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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL


  2. Cortana back in mission two already? A bit too early, don't you think?
  3. holy majestic bums team dlc on halo 4 is back

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      cool! except my dlc doesn't work anymore ;-;

    2. Delpen9


      They answered the call, and we shall answer back!

    3. Frankenzer


      Time to get dem achievements guys. These are all easy gamerscore to be honest.....

  4. Fun Tokukatsu trivia: The latest Kamen Rider series, Gaim, is set in 'Zawame city', whose maps are directly based off of Gotham City.

  5. This hate and bitterness you speak of is fun competition for me ^.^ Whether you like it or not, people give meaning to a virtual number and it can affect the person and the community positively.
  6. Ranking in HLo 3 which was a virtual umber on the internet that went up as you generally did better created an entire black market for the game. It was so strong of an incentive that people were willing to pay large sums of money to have a high ranked account. That's when you should see how damn good of an incentive a ranking system is.
  7. Ya I noe vigilant intellect
  8. Woo Netherlands

    1. Unease Peanut
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      And now I don't know where I'm at lol. Dem mussels and raw fish

  9. Never mind; Peanut was denied because GDR was down a commander. Still though, even with an overall k/d you can still pad it.
  10. We should totally invest in weapons of mass destruction that function through the splitting of atoms to spread energy that kills a bunch of people, or irradiates them and gives them cancers, mutations, third eyes, and generally messes people up. I mean, why not? All it takes is a 25 kill streak and we can wipe the floor with the human race! Who wouldn't want to die a horrible death like that? Investing in the ability to kill ourselves out of stupidity is the way to go. More nukes! More stupid decisions! that is the way we shall save the planet; by blowing it up. /notsarcasm
  11. 690 LIKES WOOP WOOP 696969696969

    1. Rue


      Dude, I'm proud for you ^_^

      That was my favorite level

      rank on Halo 4.

  12. To be honest, all those stats are useless or could be padded. A good way to accurately judge your skills for a yes/no on whether you should be a mercenary is to simply have you 1v1 GSD. Do keep in mind that as I am writing this, I'm pretty sure its gonna be a no from me. Considering Peanut was denied, and I'm fairly certain that he would have been on a higher pick than you.
  13. Understand: My point isn't whether or not camping is a strategy, but the fact that you don't need to utilize glitches in order to get the jump on others. That is dependent on your skill, not on how a map has been made. You're asking them to "fix" the walls - which aren't broken, just annoying - because you've basically lost the ability to camp and ambush using the map, when in truth that ability comes from your skill in using your terrain. I agree that there's a bunch of annoying limiters on the map that are genuinely stupid but I don't agree that these should be "fixed" with the reason being to basically allow more camping and cheap hiding spots. and then boltshot boom all day everyday camping everywhere.
  14. Wait, you can be a mercenary? If possible I'd take that. I honestly don't care at all which side wins, but if I can make it a bit fairer by being able to switch teams and stuff, ^.^ If not, my preference would still be Offbeats.
  15. Gametype specific: Obviously some gametypes are loved more than others, but here are two things that I think could be added. Firstly, to tack on to Clue we could also have Murder Mystery. Next, we can have flood-only playdates, which would have variety considering there are many, many different styles of play that Flood/Infection custom games can have due to the large custom game options. Other games on Xbox: Happy Wars (Free, but.....) Other games on PC: League of Legends (Free) Team Fortress 2 (Free) Dota 2 (If you wanna poo) Other: We need a map testing lobby. Able used to run the tuesday testing lobby on here but that has since stopped, rightfully so, considering that THFE moved, but time and time again I see hosts on here use maps that are untested, unrefined and as a result not as fun as they could be - OR they're creating a map and gametype of which a better version already exists out there. This provides the forgers the know of 1. if their idea has been done before, allowing them to focus on innovation and 2. how their map can improve. Cross-Site events. The 2v2 event was shut down because everybody was too busy working on their own things, and quite a few of the staff got caught up with their life as school ended. However, summer is basically here for many people, and with a bit of extra effort we can definitely get a cross-site event. Note: I'm not so sure about Forgecafe, since, since the 15th of june, their domain name had expired. Recording lobbies that are dedicated for people to record footage. More narrative-entwined events (It's always nice to give people that serotonin boost when they see their name on a post on the internet by a stranger they don't know outside their virtual life saying that they did meh in an event and then overdramatizing that with a story.)
  16. Then either go on Halo Waypoint and participate in the discussions of a few hundred thousand other people and ask them to 'fix the walls', or see if you can reach some of them on twitter. Does it? Just because there are invisible wall boxes which are somewhat annoying, it doesn't remove the ability to hide, or to ambush others. Although if what you mean is you lost the ability to camp on cheap positions on the map, well, *shrugs* thanks 343. There are a bunch of ways to outsmart people and to surprise them. You don't need to perform a jump in order to surprise someone. You don't need to run towards the enemy to outsmart them. Invisible walls suck.
  17. Huh. So while Gaim is done by Gen Urobutcher, Fourze is written by the guy who writes for Gurren Lagann and Kill la kill :o Shall be interesting to watch through Fourze

  18. Chapter 16: Lag, please. Thud. Ranger's boots crunched against the pavement as he landed, leaving on the ground a spiderweb of cracks as he continued unhampered by the fact that he had just jumped off a building, and continued walking towards Boss. The leader of the pricks hadn't lost sight of the action; his keen senses had managed to discern the general area of the shooter before the bullet had even reached it's target - who now lay hapless on the ground, a crimson ragdoll. It didn't take long for the too to find each other face to face. By now, all the other members that had roamed the streets had backed away in fear of the sniper, not knowing that no harm would come to them this day. Within seconds, the area had been cleared; only a small number of people stood on this street. Boss and his goons. Ranger. And the limp body of Axilus Prime. "What do you want?" Boss muttered through his teeth. He hadn't moved an inch since the sniper bullet had been fired, standing in the exact same spot he had been, but to everybody who had looked closely enough and long enough they'd have been able to see what looked to be small movements on the top of his body. "It's not every day that somebody shoots a guy dead on the street," his voice snaked, the essence of it's pitch and tone driving back even Ranger, who, under his mask, frowned. Tch. I knew he was freaky, but I didn't know this was how bold D38-Boss was. What's he hiding? The words that Boss spoke next had a tone that felt different, as though billions of voices were cohesively speaking as one. Eerily, Ranged began to theorize exactly what Boss.....was. "Tell me," Boss continued with a threatening tone, "Before you find me taking the words out of your throat with my hands wrapped around it." Ranger gave a laugh. No matter how dangerous and mysterious the person standing in front of him was, his mind was still the mind of a member, and Ranger could predict what a mind like that could do. "Things within 343iCF are being catalyzed. Like dominoes, these events will happen within a grand plan, the ultimate scenario, and as each chain of event continues, as each domino falls, you are hopeless to stop it." As he cryptically responded to Boss' questions, he slowly advanced, each word he spoke bringing him a single step closer to striking distance. Of the two of them, Boss was slightly shorter, yet he was also larger, and around him was a menacing aura that Ranger just couldn't put his finger on. "Yet, people still do not have the ability to see the confirmed future. There are wildcards in this plan, which we need control over, lest danger befalls the planned future for this world." Boss grunted. "And am I a wildcard? Is he-" He raised an arm, a crooked finger pointing at Axilus, "A wild card?" "Ah......those are things I am not privy to explaining. As of right now, I am simply following a plan, and the next step is this." Without stopping a single beat, Ranger reached behind him and unsheathed a thin, double handed sabre, it's obsidian blade slicing through the air in an arc of near perfection. Behind the mask that he wore, Ranger let out a grin. As expected, Boss had been bold enough - and stupid enough - to wait for him to strike first, and the first strike would be - The next action happened too fast for Ranger to react to. In front of his eyes, the very particles that made up Boss' body ripped apart from each other, allowing the blade to pass cleanly through it's intended target. Stunned, and with both hands attached to a sword that had just unintentionally made a slash arc too wide, Ranger could do nothing as Boss' arms came up with inhuman speed, literally turning into a blur as one hand wrapped around Ranger's neck and immediately clenched, while the other tore off his mask like ripping a piece of cardboard apart. Ranger's eyes bulged as the shocking pain rocketed from nerve to nerve, signifying over and over that his larynx had just been crushed. FUUUUUUU * * * This was new. It wasn't every day that people actively searched for the Felis Ipsum, the legendary, mythical beast that was said to stalk the wilds that surrounded the city of 343iCF. Few passed on the ancient legends about the creature; even fewer believe it's existence. Yet, it was known to the entities of higher ranking that such a beast existed - asleep for eons, waiting for the time when it would awaken to act as the catalyst for events, events the happenings of which had been set one era ago. Even now, the clock is ticking, and it was nearly time for the hand to finally strike. For the Felis Ipsum guarded an artifact that had been created one era ago. The very same artifact that Elite Sniper and Mayh3m were now searching for. Events had been set one era ago. The Felis Ipsum would be the catalyst, and when it's story is over so soon, the opposite of the beast would rise once again. And that's chapter 17. A bit late, and a bit short, but 18's hopefully gonna be a bit action heavy, and once that's done 19 will reveal some nice stuff that hopefully tickles you guys. There's foreshadowing for chapter 19 here, and what better way to foreshadow than with google translate? :3 hehe. EDIT: Just realized that I had to make a retcon for the story. Within one of the previous posts in this thread, I just removed a sentence so the next stuff that's coming works out. Props to whoever knows!
  19. I'll address your second bit first. Just because you know who is interested, doesn't mean it's helpful. Somebody could like my post, but this isn't a marketing technique; we aren't trying to look for people who we can sell goods or services to. Apart from knowing who liked it - which is somewhat of useless trivia - what other pros do you think come from people knowing who it was that liked a post of theirs? As to why removing visibility of a person's likes would be better, there's a bunch of reasons. 1. Removing visibility of a person's likes prevents it from being a competition. Like a win/loss ratio or a kill/death ratio, likes are a number that can be used to measure a person, and so too can a like/post ratio. A person who doesn't get a lot of likes could very well feel pressured by the others around them because they see that others have more likes than they do. 2. Removing visibility of a person's likes also becomes a way for people to ignore likes that aren't meaningful - for example, liking a post because 'a staffie/legendary member/mod made the post', or 'this is news' or 'i like the guy who makes this post'. Yes, it'd still happen, but this goes back towards point 1 in that it can create a pressure on others. I think if a post is to be liked, it should be due to the quality, the contents of the post - for example, a well thought out staff idea, or something featuring good creative arts, or a well worded news article, or simply a meaningful post. 3. It blocks out the need to follow the status quo; preventing a fear of posting because your opinions and ideas go against that of the general populace. Some of the reasons why people who like a post should remain anonymous could also be explained. 1. "I liked your post, you should be nice to me. Eh? How about that man? <--- It shows down any possible likes that arise due to that ideal. If you want favors or niceties from someone, ask them to their face, not by liking their posts a bunch to make you show up like a good guy who supports them, and takes their side. 2. The converse of the above is true. Many discussions on these forums can create sides against each other - a group of opinions supporting one idea and a group of opinions supporting another. This prevents a 'backing' by a bunch of people into a single post that targets the opinions of the opposing side of a discussion. When the opposing side sees that the post was liked, they don't see a bunch of people saying 'this post, which goes against username's opinion, is great - and therefore username's opinion is bad', they simply see 'this is a good post that people support' and they would therefore face a bit less pressure and discuss a bit more freely without fear that, secretly, the groupie of people who liked that post now hate him for his opinion or something. 3. It forces a reply out of the people who actually want to voice their opinions. If somebody sees art which they like? They are encouraged not just to leave a like and have it say "Username likes this", but they can actually speak and say why they like it in a post. 4. People just like anonymity. This happens everywhere in everyday life. If somebody wants to like something, they might not want others to see it. Anonymity prevents a response bias from coming up which prevents 'social degradation' in the community's eyes. This might be a weird, really messed up post. Maybe the general status quo of the community is that the post is bad. If that is so, a person who likes said post may not click the like button, because he or she doesn't want the post to show that they liked it. 5. The opposite is also true to 4. Maybe the general status quo is that this post is good! Anonymity prevents a response bias that entices the liker to like, not because of the post itself, but because the action of liking the post is socially appealling. Obviously, quite a few of these are extremes, but these things can still happen, and more often than you think they do. These are just some of the pros I could think up.
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