The point of adding randomness into a game is to decrease the skill gap. If we think of 'randomness' in a very broad form, we know that what it does is randomly make good players do a little bit worse at times, or a little better, and randomly make bad players do a little bit better at times and absolute trash other times.
But when this 'spectrum' increases, the skill gap decreases, with good players doing bad because of stupid random things, and bad players doing good because of stupid random things. Now, there is less of a point in having skill. Oh, have great BR skill? It doesn't matter anymore because this guy is gonna get an ordnance with an Incineration Cannon and no matter how much better you are than him he's still gonna get a better gun, just because this game is random.
Its not a matter of aim assist and hitboxes because those are always the same. Its things like bullet magnetism, and ordnance, and loadouts, and a darned many other things that reduces the skill gap and make bad players think they are way better than they actually would perform in a balanced game.