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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. This argument really holds no water when the chances of making the game harder for you are higher than the chances of making the game more favourable.
  2. So in prep for the MCC releasing, I've added a bunch of the more active users that I know of around here on the X1's friend system. Just a heads up.

    1. E-Runner


      MCC will be the only reason I own an Xbox One haha, my main game. Add me if you wish.



    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Add me if you wish.


      JL1223 X

  3. lol yeah im sure randomly voting for people and getting them killed will win is the game i vote selfie d
  4. Locke did have 3 other Spartan friends in the recent leaked trailer where he talks about how he's hunting down Chief.
  5. GT: JL1223 X HSC is a thing. Hopefully it'll be accessible even for the timezone handicapped.
  6. Wow. This took a loooooooong time to be made. My notification inbox has literally been crammed with 6.0 notifications for the past month and even further back. 11. EDIT: Okay, so the way I've always played neutrals is this. Within every game where there are neutral roles, the neutrals are in essence playing against each other. Say, if I had two Snipers (I never will, but this is an example), the way the snipers would win is if they take out the other sniper. When this happens, the sniper will have 'won' for himself - but the game will still go on and the sniper was, is and still will be free to join either Pro-town or Anti-town. If he/she joins the winning team, then great! He/she pockets two 'wins' within one game. If he/she loses? Well, the sniper IS neutral, and he/she DID manage to win.
  7. To be honest TD is one of the sexiest guys I know And I know a lot of guys -JL
  8. ORAS, MCC, AC: Unity and Cod AW. And then I will no longer have a life.
  9. thanks bungstar for lying to our faces and justifying it

  10. Secondaries benefit the game because they add the sandbox mechanic of a fallback weapon designed to give players who understand each weapon's quirks to gain a severe advantage so long as they position themselves correctly, and at the same time provide them a utility weapon that doesn't drain the ammo of their main damaging primary weapon. There's a reason why every single FPS out there always says 'switch to your secondary, it is faster than switching to your primary' in just about every tutorial. They are designed to be weaker because a Primary should trump a secondary in all situations should the two players fighting be of the exact same skill level. If a player was an army, the primary is the infantry; the secondary is the supporting.....i dunno. Supporters. Now, YOU tell me - Why would a game benefit from having everything other than power weapons be primary weapons?
  11. lol i joined a raid seconds before 5 people beat atheon and i got gjallahorn and everybody else got ascendant shards and stuff

  12. A) "This wouldn't change if the magnum had the aesthetic of a rifle" So really, this is just pointing out how the game should have a primary weapon.....? Primaries and Secondaries are differently classified because Primaries and Secondaries are two different things. It's very simple.
  13. lol shipping errors i bought the pohatu+jet ship thing from 2008, takanuva got shipped instead, so i got to keep both

  15. but solo players look much more bad FLOWER survivng the hordes without the need of two others.
  16. destiny in 22 minutes. k

    1. Akali



      Lucky ¬_¬

    2. Church


      Lucky indeed. I've got 12 hours to wait.

  17. Can you explain brown holes and yellow holes
  18. Explain the Monkey and the Hunter theory if you can.
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