjoy! And then, just to add this as practice for when I have to do write-ups for DT GCSE (Disregard the below if you have no interest in the creation process of this map): v2 fixes and additions -Fixed Red Team's Jail (Blue Team Side) having large enough gaps in the roof for blue team members to jump in and kill red team's jailed players. -Fixed Blue Team's Jail (Red Team Side) roof from being an ugly lazy pos that allowed people to jump up from the side. -Added second shmeef and new decorative slide on red team's side of map, adjacent to blue team's swing. -Added soft kill zones on discs that the capture plates were on, so as to prevent people to camp and defend there, which made capping way too hard. -Added ramps on the Forerunner flat area for aesthetic purposes. -Fixed Blue Team Jail teleporter so red team members can no longer use it. -Increased jump height and speed for flag-carrier traits, so as to improve flag carrier's ability to escape. Feedback states this is fairer than before. -Changed primary weapon from Gravity Hammer to Energy Sword. Reasons: 1. With enough time, Gravity Hammers could move the crates on both sides enough to blow up fusion coils on the inside of jails. 2. Removes risk of players being bounced by Gravity Hammers. 3. Removes chances of death due to Gravity Hammer's large splash damage. Feedback states this is fairer than before. -Fixed the chance of Red Team players 'levitating' in the corner of their jail due to man-cannon by placing extra columns. Does not stop players from levitating but does allow them to escape should the crate be moved. -Added wall to block off hole in Red Team Jail that red team players could use to jump onto the man cannon, which would then force them to be trapped the whole game.
  19. You kinda should have expected this to happen when you see those crazy modded gametypes. Haha n1 343.
  20. Depends on their opinion on camp. I'd say camping crouching in a corner with a sword or something; I'd say playing successful defense would be like holding a DMR while standing on a easily accessed high-ground. And looking out and killing. Not including camo snipers, because those kids are just bad. In any case, it's true. If camo campers are really that bad, in a close range situation you shouldn't be dying to them; otherwise they probably have better gun skill than you as well.
  21. So..... Hi. ....I have to write more than that, don't I? This forum is too similar to the other one which I frequent about; there it's a full site based arounds fans of a toy series (Bionicle; I'm sure you know it) and here its based around a mutual love for Halo. And over on that site, I write tons. Comedies to RPing, whatever. So anyways, I first came here about a month ago (I think. I don't actually keep track of time; I let my calendurr do that.) after being introduced to 343i.org from halocustoms.com, which I learned of after complaining about lack of people who play customs in my timezone, on Halo Waypoint forums. I was also on my last ban 'life', due to the amount of sarcastic replies I've did to all the severely STUPID people on their Halo 4 subforums, people who range from asking silly questions like 'when is th nex spart ops coming out', to complaining about the game (More specifically about things that kill them) all the way to complaining about people who complain about the game, stating that they weren't helping the game despite the fact that those complaining about the game probably did more contribution than those complaining about complainers. So then one day, I don't know what I did apart from maybe say 'I think you're new to XBL because there's a friends list' which might be classified as calling another person out - after the person did the exact same thing, except with a little more 'you're an idiot' style of writing. So then I got perma-banned. Goodness, opened my eyes as to how stupid most of the people are apart from the single off-topic thread....which consists of people who simply don't care about Halo 4 due to how bad it is and won't bother visiting that place full of idiots. Anyways, yeah. I got here that way. More stuff about me? Uh.... I have a youtube channel? Dunno if that counts. I'm chinese? Probably a bit more. If you see me online, don't ask about why I don't have a chinese accent. I'm lazy? Probably the most annoying thing about myself I don't like - which I don't really bother to change. I have lots of school work but tend to just use entertaining technology more than studying?.....Nope. Not that useful. Hmm, How about in-game? I play CALL OF DOODY (YEAH NOOBS DIE DIE SUFFER FROM MY ANTI-CAMPER GUNZZZ) because I find it fun, I play Battlefield 3 (Hehehehehe) because I love games that feature massive maps, jets, tanks, helicopters, AC-130's, except without killstreaks, and allow you to both use teamwork - and troll so damn hard. And also it has dedi servers. I play Assassins Creed, was for some time entertained by TC's GRFS, and finally feel sad that I missed the golden days of Halo 3. Although back then I was a squeaker, and being the competitively lazy fun (Less on the last bit. I'm not actually fun to be around, I think, I just like to have fun) guy I am, everyone was a hacker. That was how I played my first month of Reach, my first Xbox 360 game. Then I became good, and usually ended up at the top of each lobby in the games. Hopefully I trashed a bunch of the people who reported me when I was in my denial stage. So then I bought Halo 3 ODST and, magic trick? It was more fun than Reach. Except for Forge and Customs. and MAaaaaybe campaign. Although that's because I like campaigns where there are good teammates. Especially female driver teammates. In any case, I stunted my growth just so I could have crazy fun when Halo 4 came out. Big mistake, because it was fun for about 2 days, during which I destroyed everyone. Then all the bad stuff started appearing. Now all I do is just play customs, forge, go trolling on Black Ops 2, and watch anime. Hi. You may call me JL. Pleased to meet you, whoever you are.
  22. Yes, because she actually acts like a commander and acts the way we'd normally expect people to. The only issue is that most of the people don't know how much of a law-disobeying lady Halsey is; shooting her is not only expected, but her job (If she didn't, it's a death sentence for her)
  23. What happens when you get to the bottom? Are there ways to jump back up? Is the gameplay better or worse if you incorporate the bottom?
  24. Wouldn't it be better with Ghosts? Seeing as you can control exactly their movement, while Mongeese you can't control. If a whole team went on defense, they'd easily hold the enemy off.
  25. I've played Drag Race 1. Had lotsa fun, except there were only like 3-4 teams. I'll try out Drag Race 2 after the current DR1 my lobby is playing. EDIT: Played DR2, It's fun as well, but the first is better because you can shoot people more.
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