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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Why Elites won't be allowed to serve on the Infinity, I don't know. If they can't out of canon issues, take them out of canon. I never liked playing as an Elite but I still want them back for playabiluty. To the guy above me - You mean custom games?
  2. Then people'll complain about Promethean vision being OP, and blah blah blah. Oh well. People who die will complain, and that's the main issue - they're complaining about things that kill them. Most of the time they don't even know why something is OP; to them, it just is because it kills them a lot.
  3. It won't exist in Halo 4 because of the Xbox 360's limits being 24 players max - and I've only seen that in its limits in Battlefield games, which have dedicated servers unlike Halo 4, which uses Peer-to-peer connections to host games. Would be fun, except maps must be MUCH larger, teamwork much more required, a lot more vehicles, and good map design and objectives. 16v16 is stretching it for me but 12v12 seems perfect for Halo Reach's Forge World.
  4. A 7-multikill isn't necessarily hard in Infection. Go to Grifball, everything is easier there for multikills. Ah, Uncaged. Halo: Reach had the best zombies maps. Then all the bad players complained, and all the spots got nerfed.
  5. Naise Jawb! Although there are ways to skip many fights in Halo 4's campaign. Them glitches, so many of them.
  6. .... First of all, your list of issues don't even come close to the full list of every persisting issue in Halo 4. It's a teeny tiny list compared to the full one. Now, to respond to all of them... -Maybe. Never liked it. -You just complained about armor unlocks not being here, now you get annoyed that guns can be unlocked? Not like it takes a long time to unlock them. Plus, Loadouts don't affect gameplay if people doesn't want it to. -This IS Halo. Halo 1 never had duel wielding; people complained. Halo 2 never had equipment; people complained. Halo 3 never had bloom or AA. People complained. I really don't find it surprising people complain about Ordinance. My main issue about it is how 343 doesn't offer a competitive playlist that completely negates the randomness of Ordinance. -Not really. I just feel like Blue and Red has too much white mixed in. -The Plasma Rifle is no longer in this game. Deal with the fact that the Storm Rifle is better. -Forge World? What a joke. I'll always miss Halo: Reach's forge world. With all the customs I played on it, its almost a second home. Ravine barely compares; the lack of Forerunner pallets make me go ???. It's tiny. We used to be able to Forge on Alaska, Montana, the Canyon, cave, the sea, the island, the grifball cave, the flat plain above it, the air, many places. In Halo 4 each locale is severely limited. -Can't argue with you there, precision editing + zoom easily made Forge 2.0.....well, the best Forge to work with. Ignoring the limited custom game options. -BR sounds like an actual gun. An M16 and SCAR firing a 3 round burst sounds bad? Ooo-oo. -Lets just say, Forge in Halo 4 compared to Forge in Halo Reach is a downgrade. Magnets don't work properly. If implementing an idea, 343, don't break it. -Personally, I played campaign for campaign and not points, but thats just me. -This doesn't matter to me. Although the shapes may be changed, it doesn't stop people from forging good maps. To add? Errr.... -Lack of actual competitive playlist -Overpowered pocket shotgun available at spawn that can easily trump Shotguns. -Camo campers not being punished. -Randomness. -DMR makes all other Primary precision weapons obsolete except maybe the Light Rifle. -Theater availability is terrible with the lack of Spartan Ops and Campaign filming. -Forge Glitches from Halo 3/Reach are STILL not fixed. 3 years spent on what,343? -Campaign Glitches. Even my 5 year old cousin is clever enough to make sure, if designing a Forge map, to have no places where people can sneak out. 343? 'Lets have an entire level where you can skip to the final part of just by jumping through a hole!' 'Lets create levels whose every fight you can skip using glitches!' -No Elites for 'canon', adds in Flood as a replacement which canonically is stupid, and gameplay wise is worse than Infection and Theater wise useless -Lack of Invasion -Spartan Ops doesn't actually advance story each time you play it, and features repetitive levels where all you do is kill enemies and click buttons while lagging like insanity. -Fileshare unavailable for 3 months after release. -No skill ranking except for CSR, released 6 months after game release. -CSR not visible unless you have a laptop/tablet/android/iphone beside you. -No competitive playlist till tomorrow -Spartan Rank 130 can be reached easily. -Bad voting system -UI is a HD degrade from previous games Obviously tons more.
  7. Nope, it won't solve the people complaining. To many people, if you die from it, it's OP. It definitely isn't the way I wanted it to go; I'd rather have longer range and less damage. But whatever. In all honesty though, people will still die just as much because most Boltshot deaths come from either blind rushing, or the Opponent successfully outplaying the player in close range using the gun. If people are still blindly rushing, or winning with the Boltshot...people are still gonna die a lot. So long as it can't beat a real shotgun, its fine by me.
  8. When CSR comes into play, it won't take into regard all our past wins, losses, kills, deaths, betrayals, etc. to form a number. Everyone starts at CSR Rank 1, and you have to work to get to 50, the whole way, no matter how good you were before.
  9. There's nothing wrong with using camo as...camoflauge. But using it to be a wussy is a different story. :/
  10. Seems cool, but overall the size of the map means the driver only need do one thing and that's drive forward. Perhaps some obstacles, jumps, turn, etc. to make it harder for them. An easy way might be to decrease width and increase length, but with more driving skills.
  11. Well, first of all, I don't consider it a machinima as much as an animated series now. As for Arby n the chief, its been left hanging, and quite a bit is real world filming. Rots by Arby, half because I know Arbiter and half because of how good the editing and character development is.
  12. Complex a good map? Seriously??? The DLC maps were pretty bad, but Exile, Haven, Adrift, those are pretty good. The others? A bit meh. Gameplay is kinda slow on those ones. Complex? Depends on the gametype; because there's only 1 way required to win and that is to get top mid. And stay there.
  13. Camo campers? First of all, settle the fact that Camo-camping and Camo-sniping are different. Camping would be like sitting behind a corner, or your own base on Ragnarok, and looking out for someone. Camo SNIPING would be much more teamwork based; he would get onto a ledge, get into camo, call out, snipe, cover, etc. for his team. Much more aggressive. Now, about camping? Its boring. Why would you sit around a spot, waiting for someone to come by for hours....just for 1 kill? Thats easy enough to get just by running and punching.
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