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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Meanwhile, the RNG god laughs at you. #Type2Syndrome much, Caboose, Biggles. Caboose - 5 Biggles - 1 Null - 3 I can't be around from 6PM to around 9PM (Switch to AM for EST), so voting shall be closed in just a bit less than 2 hours, and then the scene for lynching will be up. Now, for Night 3 (I don't normally do this, but I did ask you guys to be prepared): Mafians, confirm that the person you want dead and the person who will be the killer is who you want it to be. Sniper, you're fine. If you wanna make changes to your target, ASAP is the time, Detective, you MAY want to re-think the person you will be investigating. If current events proceed as they are, you WILL be rethinking it. Moderator, you know what you did wrong, as do some others. Don't do it again, or there will be punishment in store for you. I'll begin writing the scene for Night 3 some time after Lynching 2.
  2. Voting ends in about 6 hours. I'll do a count when I get home. If night roles can ready their PM's, do so.
  3. Three Idiots. Indian movie. Must watch for all students.
  4. Personally, I think better paragraphing might be in order, and also that there might be a bit too many short sentences and a slight abundance of complex sentences. I have to say, I cringed a little bit when I saw the touchy-feely between John and Kelly. It felt a bit out of character for them. Otherwise, it was a nice little short story, despite slightly destroying canon with the fact that Chief's survival was kept top secret. KUTNW.
  5. BZ1 - 1 Null - 3 24 hours of voting left.
  6. No votes recorded so far. You guys have about 36 hours left for voting. FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE WONDERING: I haven't put ANY clues in the scenes and the suspect list for analysis, nor will I do so in Mafia 2.0
  7. 1. Yes 2. You can figure that one out yourself. 3. No. After all, nobody believes you, right? Why ruin the fun.
  8. My god. My god. Ahahahahahahaha......I'm cracking up here. Figuratively.
  9. Night 2 "Oi!" The detective said towards the dude on the terrace, "Who are you?" "I am the mystic of the night, the gale of darkness, the-" The dude was cut off as the Detective walked up to him, ate his clothes, and took his ID. "Hey!" The dude, now naked on the terrace, muttered, "What are you doing?" "Just checking," the detective said before floating back down and leaving. ----- "I am a sneaky sneaky boy...." the Mafian said as he approached Axilus from behind. Silently, he took out his knife, and from the Medic's perspective it was obvious that the Mafian wanted to penetrate Axilus from behind as well. With his knife. And for the Medic, that was problematic. First off, from behind? Yeah, no. Second, penetrating people with sharp objects isn't exactly a good thing for your health anyway. "Stop right there!" The medic shouter, walking up to the Mafia, who froze, crouched, while Axilus turned around to the source of the sound. "Huh?" He mumbled, stunned, before noticing the guy with his knife. "Hey! YOU'RE the mafian?" "Yeah." "Get out of here!" Axilus and the Medic said in unison, and both of them walked over to slap him on the face. "Ooooo!" The Mafian cried. Axilus turned to the Medic. The Medic turned to Axilus. "I wonder who you are," Axilus began, and the Medic nodded. "Me too. I'm not really sure; all I know is I need to stay quiet and not get killed." "Well, good job on picking who to protect, because now I live! We dun got no suspect list though. But who cares. Now, off I go to look for the next person to tickle until they fall over. Toodleoo!~" And with that, Axilus skipped off into the dark of the night. * * * You have 48 hours. Vote away.
  10. 11 AM Saturday for me (thank goodness I can convert timezones with my brain).... I might come later on. And I might donate some games.
  11. In the normal forum Mafia game that I play, it's veeeery hard to tell who is dragging which team down to the depths. Then I come to this place, and it's clear as day who is doing good and who is killing their allies. Its just...wow.
  12. although i would ahve to say that if i didnt spend all my time gaming my grades would be soooo high up lol
  13. "What the heck did you just frickin say about me, you little punk? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the video editing, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret edits on FaZe clips, and I have over 300 confirmed xx360noscopesxx. I am trained in gorilla cut pro X and I’m the top editor in the entire video editing clan. You are nothing to me but just client. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my legit video. You think you can get away with saying that to me over the Internet? Think again. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of youtube troops across the interwebz and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare bread. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the windows movie maker and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable buttocks the face of the continent, you little mayonnaise. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your ongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you idiot. I will upload fury all over you and you will drown in it. dead, kiddo."
  14. Your point that there is proven evidence that Video Games don't cause behaviour issues is wrong. It is a proven fact that there is a correlation between aggression and video games, from experiments conducted before. For example, there was an experiment in which 210 students were split into groups to play one of two games - either Myth, or Wolfenstein. One was a puzzle adventure game, the other was, well, not the most appropriate thing I should mention. They tested aggression levels through the act of doing a 'harmless attack' at another student after losing a reaction test. Players who played Wolfenstein made a much more harmful 'attack' compared to Myth players. There is a proven correlation between Video game and Aggression. It's simply that a correlation does not equal to cause and effect, and Aggression doesn't equate to violence. It's just that most of the people who end up causing large, violent acts due to 'video games' have mental health issues already. Otherwise, it's generally a good condensed-detail presentation that gives out the basic information for people. Only nitpick I have is that you don't give a reason as to why violence decreases while video game sales increase, making it sound like video games are making people less violent, when it's just about certain that the real reason is due to economy growth and development. Since I don't want to cite my psych book for some of the information here, I'll leave the other thing that gave me the info I know. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33232-do-video-games-make-you-violent/ on a completely unrelated topic i've noticed is that your signature kinda breaks the signature rules of 600x300 px images. might wanna change that
  15. Butch Flowers gets axed, shoots noobtube /edit: That blue flash? Good.
  16. Thanks for telling me that mistake. Edited. Secondly, just because you don't have a button for screenie's doesn't stop you from doing them. also, watching you play, you guys are idiots lolol I'm sitting here and I want to head-desk so bad from what you guys are NOT doing when it would help soooo much.
  17. Blind guessing and mystery are two different things. You're allowed to do ANYTHING on the forum and internet to try and lie, cheat, and deduce your way to victory. THAT is the fun of Mafia on the internet.
  18. Any playdates on April 12th? If not i might end up hosting something

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