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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. We now have 16 players. If enough people agree to it, we can begin now. Can.
  2. I'd play football against you But I don't live anywhere near you, or have FIFA 13. Although that might change; I have a friend with the game and I might ask him for it....someday :|
  3. It was more gamebreaking to give it away considering it was skill in interrogation on your part/utter pathetic-ness on Coldfreeze's part, and would be perfectly fine. Not only that, but some lunatic claiming wild theory's in round one when there can be no evidence for anything? Lol.
  4. The Beam Rifle's autoaim in Halo 4 knocks the Sniper Rifle with it's silly tank scope out of the water.
  5. Added. 5 remaining spots - spam this in front of your friend's faces as much as you can, please.
  6. In depth campaign Except it's about as linear as your digestive tract and about as in depth in explaining everything that happens as the stupid college teacher who really just gives away A* to those students who ( ... ) It has great matchmaking which only gives host to the player most likely to quit, has an irresistible amount of lag, and gameplay is unbalanced and noob-enhancing. Spartan Ops is a boring game of 'go here kill enemies respawn die rinse repeat' with even more lag than matchmaking. Forge could be better, because it's bad - it's like taking Halo: Reach's forge, deleting the most used tools, then adding a bunch of stuff that you haven't made correctly. Halo is a good game, especially the ones made by Bungie, but Halo 4 was too much of a game that many people could see flaws in for it to be called 'the best game ev4r'
  7. hahahahahaahhaha lol watch (i need some filler please)
  8. I have no idea what to think other than either 1. This looks cool 2. This is utterly retarded and I am not 5 years old edit/ ohey its megan fox wonder if she'll become a love interest for a turtle (Also I thought MB didn't like her :/ )
  9. Yes, well, you rustled the jimmies and tickled the fanboys. I agree. I'm not sad she's gone, nor did it make me lose interest but nonetheless it's still stupid exactly what the heck happened. But lets be honest, there's no way she's gone for good. No. Way. Yeah well, as I said, you rustled the jimmies. The moment mass opinion against a single, isolated opinion appears, there are some people who see it as a chance to throw off an insult. CoD is fun. Also, nice capitalizations.
  10. Remake? Great. But it will have to be remade in a way that fits the gameplay style, otherwise it's gonna suck.
  11. Aiyaa. Still needing players. We can start when we reach 16-18 players if you people wish.
  12. The GM chuckled even as the spirit of the Mafia within this game died out. One player had spilled the beans. One was inactive. One had been gone, and One had fought alone. The Detective had already discovered all the Mafians, and all the civilians already had a way to know of the Detective's words. Pro-Town had won. His Scythe twirled, morphing itself from its solid bladed form into an ethereal glowstick of destiny - the Staff of Infinite Powers in all it's glory. Or something - the staff was so powerful that it honestly had no actual default form. People called it a staff because it's usually a long stick. The GM slammed the point of the staff down into the floor, and time stopped. All around, dead players were revived, life given back to their bodies (Despite the fact that, y'know, they could all speak and stuff) even as a large portal into the subspace of the internet appeared, staring into the void. "There's the next game, people," The GM cackled. With the staff in hand, there was nothing any of the players could do - forever they were binded into the chain of games. "Mafia 2.0......and where would be a better place to do it than in 343iCF? Lets see if there's a threat bigger than just the Mafia around." He slammed the staff again, and this time all the players were suddenly sucked into the teleporter, of which the image within has changed, from utter, black nothingness to a city. One that highly resembled the town that the game had been played in just now - only a trillion times more developed. "Let the game begin." --- Welcome back, to the second game of 343iCF Mafia. Again, I'll try to explain it easily. If you know how to play CLUE, theHalo custom game, Trouble in Terrorist Town the steam game, Mafia/Werewolves and Villagers, the camp/table/irlgame you should be fine for the most part. It's practically the same game, except with some new roles at times, slightly modified rules and way to play to fit a Forum. --- HOW TO PLAY/RULES Just like CLUE, Mafia is a game of Civilians against Killers. The Mafia are the killers; the Civilians are innocents. Now, the below will be a list of the factions, their roles, and then a run through of a single 'round', from the start, all the way to the beginning of the next. Each round should last 4 days, of 48 hours 'Day' and 48 hours 'Night'. FACTIONS All roles may vote during the day to lynch a player(or more) in the suspect list if there is one, unless the player has died. Dead players lose all their role's powers, but doing things like PM, talking, posting, lying, screenshotting, etc. are still perfectly fine. Pro-town - This team wins by killing all Anti-town roles. Pro town roles include: 11x Civilians - Each daytime, you may vote to lynch one person listed in the suspect list. Your role does not include anything else you can do, but you may PM other players in an attempt to figure out who is who, pass information, etc. 1x Medic - Each night, the medic may choose another person or themselves they can prevent from being killed. During they day, they may vote to lynch one person listed in the suspect list. 1x Detective - Each night, the detective may look at another person's identity and figure out their role. During they day, they may vote to lynch one person listed in the suspect list. 1x Moderator - Whenever you vote, your vote counts as 2 votes (But it still appears as 1.) Anti-town - This team wins by killing all Pro-town roles. Anti-town roles include: 5x Mafians - Each night, the Mafia votes on player that they will kill. They also pick one of their own to do the deed - that person, alongside 3 other random players (Max 2. Anti-town) will be placed into the suspect list. During they day, they may vote to lynch one person listed in the suspect list. Neutral - People here can join either Pro-Town or Anti-Town, where they win the same way their team wins, or they may also have their own win requirements. 1x Sniper - Every 2 nights, starting with the first, the Sniper can select one player to kill. Note: If you are a civilian, you will not receive a PM when the game starts. If you are the medic, detective, moderator or sniper, I will send you a PM. If you are a Mafian, I will send you all a group PM, and I will need a response ASAP. ROUNDS 1. The game begins during nighttime. All players who have roles that need to PM will do so. For example, the Mafians will PM me stating the person they will kill, and the person they will send to commit the deed. 2. The nighttime scene will be posted by me after approximately 48 hours, showing the results of all the roles and their actions. I will give a suspect list if a person has been killed, and then daytime begins. 3. All players may now vote for the people listed in the suspect list. After 48 hours I will tally up the votes and thusly write the hanging scene where the player(s) with the most votes are killed. 4. Daytime is now over, and nighttime begins again. The next nighttime begins the next round. OTHER RULES - You may screenshot anything you wish and post it within the thread. Images can also be edited to help you in your plans. - You may PM other players in your attempts figure out other roles, and further your own plans. If you day, please include me so I may see your planning, but there is no need to. - You may accuse other players of roles within the thread and out of it, or lie. - You may reveal, or fake your role. - You may not use information within this game to help you in things out of the game, e.g. "I'll tell you my role if you give me a 48 hour gold trial." Trust me, I've seen it happen despite how silly it sounds, and it didn't look good. - Do not request me for a role. ----- Player List - Pick one free number to play. 1. Yang Xiao Long Civilian, Killed by Sniper, Round 1 2. Bnus 3. Connor Kenway 4. Ruby Rose Civilian, Lynched, Round 1 6. Ledgend1221 7. Axilus Prime 8. Unease P34nut 9. Delpen 9 11.Fishy♥ Civilian, Lynched, Round 3 13. Total Mayh3m Sniper, Killed by Mafia, Round 4 14. Mr. Biggles 15. Silent Alpha Medic, Killed by Mafia, Round 3 16. BeckoningZebra1 17. Coldfreeze Civilian, Killed by Sniper, Round 3 18. therubyprincess 19. Halo 5 2014/ Disney Frozen Civilian, Killed by Mafia, Round 1 20. Caboose the Ace Civilian, Lynched, Round 2
  13. Hahahahaha. Certainly. Was already planning on it.
  14. I wonder if the forum title dropped a clue......lol Mafia 2.0, which you signed up for, shall begin as soon as Mafia 1.0 ends. Don't worry, though; from what I can see, Game will be over soon. Pretty much. So long as everyone follows what the Detective says, with Axilus acting as the Detective's proven mouthpiece, The Mafia have no chance of winning. Detective has been craaaazy lucky this game. If enough players decide they may as well end it now that Mafia can't win, we'll go straight to Mafia 2.0, with 1.0 being a Pro-Town win.
  15. Raises $2.5M for their own product, Sold to Facebook for $2Billion profit, lol -_-"

    1. Azaxx


      In technical terms it's $400Million in actual money, then $1.6Billion in shares. Still as you said though, $2Billion.

  16. If you know a cupmaker service you could ask them to put the ONI logo on it. :/
  17. Night 3 "Hey!" A Mafian muttered as he walked up towards a peanut. Unease P34nut turned towards the source of the sound, and quickly salted himself. "Shank!" The Mafian said as he stabbed P34nut in the chest. P34nut groaned, buttered himself, and melted into peanut butter. "And now to put this paste into the corpse heap in the corner." Unease P34nut, Civilian, Killed by Mafia. "Hey!" The detective said as he ran up towards the Mafia, "What are you doing?" Even as he said that, the sound of Promethean Vision activating and scanning right through the Mafia's body to check his identity. Although honestly I'm not exactly sure what the point of scanning the Mafian for his identity was, considering the action he'd just taken. "Dangit!" The Mafian muttered as he turned and ran, "We guessed wrong!" * * * The medic sighed. The wrong target had been chosen again this night...... * * * SUSPECT LIST FOR THE DEATH OF UNEASE P34NUT: 1. Ledgend 1221, who was found with numbers in his name 2. JXZAW, who's name was capitalized 3. Coldfreeze, who was very low in temperature 4. Mothman, who somebody found was half Moth. 48 hours of voting begins now. Vote away.
  18. Don't expire, Vitamin. Happy Bday~

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      thanks JL im not at my experation date just yet lol

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