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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Why does every single election self-advertisement post seem to have the most broken and ugly spacing ever? Come on guys its the 21st century people don't like big holes in the middle of things anymore

  2. /Slaps Gemini Dragons right in the face, sending joules of kinetic energy rippling through his fatial muscles and reverberating all throughout his skeletal system, the resulting forces traversing through the brain cavity, plus the shock of suddenly being manhandled in the face, immediately knocking him unconscious. To very briefly put into spectrum what on earth is actually going on, JXZAW has a fake copyright that he believes Caboose fakely copyrighted himself. Therefore it would suggest that JXZAW would be the person you'd be representing if you're trying to prosecute the defendant, Caboose.
  3. It didn't occur to me back then, but where I come from, where I was trained to change my name, the limits are 1 name change per 3 months. Oh, you think the rule is your ally, but you merely adopted the rule. I was born in it, molded by it.
  4. $%^&* Microsoft you grubby pricks why would you separate the GOD DAMN PICTURE PACKS I'm trying to give you my money but YOU WONT TAKE IT

  5. This is gonna be like 12 Angry men, except we don't have Henry Fonda giving us a good point of view because everybody is gunning for Option 4. You wanna fight about it in this thread? Go ahead. It'll be mildly more entertaining than the past months of people going 'WOLOLOLOLOL'. You wanna fight about it in the chatbox? Stop it plx
  6. eat. digest. absorb. assimilate. respire. excrete. die. that is life.
  7. OMG WHy would you not ask Zan-chan why he's so obsessed with diarrhoea also you should probably interview greenskull or something.
  9. Very, very dicey choice of an answer, since it's quite literally a concept and would be akin to the answer of the riddle being 'Heroes', 'Villains' or '#######'. (but idgaf next riddle)
  10. SWAGUROTH IS BACK BABY Anyways ggwp top 15
  11. By the time reach came around MLG wasn't exactly sticking too closely with Halo anyways and player count was much lower as well. Nowadays the people who play MLG are really mostly kids fooling themselves. Back in the earlier days of Reach, the MLG playlist was one of true and utter skill and teamwork moreso than Arena. Everybody had a mic; everybody was a good player. Never once would you see a k/d too high or too low at the endgame; each player do roughly the same because these people are just all at that level. Halo 3's MLG playlist was even more so like this, except a level 5 or so in the MLG playlist would wreck in a Team Slayer, or Swat, or really any other ranked playlist. To be a 50 in the MLG playlist equates to being the best of all players. A fact that you cannot argue against.
  12. Before the days where I talked a bit too much about mods and got my butt banned off Waypoint, somebody in the off-topic thread (Not sure who) linked me to a website called Halocustoms because I wanted to, well, play customs. One of the people there was also a guy here, and so I joined up here as well.
  13. If you want a PS4 centric playdate........especially if you have a specific game in mind......going to a site that's main central focus is that game/that console will be better.
  14. All I can think of is humans who have been composed but every answer for that has already been guessed.
  15. obviously he is part of the illumaniti sent to take chief so they can use his modified genes to further the evolution of humanity Looks a bit like a Spartan's emblem.
  16. That would be pretty cool, because then we'd have babies springing up out of nowhere. Yep. Dunno why though; people in the 26th century don't aim down sights.
  17. Just watched the new Godzilla. So bad lmao. Why would it downplay the good and focus on the poop

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delpen9


      The movie did well enough for a sequel (highest grossing monster movie in one week). Everything points towards the next movie having a more singular focus on Godzilla.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      it was the longest ****tease ever


      and the scientific+biological explanations provided a discussion point that was quickly knocked out by guns, tanks and nukes.

    4. Delpen9


      Godzilla sequels 2 & 3 confirmed to be directed by Gareth Edwards. (News from 13 hours ago)

  18. Doesn't matter; reached 50. It's just a number, but we create the meaning ourselves. Competitive ranking is an incentive to play, and more incentive only helps the game's life.
  19. Can we have Crescent Rose, Myrtenaster, Gambol Shroud and Ember Celica?
  20. Thanks for the filler. That was very interesting, and we don't think any less of you, Caboose. Also, I remember something about an RP being spawned from this a few pages back. Maybe, if there's enough interest, then yes. Chapter 15: Spawning Issues Ranger blinked. Phase two was here. The second step in his master's ultimate plan to finally combine the primary forces of the city was seconds off it's beginning. The bird had been toppled from it's nest; the chicken had been caught. Now the eggs were harvested - now the blade came down. With a gasp of anticipation, Ranger took a deep breathe, and then closed off his lungs from the outer world.....as he did with his mind. Crosshairs......set. Bullet type: Anaesthetic. Target: Axilus Prime. Objective: Neutralize Axilus Prime, attack Pricks. Begin. He pressed the trigger; the bullet rang loud and clear as it ripped through the air between Axilus and the rifle's barrel and embedding itself his foot. The impact itself was lessened as the bullet's internal mechanism activated, a spring within absorbing much of the energy from the impact - enough for both the Spartan's shields and armor to successfully protect the human within, but not enough for the bullet to crack through the feet armor and inject the needle within that quickly administered the beta poison into Axilus' body. The fluid that was Rangers' Master's project quickly assimilated into Axilus' bloodstream, and within seconds had pumped into his brain. Just like that, he dropped down onto the ground like a ragdoll. Ranger smiled, before immediately folding up his rifle and placing it within it's case, which conveniently had been integrated into 343iCF's messaging system. "Send", a button on the suitcase glowed with an orange/red hue, and the moment Ranger touched it, the entire case transformed into tiny bits before disappearing completely, reminiscent of a Promethean's teleportation. "Handy," Ranger muttered as he admired his weapon's bulk, now no longer a burden he needed to carry around in a fight. He gave a laugh when the thought occurred that the members who had apparently wanted to hunt him down for his bans thought they were the righteous ones in this situation. His rifle had been allowed to pass through 343iCF's messaging system. That begged to differ. The Sniper quickly reached for his other weaponry; the longsword he'd used when he fought against Edward Kenway, alongside dual SMG's which he attached magnetically to his thigh's armor plating. With his preparations complete, he looked down at the streets down below - 10 storeys down below - before he shrugged. And leapt off the edge of the building. * * * Axilus opened his eyes. Or thought he did, although it didn't take more than a second for him to realize that it wasn't really real life that he was in now. Around him, lights glimmered and glowed. There were pictures around him, but they were slightly faded, and each of them didn't make sense. The biggest telltale, though, that he wasn't real right now, was the fact that he was standing on non-existant ground. "Where am I?" He muttered, sincerely hoping that even in this weird place, there'd be somebody around to explain. To his surprise, someone, or something, replied. "Digital Purgatory." "What?" "You know. It's like, the place where you go when you die." "When you die, don't you die?" "Well, yeah, but....you can respawn." "No you can't. Wait, who am I talking to?" Axilus questioned, hoping he wasn't going insane. It wasn't every day you woke up floating suspended in the middle of nowhere seeing a bunch of things you didn't understand. Usually, that happens when you had a stroke. "My name is Twinreaper. I'm the force of existence that is bound to this plane." The voice came, and when it spoke it's name, Axilus immediately heard the full gravitas of what the voice - a voice which vibrated from each particle within this space, which emerged with both a deep bass tone and a young, innocent, shrill voice - and of both the magnificent knowledge and understanding behind this Twinreaper - and it's desperation. "Twinreaper, huh. And why am I here, able to respawn?" The atmosphere changed - it was tenser. Whether it was Twinreaper's creating or if a consequence of something else, Axilus could suddenly feel the urgency of what this Digital Purgatory guy was about to say. "You're here because within the plane of 343i, you've been knocked unconscious. Digital Purgatory is a plane of subspace that is attached to and balances 343i, similar to how the realm of the Banned is simply a part of 343i. While the 'main' realm you know of, as well as the realm of the banned, doesn't have a near-godlike entity in existence at the moment, I am the entity and a literal force of nature for Digital Purgatory. Since this realm is still just a part of 343i, my power can extend into that part of our world." Axilus nodded, not really following the disembodied voice as it said stuff that sounded like it was supposed to be a warning or something from the tone but really just didn't make sense. "You've been knocked out unconscious, the closest to death without true death or being banned. I could exert my powers to pull you here; but your time is limited, and I need to get the info across." Twinreaper continued, and even as he spoke he began to weave his powers more and pour them into Axilus, who also realized - and for a moment, flinched - from the godlike and awesome powers that were being transferred to him. "What happens now?" Axilus asked. "If I'm not wrong, you're going to be trapped. Your mind will exist, but your body will be controlled. Until a later point in time, you'll be an enemy to your friends; you'll be dangerous, and working for your enemies. At least, if their Beta drug is successful." There was a flash of energy in front of him, and Axilus cringed. Even with his eyes closed, he could closely feel that Twinreaper had done the same. If a god could cringe. "Even now, other entities are waking up to the events in play. This is larger than just a sniper who can ban; and to figure out who your enemies are and how to fight them, you must follow my next words carefully: You must find out what happened One Era Ago." "One era?" Axilus began, "What does that me-" The ground itself shattered into nothingness, for a moment causing Axilus to free-fall into the void. His stomach lurched as the sudden launch downwards in a world where nothing but light existed caused a sudden rush of Vertigo. "You'll find out. Be careful - until that point in time, you will have nothing you can do except listen. And you MUST listen. You are my champion now, Prime, and that is because it is not simply good and evil that is coming to contest within this world - but the balance of power itself. Good luck." Before Axilus could ask any more questions, the world blanked out as Twinreaper's remaining energy that anchored the living organism within the realm of tribulations were finally exhausted. * * * The old man turned around. Since Elite Sniper and Mayh3m had left, he had went further into his temple/shack, where the true jewels were kept. Crisp blue and gold holographics lit themselves as he entered the dark atrium, illuminating the altar that stood at the centre of the room and, situated on top of it, a single, cylindrical shaft. "I wonder if this was an.....intended........side effect of the temporal stasis field. The fact that I have bits of memory missing doesn't help........Computer, status of the absorption stone?" A chilling beep sounded out with an echo as '100%' appeared in a hologram, suspended in the air. "I see. All that's left is to complete the ritual, and I'll be restored to that form? There was no change to the numbers displayed by the system. "Hmph."
  21. Aesthetic attachments? Yes. But no customizing the weapons themselves please.....
  22. Kibou wa anata no mune no naka ni aru

  23. What happen or what happened...? In any case, while I agree with your ideas, i don't think it's up to us to say what people are missing. The 'true halo experience' is simply what people experience. 3/4 of the playerbase who have Halo games do not have Gold and do not play online, and only singleplayer campaign. That would have been their experience. Each different person has a different 'true halo experience' and while the people who are nostalgic for the old Halo 1/2/3 competitive play might be sad that newer players miss out on that experience - and rightfully so - that experience has never been the one and only 'true' one. Halo will evolve and change, for better or for worst. Should Halo 5 have that competitive feel back? Yes, I think it definitely needs it. And I would be very happy to have it back. But I can't force it to come back, and I can't force that experience on others.
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