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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. The best person to ask would be D-38 Boss, as he had the exact same issue. I suggest you private message him.
  2. Is not JL


    Why u no remove bar code tag from hat? :3 Welcome to 343iCF! Need any help? Just ask!
  3. I don't care. I haven't seen her before. I know who she is tho.
  4. Its why I asked it 48 hours was too little. Yes. Of course....you have to read the rules first. And do the correct character application. To answer your question.... This is 5 posts above.
  5. Then join. Anyways, just a question to all players: Is the 48 hour time limit too little?
  6. Welcome back! How was the trip?
  7. Some dude just commented on one of my Halo videos saying 'HAPO Sucks'......:3

    1. BaconShelf


      ERMERGERSH ITS HIGH-Altidude Penguin offensive beign insulted!


  8. IC 'Uhhhhh.....' I groan. My vision is blurry, but I think I managed to see two figures standing over me. I must've blacked out back then, and now...... 'Wake up Buttercup!' one of the figures said as he handed me this thing. Apparently it's a filter? The other one mumbles something about bacon, and while I would have loved to have bacon at any place, any time, in my condition the fat probably would start a heart attack. I take the filter, fumbling as I put it on. Not only was it uncomfortable, it also looked really, really, disgusting, as if it'd been used by multiple people who each had been eating dirt. Slowly, I get up, pushing myself with arms I only suddenly realize were sore and tired. I nearly fall, but the other figure catches me. Suddenly, a screech in the sky alerted all my senses, even as the ground started to have minivibrations. A sudden adrenaline rush clears my body and my vision returns, perfectly. 'We're leaving!' Someone shouts. Of course, we are, durkface. We're under attack! 'Ash get the gun, Jacob you're getting shotgun, Rook on the back with Ash and the Pilot!' I hear. I can only assume the pilot is me and not some other lucky ******* who stole my seat on the one thing that may or may not save my life. Quickly, I grab the closest two things beside me - A box of weapons and one of the carbines we'd taken, and, together with the dude who'd been watching over me, we bumrushed ourselves towards the hog that drove over.
  9. I think..... It is worthy to play Skirmish with a good team.
  10. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 'Wooo!' *Clap* 'YEAHHH!' *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 'TOWELS!' *Clap* *Clap* 'Arizona Pride!' *Clap* *Clap* 'I love you Spades what's your number~ <3' *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 'SPA-ADES! SPA-ADES!' *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Congrats, Spades! You deserve being a mother, and your baby CGN's return will be awesome! KUTGW!
  11. This wouldn't work, as you're playing a game which allows you to literally summon millions of soldiers from absolutely nothing. I doubt that you'd have issue with ammo. @Baconshelf, Approved. Your profile has been added to the list. Since the current game is a team game, you will be placed on Red team and you may proceed to play.
  12. The magnetism from crosshair to hitbox has been decreased? That's a good thing. Keep on playing Infinity Slayer and when you get good at it, you will destroy people who have only played on other playlists.
  13. Hehehe I like the way you post. Welcome to 343i.org, a community forum of all internet pages and guises! If you need any help, just hack into the system and ask 343iBot. He's not sentient but he has enough codes to get you to understand the internal workings of this website.
  14. Symmetrical....balanced...... Now we just need 343 to build some symmetrical objective maps.
  15. @D38-Boss, there's a female member named XRG Boss Lady. Sounds like a match.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azaxx


      Creepy and inappropriate

    3. BaconShelf


      The whole thing in general does seem a little odd.

    4. Vangelis


      Creepy and inappropriate..... yet I agree with it.


  17. .....Hi. I'm shy.....but......I'm sure well be great friends......
  18. A summary of hints isn't really a hint, but...flare.
  19. ROUND 1 - END *. *. *. Suddenly, a white light washed over all the fighters in Blood Gulch, even as armies disappeared, to where, nobody knew. The generals who controlled the armies looked around in this blank slate for an infinitesimal time period, confused. And then they returned to a world, a colored flag beside them as they allied into teams and, at the same time, pondered what happened. *. *. *. ROUND 2 Gametype: Halofight Team - Capture the Flag Sikslik7, Spark and Jase materialize at their tower with red bands. Pluton, Omegaman Infinity and Des' Xavum appear on their tower with blue bands. Skulls: None Map: Two Towers, each at the far end of a grassy valley filled with hills and trees. Past the mountains? Well, you aren't going past the mountains. The flag is at the very top of the tower, which are both 124 meters tall. SpartanOMEGA, you are the winner of round 1 for adding humor and JumJium - this made me laugh and giggle more than whatever else was in Round 1. You may proceed to PM me a Special Weapon with its name, design and capabilities (no need to be Halo related for this!) for approval. ROUND 2, BEGIN!
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