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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. I would prefer the 'road' in between to be a bit larger, and feature more, long enough for aerial combat and wraith bombardment. And maybe a tower, since that's the title. :/ Other than that, if there was 1 more thing I'd change it's remove the 'sides', since there's too much white. Viewing the green outside might be better.
  2. The shotgun and Scattershot are both 1 hit kill, the Scattershot is just much more inconsistent and the Shotgun's range is just much lower than previous Halo games. The Sword has a higher range, uses up energy if you miss and hit a wall, and Sprint makes it stronger than Halo 3 but not as good as Halo: Reach's. You now need to use tactics, not run and knife. It's much more a lure-people-to-you-then-bam! weapon. Kinda obvious - a sword in a gun game, you're meant to....be stealthy.
  3. A good idea might be just to showcase other good maps, provide DL links, and also in the video 'pick apart' the map piece by piece, showing what was built, how, and provide good ideas - Instead of just circling an aesthetic map, or a really good looking infection room, remove all the parts and show it being assembled/disassembled.
  4. So it's a form of Arena map? My main issue is that over time, it'll get boring, since there isn't a 'twist'. That, and you really NEEd a ton of players for it.
  5. Which is excessively stupid. It's an exclusive; it should be given to those dedicated to the game and as such bought the specific versions.... not given to anyone with the amount of cash. Sure, I want it as well, but if 343 gives it away I lose my respect for them.
  6. DMR needs bloom because in it's current state, it can beat just about all the Close Range weapons in 1v1 combat. The exception, obviously, being the Boltshot. Bloom can at least help solve the range issue. Inverse bloom even better. Also, if we don't have theater in SO at least give us skulls, so we can turn on the one which removes all the HUD.
  7. My issue isn't when it comes out, but the fact that despite it coming out, it's not visible except if you actually go on Waypoint, which requires either a computer/laptop beside you, or a tablet/phone. That, and only about 5% of the entire community might actually know about CSR. And of that 5% probably only 1% actually will have the capabilities to access CSR. Meaning: It's a rank nobody can see except yourself. The incentive to play then gets severely lessened.
  8. That's the issue with CSR - Since it doesn't appear in game, probably about 95% of the entire Halo 4 population will just end up not playing due to getting bored of SR130.
  9. The problem with Duel Wielding is that you need the weapons to be powerful enough singlehandedly but duel wielded not OP. In Halo 4, this means it needs to be either small arms and maybe things like needlers and sticky detonators. And still, duel wielding the Pistol is already OP; it'll kill you in 2.5 clicks, which is very fast. Boltshot? The range gets increased; the damage gets doubled.
  10. Just so you guys know, due to aim Acceleration, a high sensitivity will feel like a low sensitivity no matter what when you first start aiming.
  11. No, 10 isn't fast enough. Ever heard of 'Aim Acceleration'? Search it up. 10 works for how I play, which is - Any range, any gun, any sized maps. In a Halo game, there is rarely ANY jerky movements thanks to Aim Acceleration, and a 5 shot is pretty easy on a 10. This speed isn't even capable of turning fast enough to my reaction, but there isn't anything better. I suggest everyone to eventually bump it up to 10, and the best way to do it is - Go the sensitivity above the one you're one; it makes nearly no difference. Then once you play several games (Preferably SWAT, due to the twitch reactions), go 1 up again, and so on and so on until you're at a 10. 10 seriously helps you out a lot; longer thumbsticks as well.
  12. 10. And that feels like moving through liquid cement, slow and boring. I've been playing on 10 since several weeks after I got my first 360 and Halo game. And I really suggest bumping it up. Maybe buying Kontrol Freeks. Either way, 10 is much better than anything below it due to how slow everything is....
  13. I know. That's sad, really. Hopefully when CSR comes there's a bit of a boost.
  14. Duel Wield small arms weapons for the duration of the Armor Ability turned on.
  15. Its lag. You can hack things like super-jumps and aimbots and super speed shooting, but your issue is probably lag.
  16. The main issue for me, is not about the gameplay but about how rare people use mics on the playlist.... The best way to play it is with good, talking teammates.
  17. Ordnance gives the choice of: Thruster Hologram Hardlight Shield Nothing else as far as I know.
  18. So Team Throwdown was recently released and it definitely plans on staying. That game is competitive - I love it! You don't spawn with an AA; it's an Ordnance drop. There are preset power weapon spawns on the map, so its all about timing and getting to the weapons again. Also, the gametypes feature pre-set loadouts; no more custom loadouts. I'm pretty sure you get a BR, and Resupply and the thing which makes grenades do less damage with more range. There's a mix of Objective and slayer. I'm telling you, it's pretty....-ok- competitive. Probably 70% of the players are actually trying to win, 30% of those 70% have the skill to carry their team, and the remaining 30% are randoms trying out the gametype. I mean, when I get into a game, I rarely expect teammates to go negative unless the enemy is truly great during the game. First game: 49-49, I got the game winning kill just half a second before the enemy killed my teammate. Its great. If you have a team with Mics, even better. Sad that I don't. What're your opinions?
  19. 343's Franchise Director spends more time on NeoGAF than on Halo: Waypoint. Indeed, there's only 2 accounts belonging to 343 that has posted in their forums; BS Angel, Community manager, and an account with admin powers titled 'Forum Team', which handles...the forum. (I actually got permabanned from that place Too many idiots on the Halo 4 forums complaining about what they don't understand, but what kills them.) AI players would be hard; Some form of firefight would be nice though. And yes, FIX THE KILLCAMS! If you're gonna put something in the game, 343, MAKE IT WORK!
  20. Loadouts are fine, as they are easily rendered useless by Gametype pre-set loadouts, like Halo: Reach's matchmaking. Having gametypes with Played Loadouts is fine, but lacking a playlist like the all-new Team Throwdown (YES!) is the main issue.
  21. Halo 4 is like the Scatter-shot; it's a great game, but it's inconsistent, and as such, most of the time doesn't compare to many other games. 343's game could have been amaaaaaazing, but they didn't have enough time to work on it. Forge 3.0 is a practical downgrade from 2.0, Theater is just bad, Matchmaking and gameplay has soooo many bad things that could be fun. Loadouts? Awesome! The lack of a classic playlist isn't. Ordinance? Awesome! Except the lack of a competitive version doesn't exist. Competition? Sadly, CSR isn't visible, which is BAAAD. Guns? Unbalanced. WHy use the LR, BR and Carbine when you have a DMR? Shotguns as well. Why use any when you can have one with massive range in your pocket? Maps? Bad. Most are BTB sized, and most have slow gameplay; it's been based around Dynamic spawns, which sucks. WE NEED BTB! If 343 spent more time, it'll be a great game. Even better if they had a great updating system that can allow them to upgrade many things in the game to what they should've been when the game released.
  22. It needs more GOOD maps. There's a reason nobody votes for Vortex and Meltdown. And its not JUST because of that terrible coloring.
  23. Personally, I'd much rather have parkour fun and zombies separated from each other, unless in a full on Parkour map; I feel as though your map would be more suited just for plain old infection.
  24. Go to Halocustoms.com, Many famous forgers use it, and there are enough hosts for about 15+ lobbies each day. I think. I'm still getting the hang of it. But it doesn't fail me~
  25. Too bad people don't use mic anymore. It was more fun when they did. That's why I love playing Cod S&D. Everybody has a mic, you can watch other people fail and laugh alongside strangers, and most of all, listen as kids rage over how you killed them. If only Halo 4 had a mic playlist that was hardcore. Not saying S&D is hardcore...its fun. (Ninja)
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