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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. alright yay 21st now someone tell me where I can view it when I wake up

  2. Of course Halo is dead that's why people play it
  3. ......So? I don't get it. You're stopping me from playing your game because you don't like Arnold?
  4. I am going to live my life like I don't have it, game the #### out of my mornings which is American night times, sleep during the afternoon then wake up at 12AM to do it all again, all the while recording and editing so FINALLY I can actually get clips.
  5. Nice wrapup! Good read again, Drizzy. We're lucky to have you tell us everything again....for months and months onwards.
  6. Battle Rifle, specifically the models of BR55 (Halo 2), BR55 HB (Halo 3) and the BR85 HB (Halo 4)
  7. What am you? Please, answer this seriously for I am documenting much information for an intern project.

  9. ..... 'Do or do not. There is no try.' Just putting it out there.
  10. Name: Arnold Schwarzenegger Rank: Private 1st class Service tag: T-800 ODST Appearance: Really Big, buff, and from afar you would think he WAS a Spartan. Armor: The cheapest ODST armor, some stuff he picked up off the ground Weapons: SMG's, Pistols, Assault Rifle's, SAW's and the occasional turret. Anything that requires big and makes big. Specialty: RAAAR DIEE PEW PEW - Wait. That bird. It's wing is broken. Quick, get the medkit! Backstory: Named after an idol during the 20th and 21st century and also the first man who has a body mass of over 100kg's of muscle mass when at 100 years old, Arnold is an ODST who is big, buff, and loves anything that is deadly and will massacre things in one spray. Or make things go boom. However, he still has a heart of compassion, and many of his teammates think of him as 'The stereotypical massive guy who'd always carry birds with him'. It was because of this that he was demoted, after he jeopardized a mission because he had to save a teammate.
  11. SKILL. Woohoo Got it! Even though I hasn't posted it for about a week and a half...or more...because I was too lazy to take a picture...and yesterday I had a holiday..... For this puzzle: Don't jump. Lie on the floor of the elevator with as much cushioning available as possible. Rest your head on your arms so it doesn't break as well. Prepare for impact. BUT: If I am stupid enough to jump, and still didn't have ninja-super-fast-math calculations, I'd end up a bloody piece of goo somewhere. If I did have the math calculations.... Distance = Initial Velocity + 1/2*acceleration*time^2 1/2*acceleration*time^2 being found from a velocity-time graph. So we simply input what we know. 16*12 = 0+1/2*32time^2 16*12=16time&2 12=time^2 time=sqrt12 Time = 3.464 So you would impact at around that time...? So jump earlier.
  12. REALLY Don't mean to double post, but..... I know you guys are like 'what this isn't done' so let me explain. This can be completed by creating a 3-d model; to be exact, a moebius strip. See the 4 lines, 2 going left and 2 going right off the paper? Take side, left or right, and 'flip' it, then connect it to create the mebius strip. Once that is done, you'd have the lines connected; all 9 lines needed for the puzzle to be done.
  13. IC: Marcus Marcus nodded, and he got up, silently heading towards the courtyard. Looking around, he realized the place was big; big enough that he had no idea of how the surroundings looked like.
  14. IC: Marcus Marcus looked around. Nobody told him what to do, so he just sat down on the dirty, bored.
  15. We should build a large variety of city maps to play modded infection cops and robbers on.
  16. Machinima would prosper with glitches but not the game itself. Huh. Thanks for the tip!
  17. IC: Examus Suddenly, he noticed the Innies firing upon what seemed to be a rock. He stared, intrigued, but then saw a soldier uncloak and fire back at all the unfortunate soldiers who had been shooting at the wrong locale. Cloaking huh....he though, then slowly walked towards that being, taking note of any and all footsteps in the snow, or the slight movement of dirt and gravel. This was, after all, the frost zone.
  18. IC: Examus Slowly, Examus noticed the retreat of MMS forces. Still, it didn't stop him from firing all, especially at those he though had all the ordnance through deductive positioning reasoning - the grunts.
  19. Wow.... My reverse psychology actually worked.... 343 Guilty Spark
  20. So 343 actually hid power weapons on the map for people to find? Haha. There goes my idea that 343 had a single neuron in all their minds apart from Bravo caring about skill.
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