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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. How do you expect humanity to evolve biologically in the next few million or billion or so years
  2. Explain Marxism, Socialism and Capitalism?
  3. What unit of measurement, legitimate or made up, would you use to measure your own success? And who are you?
  4. bye have a great time and join the lobbies when we host; not like you're actually gonna stop drop and not play Halo forever.
  5. No betrayal no banter. No banter no fun. No fun no players. No players no money. Take your pick 343. No betrayal or money. Which one is more important?
  6. It's always better to release a game and make it available for play AFTER the rules and game mechanics etc. have been finalised and shown to the players first, before the players accept their responsibilities as, well, players. I'd suggest freezing the list until the rules have made it into the OP first so people actually know what they're diving in to. Until then, you're asking people to make a blind commitment to a game that they know nothing about. Remind me if you can when you finish typing all your solidified ideas. I'll be more interested then than I would be now, because I know nothing now compared to everything I would need to know then.
  7. If you are gonna host a game.... Can you.... Like... Tell us how it's played, what the game involves other than 'secrets, alliances and debates', and, y'know, give us the reasons people should play?
  8. GT: JL1223 X 32 Gunslinger/Bladedancer Gjallahorn, Suros, TLW, Mythoclast, Vision of Confluence, Word of Crota, Oversoul Edict, Abyss Defiant, Iron Banner, like some other stuff, No Land Beyond. Availability: There's a possibility of me coming on during the event. And a possibility of me not. Consider me the benchwarmer. With a capture card. Who doesn't really care what he's doing as long as something is being done. Preferred Raid: Crota Hard
  9. Web services from countries can now service consumers in the US without any issues; no blocking, no having to charge for 'entry', no being slowed down. Thusly, the next facebook, reddit, youtube, netflix or whatever will thrive in whatever environment, and potentially not the US.
  10. Suggestion: Rather than 'Week one', say the 'week of february 19' or something. makes it....easier. The RDM's here are tragic, going up to only 128 STR. Mine are maxed at 148 - a twenty point difference. Buy the NLB. Use it for the fun of it. and praise heavy synths. even though i used 5 and all glitched out and gave me no ammo after being used.
  11. Most of you probably don't care, but, yeah. Happy Chinese New Year. Good fortune to all. If I were a bit older I'd probably be giving money to quite a few of you guys right now but nah. February is another time for us to get money and give it away - unless we're not 'adults' - so yet more money for a gaming budget that'll be spent on DLC's for a repetitive skinner box game and other things for me. More info for the people who haven't left yet: This year is the year of the Lamb, and we're celebrating generally by eating a crap ton of food that I actually kinda hate with our families, cohesively bringing sharks one step closer to extinction by slicing up their fins then dumping it in chicken soup and calling it rich cultured food, and giving well wishes to everyone. Everybody's also creating a crap town of pollution blowing everything up, wasting things by throwing them around, and some people have taken an extra step and decided to pretend they're a lion and walk around with a rainbow box on their head while dancing to a set of drums and cymbals and doing acrobatic stuff. and uh yeah Tradition. So... Good fortune to all, hope you're all staying healthy. Enjoy. Happy CNY.
  12. We're at 17 now? I remember when nobody played the one before 1.0. kudos~
  13. Okay and for some reason Bnus likes this But he wasn't even in the game with us. Or party. Or anywhere near us really.
  14. never play alone played with friend in Stronghold during placement matches, 100-(>10) 9/10 games, immediately ranked Semi-Pro. play alone in breakout, teammates somehow get spawn naded or get melee'd all by one guy, get ranked gold gee whiz
  15. that game on regret had such retarded spawns dude
  17. 22 isn't actually that much; I think '100' is an entire rank within a division so he only got decreased by 20%. But yeah, it seems to be decided only on games won; that much seems to be claimed by many who played the preview. I hope they implement a formula that takes into account player skill/performance. In the mean time I'll just enjoy muh wins. You don't have to wait. Just walk towards your team. If you want to support your team faster then you take the risk of being capped without your shields. Have you tried smart scoping with the sword? The lunge range increases but you lose radar usage.
  18. Just talking with people I met online who have played the Halo 5 beta and first thing they say is 'Plays like Advanced Warfare'

    1. Sadly Just AL
    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Advanced warfare plays like Titanfall. :D

  19. Which...Also...means....that critical posts you receive on this forum will tend to be far more analytical than the likes you find on Waypoint. So yeah. Just a heads up. And never post when you're mad, because that's the worst time to type something and send it. Try to stay away from the 'Waypoint hate group' though. It's not really something to be proud of, hating a different system because of it being different. We've had...some... immature happenings derived from people wanting to make fun of Waypoint being bad. *** Still, I think unless you tell us exactly what the post you made on waypoint actually was, we can't judge at all whether you were deserving of that ban you received.
  20. I vote Axilus because his logic is sound and we must vote for someone and killing a random person innocent or not is always better than using our brains and judgement to determine logical fallacy and the like
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