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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Introduction Inciting Incident Exposition Rising Action Crisis Climax Falling Action End Epilogue
  2. Heyo guys. So recently, one of teambeyond's members spammed the crap out of a person called Joshua Menke, who you may or may not know depending on your competitive gaming history. If you haven't heard of him, he's the guy who designed the ranking system for Starcraft II and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, both of which have sophisticated ranking systems that have encouraged many players to take up ranked play. Now, 343 are working with Menke to work on the Halo 5: Guardians ranking system, and we will see it in action for the first time when the Beta for H5G rolls around. Teambeyond has an article written up with details about each and every small detail and educated assumptions they're making from Menke's replies to their tweets so if you guys want to take a look at their article feel free. But personally I'm lazy so if given the chance I'd just view it here. So...... That's the treatment you readers of this post shall be getting. Do not, a lot of things have been simplified/cut out for the sake of...well, simplicity. _____ Halo 5: Guardians Ranking System: Competitive Skill Ranking (CSR) Yes, you read right. The ranking system is called CSR; however, in terms of functionality, it is NOTHING like the variant seen (Or rather, not seen. Get it?) in Halo 4. If you've seen other games' ranking systems with different tiers (Prime example: League of Legends ranked play), H5G's ranking system will be reminiscent. The aim that 343 and Menke are trying to achieve with these changes are to further display the skill gap differences between players. The key example is called into play by Menke, who states that Halo's 1-50 was good but there were still massive skill differences between players at rank 50, etc. * Divisions + Tiers In Halo 5: Guardians, there will be 7 different divisions. Of those divisions, the first 5 (From trash to best lowest to highest) will feature 3 divisions. Menke describes their names as being similar to the 'standard' for gaming. We can expect it to generally be called something like 'Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Onyx' if following off the Halo: Reach arena ranking system, or perhaps Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Platinum, based off of other games out there. League of Legends' ranking system in comparison. Note that in my explanation for Halo 5 Guardians, Divisions and Tier are the exact opposite of the way they are displayed in the image above. Tiers will generally be designed to segregate players even more. For example, A player might be in the Silver division, but he or she could be in 'Silver 2' which shows that they are generally worse than players who are in 'Silver 1'. If you are in these 5 divisions, you will have a progress bar showing exactly how many more 'points' per say, you will need before you rank up. (or rank down ) How many points you get at the end of the match is dependent on your placement and your opponents skill. So if you are a silver player and you lose against gold players, you will probably lose less points than if you lose to bronze players. Similarly, winning against a gold player will net you more points than winning against bronze players. Wins = more points. Loss = less points. Pro and Semi-Pro And then we have the remaining two divisions. If you manage to get into these divisions - you will not be dropping out. The game recognizes your skill level and at this point makes the assumption that if you lose, you probably just had a really bad game or handed your controller to someone. At this point, you are essentially comparable to being a 50 in the 1-50 system. You will now to facing off against the other players who are 50 to see who gets into the worldwide top 200 - the Pro division. To do this, you will have a 'grade' for your match; a 'skill score' that will generally be within the range of 1500 to 3000. From what I assume, your average skill score will give you your rank in the leaderboard; and the 200 players with the highest skill score form the Pro division. Players in Semi-Pro and Pro will still play with players from other divisions. You will get to view the top 200 players in the world and compare stats. * Seasons Yes, you read right. The ranking system will be in seasons; thus, the game's ranks will reset within a set time period. Your 'highest rank reached' will most probably be displayed somewhere but your current rank shall be reset for various advantageous reasons. * Playlists? The ranking system is per-playlist. Which is apt, since your skill in Team Slayer could vary compared to Team Objective, or FFA, or Big Team Battle, or... you get the gist of it. * Sounds sweet! But what about the people who just play one match for the good stats? Quite simply, you have to play a certain amount of games for the system to place you into a division. ____ TL;DR? Halo 5 Guardians' ranking system: - Is called CSR - But functions nothing like the one in Halo 4 - Resets alongside seasons - Will have 7 divisions - 5 of which have 3 tiers - The other two of which are for the elite. - If you get into the 6th division or above you can't drop out of it for the season. - In the first 5 divisions, winning gives you more points and losing drops your points. Get enough points and you reach a higher division/tier. - Once in the 6th division, you will instead be fighting not for points but for a highest 'grade' stat from doing well in matches. -Top 200 highest graded players get into the 7th division. - It is on a per-playlist basis. We dunno which playlists though. - And our first look at it comes with the Halo 5 Guardians multiplayer beta! Sources: http://teambeyond.net/halo-5-ranks-breakdown/ https://twitter.com/joshua_menke So. Who else is looking forwards to such a ranking system? Thoughts? Likes and dislikes? Suggestions?
  3. you've appeared twice in a suspect list. rngesus might just be mean, or maybe you're mafian. as somebody above said, you're the only one with baggage. not a lot of baggage, but still baggage. @blake not good banter
  4. Some of the questions by hunt up above weren't exactly specific enough so here are some more cleaned up answers for all questions. He fired it at the Ark; which acts as both a shield world as well as being outside the blast radius. She does not. She is dead. The Librarian in Requiem is an AI; basically an AI of the real Librarian as Cortana is a brain-scanned AI of Dr. Halsey Forerunner things aren't destroyed by the Halo's. Flood food; aka biological lifeforms of sufficient mass - that is what the Halo's target. They survived the array because they ARE the array. When you fire a gun, the gun doesn't get decimated. And they have flood locked on them because the arrays also functioned as science labs among other things, studying the flood to find a cure, their weaknesses etc. A Halo firing doesn't destroy Monitors, since they can't be food for the flood. Question doesn't make sense :/ If you meant 'exit' the halo array, well, that's not exactly the term - which is quite simply 'shielded'. The truth is, apart from the Didact, we don't really know if any other Forerunners apart from perhaps those all the way over at Path Kethona survived the firing of the array. Forerunners designated (To be honest, this isn't exactly 100% true and the actual explanation spans a LOT, LOT more and contains many out-of-game spoilers) Humans as the race who would take up the mantle of responsibility; they are the reclaimers. The Forerunners created everything to try and safeguard the galaxy; when they knew they were basically all gonna die out due to the flood they picked humans to be the species that would build up in their wake and 'reclaim' the forerunner artifacts. Essentially, when the forerunners realised they were about to all get killed they decided to give all their toys to the humans.
  5. Just a reminder that Warthogs can survive planetfall.
  6. If you're looking for custom games, one of the best places you might wanna take a visit is our affiliate site, http://halocustoms.com/ It's a site dedicated for custom games, where you can set up lobbies for other people to join, or you can look for lobbies already set up by others to join. Many of the players there are prominent forgers to and includes quite a few community cartographers for 343. (Although that job isn't really much as of right now due to the new release of the MCC) Otherwise, you could also create a game lobby here, but there's a general status quo where you, as a host, should provide the information for the players to join. Examples include date and time, gametypes, game (This is the MCC after all) etc. Enjoy~
  7. There are good rants out there and there are bad rants out there. Whether or not there are 'enough' rants that's almost subjective, since rants can be of opposing sides. In any case, it is still your opinion. Thanks for sharing it, and hopefully 343i takes into account the good aspects of your discussions. But personally I just don't trust 24 minute videos if they have such a shoddy quality JPG that says 'This is a rant!!' to be well made, and I simply dont have the time to watch all the bad things alongside all the good. However, Minas Doviation is right. There are many, many flaws with games like Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4; however, it is nostalgia bias that makes you think that one game is the perfect one while any other changes suck. In my personal opinion, Halo 2A is THE best Halo multiplayer out there. Halo 2, 3, 4, Reach and CE all were some damn good games but in terms of multiplayer I love the feel of the one that just got released. The movement speed is slick, the hit detection is great and the potential forge maps and custom games are gonna be really sophisticated as well. If DLC maps were made for it, I WILL pay money. -JL
  8. It's probably your internet. By now most people who are downloading the game have probably done it; they don't have any issues either. When you're downloading, go to settings, network, bandwidth usage, and see how many Megabytes/Kilobytes are being downloaded per second. A 1 MB/s connection can download the game in 17-18 hours; your average might just be quite a bit lower.
  9. 1. We aren't 343 Industries. 2. Finishing a campaign mission is one achievement. Finishing the game on legendary is another. 3. The MCC is buggy as hell. What is going on? Either you read wrong that the bandana (non-scoring) skulls disables all achievements or it's alll buggered up.
  10. One. Chairs are for sitting. 1. It isn't. I know what you mean by that question; the answer was always in the OP. 2. They don't. Aesthetic variation. As the games progress, the devs wished to change the look of the game to make it more appealing. In some games, this also meant a different variant of the thing itself (example being Assault Rifles from Halo:CE all the way to Halo 4)
  11. The Taming of the Hunters were when the Covenant first encountered the Hunters, or 'Lekgolo' as they are actually called. These monsters are in reality a bunch of worms that have a hive mind and fit into the shell of the Hunter that you see in the game. When they were first met, these guys were beasts, unbound by the religious ideal state apparatus the Prophets would enforce on them later on. So they fought a war. And then they got tamed and joined the covenant. The Grunt Rebellion was an attempted revolution that lead to a series of deadly battles. Grunts, or Unggoy as they are really named, were fed up for their being the lowest of the low caste in the Covenant. Comparable to a slave rebellion, they lashed out, and what they lacked in strength they made up in their numbers. After these battles, the Sangheili (Elites) were so impressed with Unggoy passion and willpower in fighting that they were granted much higher ranks in the covenant (Examples include the grunts in the strike team who followed the Arbiter on his first mission in Halo 2) Both of these events were notable due to the massive damage - and the fact that an Arbiter had to be produced to quell the fighting.
  12. When the first thing people say to me about the Halo 5 gameplay is 'It's like CoD now', I'm not sure I can say I'm happy.

    1. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Everything looks like cod, or does cod look like everything?

    2. TheBritishSpartan


      People who compare a game to another because of scopes are crazy.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      The only similarity is the Smart Scope system. Granted, not being able to toggle scope might take some getting used to.

  13. Ground pound and Shoulder bash are both abilities in Destiny and Call of Duty respectively. Both of them are annoying free one hit kills; however, perhaps the radar of Halo can mitigate the bull****ness being radiated. And the thruster pack IS the exo suit's movement from Call of Duty. Like, no questions asked. Will this be good in Halo? Maybe.
  14. Got the game. See you on the battlefield.

  15. Halo Channel is now up on Xbox and available for download~

  16. Not when you're saying #### you to the people lined up and taking the spot for you without any actual discussion. *shrugs* Either way, this discussion is probably diverging into something that can take place elsewhere at a different time.
  17. And that is the ugliest thing in the leaked footage to me. Scoping in instantly due to it being a HUD zoom? Understandable. Aiming down sights instantly? Stupid. If you want to raise your arms they don't magically go from lowered to raised. There's a motion, and it doesn't exist here.
  18. Can we lynch you for the dumb idea that basically takes no look at manners But obviously that only occurs if the person who called dibs is absent, in which case we get the next person in line.
  19. wow weird sense of deja vu where there were like 8 guys signed up for hosting the next one and then somebody just decided to make their own
  20. Just saying - If you guys wanna co-host, I'd be perfectly happy to do it as well; in fact, I'd encourage somebody taking on a co-host role. After all, you get to learn as well how to host better! That, and I do have other responsibilities as well (Not here, though; I think too low of myself [and so does everybody else] to actually have a significant responsiblity lol) so it'd alleviate some of the workload. lul you wanted to be a me
  21. Just putting my name on the list for hosting the next Mafia game(s). So yeah. dibs
  22. Scarred's "scars" on the chest and shoulder is pretty patterned and not like a scar :3
  23. because mafian are magically unable to double lynch two civilians? or wat
  24. Lynch someone, the chances are much bigger you kill your teammate. Lynch someone, and if you kill your teammate you're nearly just as clueless as to who the enemies are but they in turn are a leap forwards in narrowing down who specifically they should target. Don't lynch someone and instead just show Shinya/whooever else all your info and get him/her to coordinate.
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