Anyways, Spain VS Holland is in about 4 hours, and I don't want to wait that long doing nothing. So I'm hosting a 3 hour lobby of fun and games and everybody should join in just for the mess. Events X weeks into the future can screw themselves, today we shall have fun and we shall have fun now.
Game: Halo 4
Time: Jun 13, Noon EST, 8AM PDT, 4PM GMT. Or 40 minutes from now.
Gametypes: Casual, Competitive, Minigames, Flood, you name it, we'll play it.
1. Don't be a debbie downer.
2. Be respectful of other people.
3. Say whatever you wanna say.
4. If you wanna test a map, ask nicely.
5. Constructive criticism is one thing; annoying imprudence is another. Shut up if you're the latter.
6. Bring a mic.
7. Not a kinect mic.
8. Or a potato mic.
9. You MUST know how to play CLUE. This should be like a staple for 343i.org and any other site. If you don't know CLUE should should be BANNED.
10. Have fun!
11. Suck it
12. It MAY be soccer, but YOURS is not football.
13. Spain VS Holland - Who do you root for? To join the game, send me a message telling me on XBL.
14. My gamertag is clear as day, I shouldn't have to tell you this.
15. Forge Island DLC is mandatory.
Candidate List: who cares lol just be on the shoutbox