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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. I like how you stayed on topic as you wrote this.
  2. It shouldn't have been. Episode 1 should've been the introduction. (And damn, that bull***** bully arc.....)
  3. I don't think forerunners use cars. I think they teleport. Or use spaceships. And spaceships would break the meta. Too OP.
  4. You see Without betrayals You cannot punish the idiots. You are not punshed for idiocy. Instead, you are encouraged to be stupid; to stuck your teammate and let them run in; to shoot your guns without hesitation. Betrayals is a must. (Also trolling is wonderful)
  5. I believed that the Xbox was for babies. PS3 was the way to go. And Halo was dumb and only 3 year olds could enjoy such a stupid game. (To this day I still believe the latter)
  6. Halo 4 is an evolution. As much as 343i tripped and accidentally took two steps backwards, they did push on and take a step onwards. They added new things that could be awesome but honestly just had bad implementation. Ordnance was like killstreaks and I thought that was gonna be beast - until I realized anyone could get it. Sprint was awesome; I liked moving, moving fast, and if I caught someone sprinting like an idiot, they were dead. Kill times are around 1.4 seconds. That's long enough for me to pop their shields and kill them. Halo 4 might not feel like core Halo, and admittedly Halo 3 might have much better balancing, the game nonetheless needs to change. (Dang Halo fans lmao. "Durr Call of Doody no change every year bad game sucks" "Omg so much change in Halo pls we want Halo Reach/3/2/1/ back this new one sucks"
  7. Hmmmm....? This maps looks a bit like the one from time......what's the relation?
  8. I can co-host. 25 fits perfectly into this 2-week vacancy where there are no exams for me, so yay. I can host during then.
  9. I both want Halo Wars 2 and Halo 2 Anniversary. I would rather first have H2A, and then a newly developed, next-gen console Halo Wars.
  10. Are you guys talking about.....Ununseptium? Element 117? O.o Well, the IUPAC, if they officially recognize element 117 (Which was synthesized back in 2010?), may switch to use a permanent name suggested by the discoverers, who were americans and russians jointly. If they played Halo, then mehbeh. You wouldn't believe the funny names out there in chemistry. Best compound name is for ((Mg,Fe)7Si8(OH)22) lmao
  11. So you have no evidence but still supported Yang undendingly #Biased #Suspicious
  12. I've seen this guy's video before, where he pretty much gave a homeless man a thousand dollars. It's almost funny that quite a bunch of the people on youtube who do these things, giving people food, money, quite literally things that we take fro granted but will brighten up their day and possibly their entire weak - are also people who do real-life trolling. Vitaly, anyone? In any case, it's definitely nice to see people like Rahat around. An inspiration for us all. I hope.
  13. pics or it didn't happen (not that I really care if we hung an innocent, just that you're withholding evidence from us)
  14. We have Ruby next his attitude is very condescending
  15. Cod 1 Christians 0 2tech4me lmao 10/10 would bang
  16. THE NAME!!! THE NAME THOUGH!! OMG BEST NAME!! <33333333 Welcome to the site, sensualmanhands! -JL
  17. Yang will die We will rejoice whether he's Mafia or not
  18. Changing ISP might not mean changing the software of your router's and stuff either.
  19. Teaching you how to aim better isn't something that can be done, and if you're doing bad, chances are that's the reason. No matter how much strategy you learn, how many unique tactics and skills you utilize, if you can't shoot an enemy there's nothing you can do. And the only thing you can do to improve your shooting is just to play a bunch. DON'T use an AR, because that cheapskate weapon which isn't even good doesn't help you practice your aiming at all. I'd suggest start with the BR, then switch to the DMR/Light Rifle. Play Matchmaking a bunch, and you'll get better eventually.
  20. suckadingdong Yang You die Mafian. Imma quote Caboose here: "I have been working with Prime to find out who the Mafia is" suggests that it isn't a guy leaking the info, but more that they simply managed to work out who everyone is and have a list, whether it's by guessing, common sense or by contacting a bunch of people. :/
  21. OR You could fix your internet, because if everybody else can access Halo 4 - AND Halo: Reach's servers - without issue, but you can't, it's a problem on your end. Possible fixes include turning off and on your router, using wired to your Xbox, port forwarding your Xbox, or setting your Xbox in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) of your router.
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