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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Equal rights? No. Staff should never have the same rights that members do. Stop all evils? what evils? Bring balance to this forum? Errr right
  2. salty gg peanut (lol 1v1 master) This makes me uneasy.
  3. fight back for what? we already won
  4. Suspect List for Frozen's killer Ruby Rose - 1 Bnus - 1 Caboose the Ace - 3 Null - 3 Suspect List for Yang's killer Axilus - 5 therubyprincess - 1 Null - 4
  5. Chapter 12: And you thought this was done. Legend of Doge, Part 3 "This forest is sacred. Within it, there is a sacred icon." The old man said, even as he slowly used his stick to whack Elite Sniper and Mayh3m towards the exit of the shack, "That you can bring back here to empower the entity who committed the sacrifice an era ago. Perhaps then, your future holds a....brighter light." "What does that mean?" Mayh3m asked, not exactly sure if that would be a good thing, or if it was foreboding something less than welcoming. "There's no time. Go....now. Find the icon, bring it back here!" "How will we know what it is? "Well, sacred things tend to be near or in other things that are much better and do mass destruction. So yeah. Bye." And the old guy slapped the two through the door, slamming it shut behind them with a wham the moment they were out. Mayh3m looked at Elite Sniper, and Elite Sniper repeated the gesture, before they walked off silently. "Are you gonna do what he says?" Elite Sniper asked the elf. "Yeah. I mean, you felt it too, right? There was a...gravita to what he said. Meaning. We have to do it, find this icon, otherwise....." Meanwhile...... "Hahaha, those idiots," the old guy muttered as he continued sipping his coffee and watching the television, "I'd like to enjoy my retirement a little bit more." * * * "Phase 2 - Operation: Phase two start, begin." Ranger muttered as he began to pull all out the different pieces and parts of his modded sniper rifle. The generic name was kind of stupid, but right now, theatrics wasn't the issue. Oh, no. That would come later. The problem right now was the execution of the plan. Two targets existed. The first was Axilus Prime - he was beta tester, after all. The plans in fold for him were.....quite thick, indeed. The second target was Boss. He was the problem Ranger had right now; a wildcard that couldn't be predicted. Boss, hypocritical as he was, and foolish was the team he lead, but still he could be a massive thorn in Ranger's master if Boss wasn't neutralized quickly, or......fixed. He eyed his watch. Time was coming; and if his Master's predictions were right - and so far, they all were - there was going to be a bit of fun erupting within the streets of the city soon. * * * Zelda kneeled silently. Well, that was, until she spoke. "You called for me, master?" Azaxx nodded. "I can sense a tingling.....there's a distortion within the city. Find it, and cleanse it, please. I fear that whatever it is bugging me right now could lead to something a bit deeper." Zelda nodded. "Be careful." "Always."
  6. Suspect list 1 Null - 2 Caboose - 3 Suspect list 2 Null - 1 therubyprincess - 1 Axilus Prime - 3 Fishy, if that's a vote, it hasn't been counted.
  7. BALLS OP Some people have cool stuff made with legos And some people just aren't cool enough for that Oh well. I still prefer MOC's over large contraptions, but the way it works and watching it do it's work is always cool.
  8. Hmmm This is fine, but..... Lets not turn Mafia into a specific hate thread, because then it'll get locked. (Let's also not be butthurt, but that's kind of another story. Kind of.)
  9. It's easier for me to use on-site notifications than email. I get on, refresh, and there's a bunch of threads that I know I need to respond to. NIGHT 1 "Let it go....Let it go.....Can't hold it back anymore...." Halo 5 Frozen sang as he walked obnoxiously through the city. "You know, you SHOULD let it go," Came a voice behind him, before the Mafian reached over and stabbed him in the heart. Frozen's body spontaneously turned into a blue corpse of ice. "Sorry. Couldn't hold it back anymore, popsicle," the Mafian muttered as he cleaned his blade on the ice before turning around and leaving. Halo 5 2014/Disney Frozen, Civilian, Killed by Mafia, Round 1 * * * The medic tapped Ruby's shoulder. "Hey," the medic said to the Huntress (I guess? Meh), "I'm protecting you." "You don't need to protect my sister!" came a voice behind Ruby, "Because she's got me!" Yang smiled, punched the air, Ember Celica promptly releasing a shotgun blast of Dust into the surroundings. Then she got shot through the head by the sniper. "Oh god!" Ruby cried! "Oh good!" The medic laughed, before realizing how offensive that was. Yang Xiao Long, Civilian, Killed by Sniper, Round 1 * * * The detective looked at Delpen. Delpen looked at the detective. "ID please," The detective said. Delpen handed his ID to the detective, who then ate it. "K thx bai," the detective said, before he leapt behind a bush. * * * SUSPECT LIST FOR FROZEN'S KILLER Bnus, who was seen being baked Caboose the Ace, who was seen wearing a jacket Coldfreeze, who's name was Coldfreeze Ruby Rose, who's sister died on the same day SUSPECT LIST FOR YANG'S MURDERER Fishy<3 (Yes I know how to write it but I'm lazy) Axilus Prime, who was seen using an escalator Total Mayh3m, who totalled his car earlier. therubyprincess, who played CLUE before Vote away. As I said: Null is a possible vote option.
  10. Not exactly the hardest of a guess. What do you get when you give a grunt an Assault Rifle?
  11. The time is OP and destroyed me Don't think I'll be coming to this one. (I would if it were the real Ruby Rose and YXL <3)
  12. Sorry guys, I couldn't finish all my work within the day, and I still have 1 A3 page left to fill for homework. It's 12 AM, I have school, Ima go sleep. Scene will be up ASAP tomorrow/today.
  13. Technically you could set up a crazy persona but it only makes you look crazy And pro or con or not, if I wasn't the mod and was god in this game it'd look a bit like Caboose from 1.0. BY THE WAY GUYS Null is a possible vote option.
  14. GAME STARTED! If you don't have a PM, you're a civilian. If you do have a PM, send me your targets! Unless you're the moderator.
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