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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. This definitely isn't one movie long.
  2. I really doubt that if somebody managed to hack their Xbox's to run an aimbot they'd immediately get on forums and announce it far and wide.
  3. That tiny eye.... looks like a chameleon eye to me.
  4. This is kinda not 343i's official forum but it's cool to see a 343i dev join up in one of the forums the community has cooked up. Welcome to the site.
  5. It's a cool story, but...... That's it? It felt waaaay too fast..... ._.
  6. Common sense, now a rule. Congrats. Citation is needed gaiz

  8. Yes. Although I'm too ignorant for thoughts that don't concern me, myself and I. Do you have good handwriting?
  9. My problem with ordnance isn't that they're there because it's just rewarding good players, but 1. If you're bad, you shouldn't be getting as much, 2. it should not be random. The bad player should not be getting an incin cannon while the good player gets speed boosts and needlers. The randomness just isn't right; because THAT is giving moon shoes to players. (Also, this is a community forum, not 343i's official forum, but hey. You don't start a war each time you post criticism here.) Ordnance was another thing that showed a '1 step forwards 2 steps back' action in Halo 4 - it's a great idea, one that could be amazing when implemented right, but then 343 kinda poopoo'd it, and thye should definitely clean it up and do it better the next Halo game.
  10. Added. We have 11 players; we have 6 roles. Recruit fast; we can begin when we hit 14 players, but if we get the extra few that'd be sweeter.
  11. A looooot of promotional images look like that with a bunch of dudes standing looking at the screen or posing..... Unless someone explicitly states that yes, it's a reference.....this only proves your obsessions with ME lol
  12. how about no The point of the riddle challenge is cohesive riddle-making. I come up with mine on the spot; sometimes the riddle decides what the object I use is rather than the other way around. I think we should stop 'handing out' doing riddles to someone else.
  13. No, it's the buildings. Everything is so short.....that's what I can't compute. This is why: gaaaa I'm looking at this 'city' and I think of not even a town, but a village of PC peasants lets hope that changes soon.
  14. One of them is an armored human who is coordinated The other one manipulates the energy of all living things and can use lightning, not to mention he has a lightsaber that would kill a Spartan easily. Which one wins? :/ Should be easy to figure out.
  15. i have 5 project spark codes

    1. Adam91


      Beta codes? Can I have one?

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Well...... :P

      Lol. Jk.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I don't have windows 8 or and Xbox one. Anybody apart from Adam interested?


  16. Added. Please help out in advertising :3 The faster we get players the faster we get to star playing.
  17. *Raises eyebrows* Looking at this city, I can't compute the flatness. Also, KEEEEEEENWAAAAAAY ROOOOOOCK~
  18. There's a free game I'd say that would be fun with wacky hollywood style physics, but I'm fairly certain none of you ahve heard of it so meh. Otherwise, first thing I'd suggest is TF2. It's cross platform on both mac and PC, free, and easy to access. Even if it's just for testing to see how well a PC playdate would work, I would have to say TF2 would be best.
  19. It's a cool idea, but...... You want even more inconsistencies in Grifball? Jeez. I'd play it if when I slammed my hammer, I got a kill....
  20. Halo 3 and Halo: Reach's water looked beautiful. Halo 4's looked like it was not meant for people to see other than from a far distance. Spartans can't swim but they certainly can walk under water. I mean, they're in an air-tight suit....
  21. ...... Cooool. GJ people~ (coolist time for new sig)
  22. Yes. ShockGazm - 2 JL - 4 Zaguroth - 2 Ruby Rose - 1 Uncooked Moa - 1 HollowPseudonym - 1 Ranger - 3 Self Destruct - 1 Silent Alpha - 2 UNSC Spartan-II - 1
  23. Or, a few hundred years into the future, we would be known as the generation of humans who failed our species because our time was spent looking at cat pictures or arguing with people using anonymity.
  24. Mars One? Hahaha what is this There's gonna be DRM there, the possibility of no-disc drive, and it's gonna cost a lot despite the fact that you're making a heavy sacrifice xD This would be cool, but a lot of money would be needed. Continuous supplies of food need to exist, oxygen needs to be transported, and then filters that would change the atmosphere to be habitable, energy generators, so much more. Would be cool, but I've never envisioned it happening within such a close time frame. No, I wouldn't choose to go, I am excited for what space travel brings (And, lets face it, we're probably not gonna be suddenly in a war against supremely inhuman looking lifeforms who have super advanced weaponry), the most beneficial thing about this project would be a push in technology, which would thus give us 1. Information on terraforming mars 2. Change economy to pretty much encourage science, 3. cool stuff. The worst thing to happen would be the team there fails to set up their equipment properly and dies, we learn nothing, wasted money, and a bunch of angry arrogant ignorant people who are nowhere as brave as those who went to mars get mad and sad that money isn't being spent on making them happy. If we lived on mars, we'd learn that we could live on mars. For the human race, this would be revolutionary, especially since the tech that helps people survive on mars could be used to help clean up all the stuff that needs cleaning on earth. Also, we'll probably find bacteria, virus' and single celled lifeforms on mars, (and maybe cockroaches) but I doubt that there'd be life on the level of the biology on earth.
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