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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. guess you can't hunt any of us cuz none of us are scum
  2. Would you think this place would be a bit better If we didn't have a number showing how many times each of us got liked? And also if we could 'like' a post, but it could be anonymous instead of showing X liked your post
  3. Forgecafe ran out O.o

    1. Connor Kenway
    2. BeckoningZebra1
    3. Sikslik7


      They did spawn from a group on Bungie.net, and they relaunched that page a few weeks ago...

  4. It's not really a bad habit though. I'll like something when I like it and not because I have an obligation to like it; otherwise, likes would be even less meaningful than it is.
  5. Jetpacks as an armor ability destroyed map control. Did your team manage to beat the enemy team in claiming the higher areas of the map? Did you manage to force them into areas with less vision, less control, and required them to come towards you while you gained the ability to pick them off? The moment they have jetpack as an armor ability that all changes. All that work, nullified, because all it takes is the hold of a button and they can get right up next to you. Cover isn't exactly the issue in my eyes; its the fact that the work you spent on claiming the areas of the map for your team to gain a strategic advantage is absolutely useless because the strategic advantage is negated by an object which players can spawn with. A jetpack is fine with me if it's a picked-up armor ability, since that, itself, is a tactical advantage that players need to fight for, similar to power weapons, or ovie/camo/equipment in previous games.
  6. Too bad it's not the best accommodation out there huh Where are team lists? also if im on GDR i will eat a dog. out with the gdr. offbeats are the way to play
  7. I know this without telling you you having to tell me, and I'd be perfectly fine with a Destiny port, especially considering what type of game it is makes it completely logical for such a thing, and for the respectable percentage of the PC community this is totally something worthwhile and deserving. I'd just be perfectly fine with a note on the box saying 'If you're a little kid who cries about exclusives and proclaims how PC is better than everyone else, just uninstall.' Edit: retard wording made me sound like saying something other than what was meant to be said
  8. 8 - JL 5 - Self Destruct 5 - Butch Flowers 4 - Caboose the Ace 3 - UNSC Spartan-II 3 - WonderWombat 2 - Twinreaper 2 - Zaguroth 2 - Ruby Rose 2 - Ledgend1221 2 - Silent Alpha 1 - Bnus 1 - Total Mayh3m 1 - HollowPseudonym 1 - Uncooked Moa 1 - rrhuntington 1 - Unease P34nut A single e is bound to my name, unlike my Kaidon, who had two. My two actions revolving around him, were contradictory, knowingly insane. A phantom's strike, a trio's blade, trial and error was my bane. Through my words; with nothing to gain, cursed and banished was my name.
  9. I hope it doesn't, JUST to spite the master race PC people.
  10. I've explored 4chan. My eyes have been truly opened.

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      And yet, you feel so empty afterwards.

  11. lol making a timezone is usually fairly hard. There's 2 distinct time's that aussies and easterners can usually get to play with western people. The first is 9PM EST; This is morning for us and night for you guys. Unfortunately it's also a few hours in the morning for europeans - which is why, from experience, its usually best to be 9PM Friday or Saturday. The second is 9AM EST; This time, it's night time for us, while it's also afternoon for EU. Obviously it dosn't need to be 9 specifically; this is just a time that I'm used to talking about.
  12. People cared then. This is nothing new. It's just that E3 is gonna bring an onslaught of complaints.
  13. The Arbiter said 'You have to do more than walk in his footsteps'. I don't think that the interrogater is Locke. Yes, he's an ONI Mook, but he's just a mook, shooting aliens on the whims of his higher-ups who are probably the people who'd be working on finding a replacement to John.
  14. While we may not know whether or not the unifying thought within every Ubisoft employee is to be sexist, we do have to understand that 'Not doing something' does not equate to 'Hating/Disliking/Lowering something'. That's the reason why this complaint is dumb in my eyes, and not because female characters already exist. ______________ Not really related but in terms of discrimination and Ubisoft, here's an idiotic complaint people made. >Far Cry 4 is racist as it depicts a white man oppressing a dark skinned man Which, in itself is discriminatory if you're gonna call an asia white because of stereotypes.
  15. YOU MAY NOT POST THIS VIDEO ONLINE! YOU MAY NOT TAKE PICTURES OF HALO! boom warthog blows up from drm and then the nsa chuckles
  16. I don't think it was like this in Halo 3 but it was certainly annoying that people could pepper your with DMR/BR shots in Reach/4 and destroy you within seconds - although in all honesty if your teammates had an ounce of skill and actually shot the dudes looking at the vehicles you'd be fine. Teamwork is the balancing factor here.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JpGhnwpnqI Most inspirational song I know of. Nostalgia x10. Ignore the anime if you want :) (Bionicle 2006 Theme)
    1. Buns


      Best song of life

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