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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. That triple monitor Halo 5 setup though. I wants :3

  2. Thx twin for saying what I was gonna say But in green
  3. Gameplay takes precedence. Spartans can do front flips, backflips, they can go prone, but you can't do that in game either. Also, these guns aren't designed purely for Spartans.
  4. wot a legend and he still managed to misspell Ebonheart and many other names from the game 11/10
  5. If there's one type of Destiny player I actually want to golden gun in the face, its this. IT'S A 5 LETTER NAME! ONE YOU STARE AT EVERY TIME YOU DO VAULT OF GLASS! WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO ADD A RANDOM E IN THERE? Seriously, there is literally no possible reason to misspell any bosses name. This is like spelling Azaxx 'Azzax' or something. Grrr. ----- @OP What's really important to understand about Destiny is that you NEED to have a group of friends who play it frequently, consistently, and won't leave you out of games. THAT's whats necessary for you. Doing everything alone is worse than doing everything with friends, especially since the lack of people to play with you will lock you out of major pieces of content that will essentially be required for you to progress in a sufficient manner. If you have friends who play frequently and consistently and won't hesitate to let you join them, the game's content will be that much more enjoyable. If you don't, be wary of the purchase. Solo players are screwed by the Destiny system. As to whether or not buying The Taken King's bundle is worth it, think about it. You're getting: Vanilla game DLC 1 DLC 2 Bigger-than-normal DLC 3 For the price of just Vanilla game. ----- That's exactly how I got my Gjallarhorn. Lol
  6. That's not how radar works! Its Warzone only; repeated time and time again from 343i officials on Waypoint, twitter.... And tbh these gameplay enhancements barely exist. Adding a scope on an AR doesn't mean anything if the player scoping in cannot aim as well as the player who doesn't have a scope.
  7. You can switch any time. You simply have to set it as your home campaign. If you cant, it means you don't have enough Alliance points (The currency for PvP which you get for doing anything. So you suck.) What I'm wondering is, if the wording is 'home' campaign, does this mean that if we join up in a party and the party leader hops into their campaign, does everyone join into that campaign since its the home of the party l
  8. @BaconShelf, I think they're talking about the non-volitional AI commissioned by Locke to analysing and determining weaknesses in the MJOLNIR armor of Spartans that go outside operational parameters. @@Everyone Calm Down else, The non-volitional AI commissioned for STOLEN GAUNTLET - the name for a Spartan going AWOL - are the player teams in Hunt the Signal.
  9. yeah nah i remember last time on Exile first thing one of the guys who joined said was 'wait these kids think they're good??' lol (Bnus pls invite that guy again; what was his gamertag? I wanna play with him on Halo/Destiny/whatever ._.) I'll join. The timezone set here is one of the best ones that even exist.
  10. Whenever your current campaign ends don't join the next one immediately. We should decide upon a single campaign for all of our guild members to join so we'll end up within the same instance of cyrodiil. Even if we are killing each other at the end of the day. (Especially so)
  11. I'll join if I can. We don't necessarily need to pick a side, right?
  12. When Buck was 18 years old, Locke was 1 year old.

  13. What are your thoughts and opinions on the sociopolitical aspects of the Halo Universe during the time period of Post-Covenant War - 2553 - all the way up through to Halo 5: Guardians's time period, 2558?
  14. Pro: People hide less Con: When the best player gets the BR/DMR and they just wreck face against SMG/AR wielding players for half the game because those guys cant fight back I'd rather we just have both.
  15. Ladsassin's Creed

  16. Noice mate. Congrats.
  17. Disregarding the MCC itself, the franchise probably started to fall in popularity after: a) The handover of Halo from Bungie to 343 Bungie's choices in Reach to change up the formula by inclusion of things that much of the community viewed as bad decisions c) 343 following down Bungie's path and including things which the community ends up splitting apart from, tearing into two general halves of people who dislike each other. One side wants 'classic', one side wants 'change'. When you make decisions in your games to try to attract gamers from other franchises who would rather play their franchise than your shoddy mix-match, while simultaneously alienating your own fanbase because of the inclusion of new things that don't sit well with them, well.... yeah. What's wrong with hate posts? They are completely justified. Probably all the hate. Nobody likes it if all they see is people hating them. There's a difference between constructive criticism and hate. A lot of people only play this game for it's online functionalities. So if it's just 'online' broken, then to them it's, for all intents and purposes, 100% broken.
  18. In technicality I could continue. But posting rate will either be low or chapter length will be small. And, well, there's not exactly that many readers.
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