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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. It has two names. Both are acceptable. No. i am jl u are wrong
  2. Just found machinima union.

  3. We know melee weapons exist. We've seen enemies using swords, and apparently also gotten hints that players may use them as well. But exactly how do you want them implemented? Because, yes, this is kind of a mix between a FPS and an RPG, and I would really love to use swords running around cutting into people in a swifter way than the Energy Sword's clunky 1-slash-then-cooldown-timer in Halo games. Not only that, but think of how fair it is that in competitive MM you've got a gun, put down some bullets into a guy, only to have him sprint up close and slit your throat? There's fairness issues, but I desperately want to use swords at the same time. How do you want them implemented and how do you think they will be implemented?
  4. Maybe it's more fun. I dunno. I have had quite a bit of fun trolling the same people you talk about on other games. Shouting and cussing can be a looot of fun at times. (The little kids, though, probably do it because they keep on dying. How fun is that? ) Personally though, I've never seen actual pricks in Halo 4. The last few times I ever bothered to play multiplayer I usually made a new friend who's nice and - Oh right. Don't forget where you live is a factor as well. Final answer, play with friends.
  5. ShockGazm - 2 JL - 3 Zaguroth - 2 Ruby Rose - 1 Uncooked Moa - 1 HollowPseudonym - 1 Ranger - 1 Next time I'm not updating for you guys as well. I'm lazy. I'm at my limits. Existence everywhere Myth and reality Old and before The prize of archeology Self referential and physics Massive databanks Overtaken by disease Weaponized against peace Destroyed against belief Should be easy.
  6. I admit [ spoiler ] text here [ / spoiler] remove all spaces.
  7. WHO HASN'T KNOWN OF THIS MINIGAME BEFORE? :OOO Anyways, Charles, can't wait to play it. Hope to see more maps for it soon! -JL
  8. Aaaaaahhh what subjects do I pick! *Headbashaowihd*

    1. Spyro


      You heretic.


    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      You don't pick the subjects... The subjects pick you silly... :P

  9. You should still have everything on your account. This is a well known bug, and all you have to do is just get on qui it, check everything out, fix armor and classes, etc. No need to panic, but you may want to pray that Halo 5 won't be riddled wih glitches. Redownload the season pass if you actually lost it though I doubt a bug could have wiped DLC off you hard drive. Same for Forge Island. Welcome to the site.
  10. She'll probably be working for humanity in the end, but most probably through Chief, who in turn will be looking to find her for Cortana
  11. Lets hope it isn't poopy. I'll be waiting to see what it'll be.
  12. The primordial one? That's why he said the 'normal' one. Too bad we have no idea what normal means.
  13. Next time, on TSO343i.org..... The introduction of an elf and a secret agent! More banned people! RSR and Twam talk using words! Stay tuned for it. Coming some time soon (I hope) If you haven't noticed, I drop quite a bit of hints in regards to future stuff.
  14. Welcome to the forum! You'll miss your ambit against me.
  15. No. What a waste of my money. You just move around and shoot from a top down perspective.
  16. 1 more day then somebody post another riddle that doesn't count towards their scoreboard......... -_-'
  17. Consider this an invitation to be friends with a bracelet maker guy. Because he is nice. (And he also knows stuff about Call of Duty so you should go play with him.)
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