That was a pretty fun game! I'd started out in Redstar's lobby, but then moved to help fill up Drizzy's. Ended up streaming it terribly for about 40 minutes on youtube, but that was that. The maps were fun, but repetitive due in fact to the reasons of 1. Forge Island couldn't be played in our lobby as some guy (Who may or may not be named D38-Boss) glitched it out, 2. Everybody made a map on Erosion or Impact, mostly Erosion, and 3. The one ravine map had this stupid, stupid kill zone.
Overall it was pretty fun, I'd recorded some moments, hopefully enough are funny that it can be edited into a funtage, and I think it went well! If there's one thing I'd suggest, it's to start it up earlier so people in other timezones have a better chance of getting in, and also, switch around the lobbies a bit more.