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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Eris - may as well be a cardboard cutout, she has no character, does nothing of worth, and you really don't know if YOU did anything of worth. Nobody reacts to the deeds you do :/ More materials have been added, which, like anything else in Destiny, acts to lengthen the endgame. Old exotics now have to be re-upgraded. Once again, you no longer have a choice in customizing your guardian; max level gear only comes from one exotic and the rest must be raid gear. Things in the Vanilla game such as the Weekly and Nightfall cannot be played for the week because it's the WIll of Crota strike. This doesn't affect me, but it's not a good decision to restrict something in the base game to people who buy DLC - because that isn't part of DLC. The Raid is much harder apart from the first bit, which you can complete without firing a single shot if you're a good team. Bridge now requires EVERY player to not be trash - so try as I like to ignore it, I have the urge to boot people for doing bad. It's not more important than EVER to listen to people who know what to do because the concepts and requirements rely on every single player. But that part if easily the highlight of the raid - which is really short compared to VoG. And then there's Deathsinger (Edit: My bad), which is a fight dictated by RNGesus. And you don't get rewards for it despite it being an full blown checkpoint. :< Nonetheless, the Raid is very enjoyable to blast through provided your aren't being dragged down by your team. A group of players who can hold their own will perform miracles in Destiny; this is still the case. Its ok for DLC. But it really doesn't expand anything lol; we're still doing the same things over and over. just...more.
  2. "we're fighting the same enemies. And people are failing to survive even a minute, which shows that they're awful" fact of the day

  3. wow new update is trash gg. can't even find a game in h2a when before i could easily lol

    1. Azaxx


      I haven't bothered with the game for a week or two, I just know those updates will never fix a thing.

  4. Of course. A book, a story, that is designed to last long and has conflict needs to characters to love, doesn't it? And an RP is a bunch of people writing the story, leaving their mark. Still, I think conflict always has an importance within a TBRPG. Imagine two bar scenes - one of them features a bunch of people who face nothing but peace. The other scene features drinkers who have been in fights, battles, wars; who have experienced loss and who have been the ones to create loss. Both can be fun to write - but I think the latter gives more meat to chomp on, if you understand what I mean. What I was more referring to, however, is the system of 'Open' and 'Closed' threads. I'm more used to sandbox rping - where the only 'closed' posts are internal monologues, important plot-based events or quite literally unreachable. In my eyes, an RP is a cohesive book being written, where the only limitation is the literary skill. Somebody has a plot? Cool, but whether or not they have a plotline planned ahead, I've always been used to other player characters being able to butt in and affect the plot in one way or another, whether expected or not, and them being able to do so purely by joining into the interaction with the player's writing skill, not being limited by 'open' and 'closed' threads.
  5. oh man this brings back me-when-i-was-just-a-wee-lad memories @Ailean I can guarantee you that it's possible for Halo to exist within TBRPG form. Whether or not the TBRPG itself will be enjoyable game is another issue generally dependent on the players and how the game is run, but considering Yappa's has survived 9 years I'm sure there's at the very least some form of appeal. @MrKill The rules Ailean probably refers to are the URL Link rules, which are: Personally, I think it would be best if you temporarily suspended having the URL in the OP of the thread and went to grab permission from some of the moderators. In any case, while I'd be happy to try out playing with you guys, having a separate thread for every single story that goes on is something that I'm still nowhere near used to; instead I'm much more inclined for location topics and for everything within the location to be posted there. Nonetheless, we do have several other prominent writers/roleplayers who may be interested. This is the third TBRPG I know that's lasted for more than a year. Props to you guys for making it work with a setting where the basis is in shooting stuff too. It's cool to know that a community like this still exists for Halo, so... Nice meeting you guys -JL
  6. Following the same plotline/story throughout?
  7. Sorry, but I've never had all that much fun with TBRPG's about shooters. - Story's are boring without some form of conflict, otherwise they'd be just happy happy before and after, which means nothing changes - In a shooter, conflict is in the form of shooting - In text, the conflict of shooting is basically 'I shot' 'I dodged' 'I shot' 'I was in cover' over and over and over and over - Without any of the other creative twists to writing, I just get bored of such forms of combat horrendously quickly. Nonetheless, props to you guys for doing something that every other RP that has popped up on these forums have failed to do, which basically made a lot of things absolutely miserable - allowing players to post IC as both 'factions', 'sides' etc. and not limit everyone to being good guys. If it isn't too much of a hassle, could you post a summary of the main plot, as well as summaries for any other smaller but important player-run plotlines on here? Knowing the story if halfway to joining the game.
  8. 'It's already trashed' isn't justification to trash something more. And it's honestly just annoying you have to move to an entirely new thread. There's no point, and all it serves to do is make a hassle as people have to figure out if the game has started yet and go around searching for an all new thread.
  9. Destiny now dissolves a match and returns to matchmaking if a team is doing very bad. Well...... wow.

  10. Suggestion: Stop separating sign-up and game threads because that does nothing other than clutter up Offbeats
  11. Assassins Creed 4 is King of the AC series. Unity is a candle to that fire.

  12. Too bad Halo also decides to put in aim down sights, a bunch of one hit kills, bumped up the kill-time, etc. etc. Looking at all the footage out there, in a way, this is what I wanted Destiny to be. The reason I enjoyed older Halo games was because the gameplay was fast, fluid and based around the golden triangle. Now they've forced in a 4th pillar that reduces the size of the other three, and the abundance of automatic rifle usage has been blasted upwards because they have ADS now, which increases their accuracy at range. Do I think it will be a good game? Yes. But I won't think of it the same way I think of other Halo games.
  13. Hmmmm.....No. 1. We can certainly judge with our eyes. Can we not see sprint being used? Can we not see weapons such as the Assault Rifle and SMG beating precision weapons now that they have Smart-scope? Can we not see the clear animation of a weapon coming up to the Spartan's eye level and 343 saying 'Its not ADS!'? We can certainly judge with our eyes. Will that mean they are accurate? Probably not. But watching a game in action can tell wonders about how it plays, and to say that isn't true is.....well, not true. 2. It isn't that the majority of Halo fans don't like 'Change'. After all, Halo is known for innovation. But as it is right now, what we want is for Halo to evolve it's current form - and that involves good changes, not bad ones. How many people have decried Sprint? How many people have been pissed off that 343 decided to randomly add a Fourth pillar to the staple 3 Pillars of the Halo franchise? People want good change. Yes, good varies player to player but if we're talking about Halo, the general idea is that it has to FEEL like Halo. Being able to aim down sight with guns like the AR and SMG? Boosting around? Mantling? Ground Pounding? Shoulder Charging? That just doesn't feel like Halo to many people. If anything, these are things that we've seen in both Advanced Warfare and Destiny. Halo has always been regarded as unique and innovative. But taking a bunch of mechanics in other games and putting it into your own isn't innovation, it's following other innovators. It's as though 343 are not faithful in the success of the IP that has landed in their hands. Keep in mind that so far, of the 5 FPS Halo games released so far (Not counting the MCC since it's been released so recently), the 2 that have failed the most, that have received the most negative reaction, are the 2 that have tried to incorporate elements from other games; what you call 'Evolution' and what many see as 'Modernization'. Good change is good. But bad change is bad. And keeping bad changes is also bad. It's not like seeing gameplay footage rather than holding it in your hand magically blinds you from seeing all the bad changes you dislike.
  14. What the hell does this mean? Copyrights are rights. I mean, 'Rights' is in the damn word! In any case, I'm confused. Chapters in books - even scholastic ones - tend to last longer than a few pages. Quite a few of your chapters probably will be grateful to pass the halfway mark of an A5 page - unless scholastic decides to increase the font size to 100 or something. The Good: Uhhhhhhh huh The use of punctuation is good. Lack of grammatical errors is always a good thing, and although there are one or two spelling errors it's otherwise well polished. I don't like the continuous use of short, basic paragraphs but the structure of paragraphing is certainly good. It doesn't look like it has depth, but it certainly doesn't look stupid, the latter of which is a pro. The Bad: - That confusion I have above? It's a con. Super short chapters are a con, because they end up explaining nothing. Indeed, any form of introduction to characters in the story seem to have been relegated to a brief mention; it's as though everybody is a side character who are doomed to become cannon fodder. - As Caboose said, very basic sentences. Describing the situation, doing so from a characters point of view to let the readers be more empathetic to them, is always something that'll help draw the reader's attention. - Basic narrative structure that only books for kids would have. Do we have description of setting? Like, one or two sentences every chapter where we have a new setting. Do we have a description of the context? Of time period? Nope. The 5 W's of Writing - Who, What, When, Where, Why, have all been shoved away in favour of: - What appears to be childlike hyping for an enemy who appears in cartoons akin to singular episodes of Ben 10 crossed over with Pokemon and Thomas the Tank Engine. 'The Dark Ones?' It feels heavily like a childlike take on monsters from the Dark Dimension or something, hell bent on invading the world except for that one good guy who represents all the things that kids should learn to be good people when they grow up. Conclusion: We don't know where we are. We don't know who we're following. We don't know why anyone is doing anything. We don't know what's going on. We don't know how this relates to the timeline of the Halo canon as we know it. So what do we know? Not much. It does't seem well that 5 chapters have passed out of...is it 18? And we know absolutely nothing.
  15. Judging from some H5 Beta gameplay there are people who use Smartscope religiously. Not good IME

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delpen9


      I'm not sure about the scope mechanics in Halo 1-3 (besides BR), but it sounds no different than an aesthetic change to an old concept. Descoping still exists.

    3. EliteSniper


      It's just a more appealing animation, it doesn't increase accuracy in any way, except making it easier to see distant targets.

    4. rrhuntington


      Let them do that, while a bum rush them because we're so close.

  16. They're tweaking it so that Halo: CE's primary playlist is also the Team Doubles playlist; however, to begin they also need to ensure that Halo: CE's settings work well with the gametypes and play fun; they may also be working on improving the terrible hit detection in Halo: CE. The fact that matchmaking itself along with other things such as UI and Lobbies are bugged and broken doesn't help; much of their manpower working on the MCC are probably focusing their time on fixing the game-breaking issues first. No point in having a Team Doubles playlist if you can't find games and you end up on the opposite team of your partner.
  17. The dust is Precursor powder. It's not that they're 'dried up' though; they essentially 420 blazed it and turned into biological powder. The Chief HAS been communicating with Mendicant Bias; Halo 3 Terminals. A theory that has decent likelihood is that Mendicant Bias was the one who, at the end of Halo 3, changed the co-ordinates of the slipspace portal of the ark to Requiem, since MB wanted to show his creators that he has changed. Of course, the unfortunate thing is that the one Forerunner he expected the Chief to encounter was also mad crazy.
  18. PLEASE 343. Separate the damn stats from Customs and MM on Waypoint stats

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      What would the point of that be?

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      So it's actually accurate rather than mushing the kills and deaths you get trying to win in MM with the deaths you get mucking around in customs.

  19. Not us. You're looking for 343 Industries. Not... us. Personally I don't want TS at all. That thing is essentially out-camping the other team, such a thing isn't as fun as...well, games that don't encourage camping. Lets...take a look at what exactly you're expecting of the playlist first, shall we? Wait You want Halo 2 gameplay on maps from Halo CE, Halo 3 and Halo 4....? You realise how stupid of an idea that is right? These maps aren't designed for Halo 2 gameplay. Hell, they don't even run on the same engine as Halo 2; what did you expect from the Master Chief Collection? Halo: CE was the game that made Halo. And no, playing it 'on all our favourite maps isn't gonna make it better because these maps are designed for the games they were played on. Playing my favorite map from Halo 4 with the Halo 2 game engine will be dumb and boring. That's what they DID; well, now with 1080p, 60fps and running on dedicated servers and on 8th gen rather than 6th/7th gen consolels. - You want to leave it as it used to be - You also wish to play Halo CE, Halo 3 and Halo 4 maps on it - You think that playing on the above 3 maps will somehow exemplify Halo 2 as a 'great game' The logic is more than just broken. > Meanwhile, Halo 3 went on to break record sales and maintained around 1 million unique players each day on Xbox Live
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