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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Quite simply....... You fight. Auto-hits are allowed. Crying is not. Unless otherwise specified. So keep an eye on each round's rules. (Also your special weapon could probably be a bit stronger. Like....the scarab gun of Halo 2) Approved Round 1 WILL Begin in 6 hours, at 6AM Eastern Time.
  2. If we wcould have your sources to confirm that'd be great.
  3. Wait for the modded gametype to be released!
  4. IC I look towards my Falcon. Sure, it looked totaled, but 20 seconds ago when there was a big fat firefight it had succeeded in maintaining a 1 meter hover with no movement and the turrets were fine. Before that, well...... Slowly, I walk over to the Falcon to check on the system status. I leaned over the hatch, and started to click buttons, toggle switches and read displays that no average marine would've been been able to understand. It seems that in my previous stunt, I'd activated the rocket thrusters but the cooling system, which must've had taken a hit back in the fight against the Banshees, couldn't fully stop from melting much of the rockets. The rotors now had a much lower RPM while the rockets themselves may or may not explode upon usage. Not only that, but due to the already-weakened hull structure, the massive upthrust that was required just now had caused it to fracture and bend even more. Nothing a mechanic couldn't fix with the right tools and materials, but for now, it....could definitely fly. The question is how long that would happen before it blew up. Milliseconds to never. So what do I do with it? I mean, I'm a pilot, not a marine. I can shoot, I can gun, I can run, but all of this is out of my comfort zone and worse, the Falcon is my home. There was no guarantee of another flyable vehicle elsewhere, and plus, this Falcon had only got this far because of my..other teammates. Slowly, I turned to get the weapons from the storage locks in the Falcon. After all, no use keeping it all in there, right? Still, leave a Falcon to join a group of rag tag group of marines who's plan of escape included going somewhere in the forest, completely disobeying protocols? What about UNSC extraction? I....I.....uh....... I couldn't handle hit. Covenant weapon stash in hand, I closed my eyes as the stress closed my mind, and I fell to the ground with a loud thud, and laid there, unconscious.
  5. Round 1 of Halofight begins in 6-10 hours.....so if you wanna join, do it ASAP! :P

  6. Round 1 of Halofight begins in 6-10 hours.....so if you wanna join, do it ASAP! :P

  7. Round 1 of Halofight begins in 6-10 hours.....so if you wanna join, do it ASAP! :P

  8. Approved! If you could offer a description of his appearance, that'd be nice! //NOTICE TO ALL// Round 1 of Halofight shall begin soon. Approved Players, get ready for a fight, get ready for summoning your armies and, should you choose to, feel free to try and get all your friends to join Halofight as well for more fun. I hope to have at least 5 players by the time it starts but if not, then that is fine. //END NOTICE//
  9. IC My conversation with the Jones girl - whose first name I still didn't know - was cut short when, all of a sudden, a guy came out of nowhere, asked a question about some...face rifle.....?...of some sort, before suddenly running forwards, pushing me backwards. I was about to get angry when I saw him pull out a stolen Energy Sword and lunge upwards, slicing apart one final Elite who was in active camoflage before it managed to realize someone had seen it. Internally, I had a sigh of relief before picking myself up. The stranger turned back towards us, and asked the same question. 'Again, do you guys know where the face rifle guy is?' I looked around. Unless the UNSC were concocting some crazy experiment that worked by implanting machine guns into people's faces, I didn't know any face rifle guy, so I simply shook my head. I didn't know about the girl though, and I didn't give it as thought as he continued with his questioning. 'Oh, well then, you look like a pilot marine, am I correct or not?' he asked me. I don't know if he saw the stunt I just pulled which nearly cost me my life and my Falcon's life, but if he didn't see, my Falcon was right there, just a few meters beside me. I gestured to it, hoping to answer the question. 'So...what brings you guys all the way here?' I questioned, even as I started to move towards the Elites. In particular, I started to pack up all the devices and technogadgets that seemed cool and usable. I'd pick up the usual covenant rifle and pistol, and also found an Energy sword, although I have no idea how it's used. The Elite who was sliced in half, unfortunately also had his active camouflage unit busted. I didn't know if there might've been some others in the area, but, even as I listened to any more questions to respond to, I worked to start and stock up on weapons and supplies into my Falcon.
  10. What do you mean by 'Covenant and Forerunner reverse engineer'? You mean, like, he has reverse engineered tech or the ability to reverse engineer? :/ Just tell me this in the shoutbox and then you're approved And you've been added to the list.
  11. Personally, I think that all of the reasons why the multiplayer (And, by extent, campaign) gameplay in Halo 4 is bad, all tails back to the same reason - 343 wanted to cater to....shall we say, less capable players. They wanted a long lastin game, yet this backfired almost immediately. Too much randomness. Very simply, that.
  12. Well, what spartan123 said is not very probable, but...... If 343i decided to create a spin-off alternate universe story diverging from the end of Halo 4, I will very happily accept spartan123's version as it is both conclusive, satisfying and very interesting. Even though it was just summaries of a campaign, I found myself wanting to know more and more of the story as it brought in not just tiny, near un-noticeable references to stories from older and other forms of media, but direct references such as Parisa and Kilo-5, while also pushing onward the main story. Good read!
  13. While I respect that each game should have their own respective feel, I think that a big team playlist that has Halo 3/2 feels and styles playing would be really fun.
  14. Minecraft Xbox 360 ed just sold over 7 million copies

  15. Is there a bit where you have to snipe a dude's arm off and then fall into a pool? Im soo gonna DL this.
  17. IC At this point, I realized what was going on. This girl must've had her family living in or temporarily located at New Alexandria when the Covenant began their assault. I realized that what I said next would determine her attitude for some time - the difference between a solid yes and not knowing was very large, and I couldn't just...... But...... I hesitated. 'My falcon, along with others, were for some time escorts for a Pelican. From the com chatter that I heard from one of them, I think there was a mention of a Jones family, although whether they were part of the family you're referring to, or just a family with the same surname, I'm not sure.' I mean, I couldn't just say that I had no idea, right? Yet was a lie.....right?
  18. IC I nodded. 'I helped, but from all the radio chatter, I think that New Alexandria would have burned down if not for the apparent help of a Spartan.....I think.'
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