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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. K i'll play. I'll try to wake up early enough.
  2. Looks beautiful. Would not give up my cluster______ of skyscrapers for that though. Not used to it.
  3. this halo 5 leak/troll....OP as ****

  4. If the problem persists, instead of disconnecting and reconnecting the router, simply turn it off and on again. You could also try to port forward.
  5. How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
  6. That means it worked.
  7. 1. This could be in violation of Rule 6. 2...... Well then no vote from me.
  8. lmfao 'quadriceps' dat slouch dat spoon dat dat coat dat bri'ish accent omg best skit. 'fatties were the first to go. poor fatties' In all honesty, the sheer randomness and situational atmosphere makes this just a great laugh. And that countryside looks awesome. That where you live, Bacon?
  9. They didn't get past in production stages. Personally, I don't actually want a Halo Film. Chief is a guy who you get to step into the shoes of; seeing him not be us/us not be him in this new adventure would be a bit weird. And I don't see a Halo film without Chief as protagonist.
  10. Both argues here said some dumb things one guy is an uneducated prick who quite literally was using wrong things to back up his points and the other one tried to argue against the above, and cracked under stress and finally said something that is also, admittedly, a bit stupid. This sentence doesn't make sense. The rest of it was your Sony fan demonstrating lack of knowledge, but what you said here just....not even once please. Read it back again, see why it doesn't help. In any case, was kind of a good read, though reading through an argument is nothing compared to being in one. yes no **** on consoles, only on PC's. Mac > all
  11. lens flares always coming out of the A hole 8/10. Cool colors but I simply have no idea where these character's are from.
  12. While you have your own way of doing it, teabagging is the universal symbol for it. If I walked past some guy who I want to humiliate, wasting a sticky grenade on him will make me look retarded; vice versa if I was the dead guy. Teabagging, though, is something everybody understands. The moment your ragdolled, awkward's body is met with my Spartan's groin, is something everybody understands and thus why it is done the most. By being the universal symbol for 'i *** your mom last night you suck kid', there is no reason to do anything else as humiliation and all you will end up doing is making a fool of yourself in their eyes. That's why teabagging is done the most. As for why it's called teabagging...well, balls are held in bags. And I guess going up and down happens in both video game teabagging and real life teabagging. As for if you're being a girl, well, the fact that girls don't have balls usually increases the humiliation factor.
  13. The one with the beta codes bundled/actual goodies > limited edition, because it only takes a second to turn your xbox from every-birthday-kid edition to unique-edition and a few more to theme it into Halo.
  14. EEREEEEEN YEAAAAAAGEEEEEEERRRRR levi still cooler though. he'd make this 4/5 and 5/5.
  15. A capture card can do the trick. Once the image is on your laptop you can screenshot or probably use the CC's programs to do it for you.
  16. lol remembir when they didn't release it in a bunch of countries lol remembir guys lol remembir i wonder just when will the xbox one, WITH kinect, come to everywhere else that doesn't have it
  17. No. Pulse Grenades are OP as *$@ If you aren't using them right, then you aren't using them right. Half the time the user is an idiot who is using the grenade like it's a Frag or Sticky, the other half of the time the user has mastered usage of this pulse grenade and is using it like a god. This thing is one of the most powerful pieces of warfare in the sandbox of Halo 4, yet due to it's high risk of doing absolutely inversely proportional to the high reward of using it well, it's something that is fairly balanced, if not even called out to be an underpowered piece of trash, when in reality this is a weapon of psychological warfare on par with the hum of a PP, the sight of a laser, or the bass blasts of an Incineration cannon. Pulse Grenades OP. I want customizable weapons. I want attachments that can vary the gameplay of weapons in a balanced manner. I want different colors. I want more colors.
  18. Smart Pistols needed an ounce of skill in Titanfall due to the massively low kill times and supreme movement speed that made using a gun that aimed for you need you to aim as well. In Halo, movement speed is much lower, and kill times much lower as well. This would be a boltshot, except you no longer have to aim. I'll probably write a weapon up later.
  19. Hmmm. Who in this forum do I want favors from is born of aryan race, superior from all others in a network of webs where space is paramount and destined to be the great leader of a new epoch? I nominate Azaxx i was gonna nominate drizzy as well but then the rules were OP and i could not stand under the might gg spyro
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