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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Words are a bit.....on the fat and flat side. And the green contrasts a bit too much to the darker blue/purple shades in the background of the pic, not to mention it isn't centered. As for the wolf and the aurora, they look cool but a but on the lower quality. I would say good job, and it does look good, but there are definitely many places the sig could change from. Good luck on your other works of art!
  2. Watching through Top Gear.....and it suddenly occurred to me, during a race, that the music playing was very similar to that of Assassin's Creed 3's music....

    1. Elite


      It is AC3 music, yes, I remember the episode of Top Gear.


    2. Azaxx


      Top Gear uses a lot of music from many video games.

  3. Watching through Top Gear.....and it suddenly occurred to me, during a race, that the music playing was very similar to that of Assassin's Creed 3's music....

  4. Axilus Prime - 6 Ryu♥Hayabusa - 1 Beckoningzebra1 - 1 JXZAW - 3 RC-01/271 - 1 RedStarRocket91 - 1 Elite Sniper - 1 JL - 3 Church - 1 Your turn, AP.
  5. Strength. Courage. Conviction. Duty. It is my pride to serve mankind. Through my eyes you see it all; death ignores me one and all.
  6. .......... I dont know how to react to that
  7. Destiny, 9/9/14. Can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EliteSniper


      B-B-But.... IT'S TOO LONG! D:

    3. Akali
    4. Guts


      Easy way to avoid waiting. Just forget about then a month before you will remember

  8. what the frick You're not the Riddle Master! Begone to the Pit, imposter! #Banishment 2013 Anyways, more seriously, its not 'first come first served' to make the riddle. The person who guesses correctly is the one who makes the riddle, and also, it's a helpful responsibility to keep on posting the up-to-date list of scores. Axilus, go ahead!
  9. Win. Axilus Prime - 4 Ryu♥Hayabusa - 1 Beckoningzebra1 - 1 JXZAW - 2 RC-01/271 - 1 RedStarRocket91 - 1 Elite Sniper - 1 JL - 2 Church - 1 Your riddle.
  10. Agumon, SHINKAAAAAA~! Anyways, Axilus Prime - 3 Ryu♥Hayabusa - 1 Beckoningzebra1 - 1 JXZAW - 2 RC-01/271 - 1 RedStarRocket91 - 1 Elite Sniper - 1 JL - 2 Church - 1 Forwards is the only way I go; It's like a death star run For on me is the chosen one - does that work as a pun? Either way, I've got guns, rockets, I've even got shields. And I'll hammer at all cores till they yield.
  11. Just got braces.....no me gusta.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Aw, at least your teeth will be straight, right?

    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I got them as well at first they suck but in a few days you get used to them and sometimes you done even realise they are in you're mouth.

  12. Simply give us choice. "Ranked" playlists? Set spawn loadouts. "Social" Nah. Done.
  13. http://imgur.com/IcIgpff Would you guys like?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Maybe.... If the multiplayer is revived.

    3. TDM


      This must happen..


    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yes, yes, yes, and...wait let me think...yes.

  14. Forerunner Prometheans. Not the robotic dudes but the living guys who were composed.
  15. ....Who are these ninjas? What was with the timing? Who were the forum members who apparently won us a victory?
  16. ....It depends, doesn't it? You're pitting the Didact against a bunch of tentacle zombie monsters. The Didact is strong, powerful, but runs out of ammo. Flood? No. But if you were to put just 'One' Didact, how many of the Flood is he fighting? One hive? Sure. All the flood in all the multiple galaxies they exist in? Prooooobably not.
  17. The didact's silly dilly banana Ship (whose name I forgot)
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