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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Did you know that the rate of thread revival (Threads not typed on for at least 2 weeks) on this site is 2.5 threads per week?
  2. Did you know I just read Feeg's May 5th post and was confused as to how wrong people were?
  3. IC: Examus Examus ducked from the fire Ty gave as he ran uncloaked - straight into a cave. A trap, Examus instantly thought, although he didn't know what type. He weighed his options, then shrugged. He'd keep an eye out for his back, but still, he needed to protect the innies. It's not like they were insulting him or anything. He turned, ignorant to the Sangheili approaching as he fired a trio of bursts, taking down yet a few more Jackals, Kigyar and a human.
  4. IC: Examus - Frost Zone The sound of a burst echoed, and for a second Examus' shields flared. He smiled as he ducked back into cover, and then, once recharged, simply started walking to the next piece of cover in between to path from him to Ty, firing his light rifle all the way. Now there's a person who I could torture!
  5. Good, I kept the PM in case this happened. I'd report.... Except I've never had to and as such don't know how. Anyone? EDIT: NVM found it.
  6. Lul taped my fingers together. Friggin jammed middle finger.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      What do you mean why? I already said it.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I mean I don't really get it, how did you jam your middle finger, and how does taping it to another finger help?

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I got a jammed finger. Taping it helps it heal.

  7. IC: Examus He aimed, and fired again, and whacked a Jackal in the eye. Immediately, a carbine and nato round came flying beside his head and he dropped down. 'So they finally realize,' He muttered to himself, then looked around. There was a big rock to his left, closer to where Lightbringer was. Using gravitational fields, he pushed himself over with a slight barrel roll, covering more distance than any normal thruster pack could. He rose, and fired again, smacking another grunt down with three fast body shots. The grunt spun as he fell, tightly clutching it's plasma pistol, and the dead grunt accidentally killed the buddy next to it with a burn through the throat.
  8. OOC: Yeah I still don't know where this takes place IC: Examus - Where this takes place Just then, hardlight zipped through two grunt's heads, cutting through the skulls. And if Tyler had the brains, he'd be able to tell - that could not have come from the Insurrectionists.
  9. destiny deoxys is a TERRIBLE name, as is all the english dubs of Pokemon. All the original japanese versions have great names. 'Space-Splitting Visitor', or, literally, 'Splitting Space's Interviewer', is just better than 'Destiny Deoxys' Of course, there IS a great childhood based name for Destiny.... Unity..... Duty..... Destiny!!!! -Bionicle
  10. Skillful people beat these kids every day. In any case, there's still a massive amount of things I can talk about involving fun, but I'm not sure people are even bothering to read it.
  11. I dunno, if I'm getting lag switched I quit. if they want the win so much I'll let them have it. We both know they got it by cheating.
  12. OOC: I still don't know where this is. IC: Examus Scoped in, Examus examined the situation. Two groups of Jackals were flanking, while the squadron of grunts jiggled around anxiously. Examus guessed that they had ordnance and it was ready to blow. One of them moved, and started to talk into a device. 'Execution engaged', Examus muttered inside his helmet, then activated a gravitational field around him, powered by the suit's Forerunner based fusion reactor. He started to move. The grunt nodded, then a few seconds later - too long if it were to just switch frequencies from base - the Jackal was talking into his radio as well. Examus wondered if there was a human or Sangheili squadron as well around as he slowly walked downhill. Probably the latter, with their damned cloaks. The Jackal nodded, and then a massive boom took place. Examus continued to walk downhill, ignoring it, and took aim at the Jackals. Right now they proved more dangerous to the Insurrectionists. Dust, dirt and shrapnel rose from the ground, and the first shots were fired by the Jackals. Examus smiled, and fired his light rifle. Now, he was no longer keeping himself hidden. One headshot....two headshots.....three headshots. Three of the Jackals fell, having been unaware of him behind them. When the dust cleared, he took cover, prone, and instantly rained fire upon all the Jackals, smiling. Of course, with the rocks around, he could continue firing like this, but all he did was wait. He wanted close combat. He wanted it, now. It was the only way he could use his weapon and he wanted to use his weapon. Enough with the cannon fodder. Let me face a real enemy!
  13. When people actually report others: Losing Why people actually report others: Other's winning. Why people report MinnesotaBurns, who has the world record of most accounts banned and most Xbox's banned: Butthurt from him earning money by trolling.
  14. OOC: Guys, not sure if you knew this but I have no idea what zone this is. I'm not forcing you guys to do it, but I ask you guys to, in front of every IC post, write down the zone and, even better, exact locale? IC: Examus - Wherever the Innies are, which is probably the Green Zone About 150 Insurrectionists walked down the valley, heading towards MacMillan's base. What nobody knew was that one of the dots recorded by the Arcadian shipworker was not an Innie. He was part of Tidal, and he was here to test a weapon. Of course, nobody knew he was part of Tidal. Tidal wouldn't allow it; it would smash their good face, and their operation, to excavate the Forerunner structures down below Arcoast would instantly stop being funded. No, Tidal would keep it a secret, and right now his need for a test - and his actual mission, to make sure the Innies don't get massacred, was going to be performed as well. After all, even if there were a lot of Innies who had arrived at Arcoast and landed first, blended it and joined society in the Settlements of each zone, they were still limited, and an organized force assaulting MMS HQ would mean the number would go down. Tidal wants someone to place the blame of blowing things up with, and the Innies were the best choice, not counting the Trusting Storm. Light Rifle in hand, Examus walked on a ridge above the valley, his black armor camouflaged by the shade around him, and he took aim, zooming down, towards Jubyur. After all, the Innies were limited, but there were grunt breeding chambers even on Covenant naval ships. And there were a lot more already.
  15. Personal Characters Name: Examus Species: Human Gender: Male Weakness: No close combat skills. Loses much of his relied skill when EMP'd. Alignment: Evil (Tidal) Skills and Abilities: While still human, he wears mechanized armor, built using designs from MJOLNIR Mark IV armor with additions and modifications from tech found and reverse engineered from Forerunner tech found on Arcoast. Examus is a great tactical mind, and an average marksman, but his armor's special weapon, the ability to control gravitational fields, is what gives him his edge. Examus' armor has energy shields as well, but doesn't have the tag feature to identify friend and foe, meaning that motion sensors and Promethean Vision attachments do not work for him. His powered armor lets him move much faster than an average human, and be stronger, yet he is still nowhere near the speed and strength of a Spartan. Personality: Cold and seeking in power, he is patient when he knows he will be getting something and impatient any time else. He is ruthless, not hesitant to kill those around him or - better for him, to remind himself that he has no conscience - torture those he has defeated yet still lives, and then setting on their emergency so that they will live with trauma and pain. Examus, however, always listens to reason, and even if he does ignore what you say, he does put it in his mind. The one thing he cannot resist is power - it is his currency, and he listens to the rich. (Preferred) Weapons and Objects: Forerunner Light Rifle, found by Tidal, Mark III Control/Manipulation Armor [G]. The C/M [G] Armor is the weapon he has listed above, and the main capability is for it to emit and create a gravitational field, modify and moved through his armor's connection to his neurals. The gravitational field extends for up to 20 meters, and the farther it is the weaker it gets (The more you can move your limbs). Still, once caught, you are near powerless against him, as he can remove your weapon and increase the pressure against your body, causing pain. Appearance: Almost never seen without his armor, nobody knows what he looks like. However, those who have seen him with his armor think of him as a monster - black and grey intricate designs, a combination of the angular human MJOLNIR armor and the sleek, curved yet sharp designs of Forerunner combat skins. Backstory/Bio: Examus (If you haven't guessed, that's an alias) was a prodigal ODST who went rogue when his squadmates died against the covenant. Thinking that it was his commander's fault for sending them down first, then refusing to send reinforcements because the battle wasn't going their way, Examus was listed MIA by the UNSC while he himself escaped, hijacking a covenant vehicle and going rogue. He had been selling his services to the Insurrectionists, and many-a-time he has been responsible for terrorist threats on UNSC-defended planets. During this time, he spent most of it training with weaponry, getting used to more and more ordnance, having faith that he will never require the power of his body when he has the power of a nuke. He arrived on Arcoast through the insurrectionist navy when it tried to wipe out the UNSC in the big naval battle. Then, he went off alone again, until being contacted by Examus, who promised the one thing he needed: Power.
  16. OOC: Oh wait you don't need confirmation to play.... Hold on.
  17. I would've answered, but I honestly can't do much when it's posted at 2AM, I spent the 20 minutes in between waking up and school-busing doing nearly nothing, and school banned this site for no reason. Winner. SternuS - 8 Church - 6 JL1223 X - 4 Axilus Prime - 3 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 Sky Blue!
  18. Reach legendary is easiest because there are so many ways to glitch through the game or speedrun. How to complete campaign legendary: Naked Eli it. How to complete Halo 4 campaign legendary: Get a friend, best 4. Get 1 player to stay before the checkpoint, and survive. Get all 3 others to sprint, jump, anything past the enemies. What you can do is have 1 player draw attention, then the 2 others run, so on an so forth. It is almost easy for you to hit the next checkpoint....
  19. An easy guess Nobody likes me I slow things down, cause a mess Even if I protect thee.
  20. Trusting Storm: Initially just a massive fleet in the Covenant Remnant, when they and the UNSC, Insurrectionists and Confederacy of the Storm came into a massive naval battle, the slipspace eruption that transported nearly all the surviving ships to Arcoast was pre-detected by Covenant ships first. The Covenant Remnant commanders decided on making the beeline first, but they were still too late. However, a temporal anomaly happened, and the Trusting Storm exited slipspace above Arcoast 3 and a half weeks after Arcadian, UNSC, Confederacy and Insurrectionist ships arrived, which in turns arrived months after the MMS. As such, they had no idea of a truce to try and explore Arcoast and find a way to escape the gravity well and EMP field. Still, they had no choice but to descend. So they did, set up camp, and immediately started guerrilla tactics against the settlements, which were still being built. And so, the Storm Covenant, realizing that the Confederacy has actually joined humanity, realized that they were the only ones left trusting in the Forerunners. And so they, too, placed agents into Arcoast society, and into Tidal, in hopes of being able to inform Jul Mdama, still-leader of the Covenant Remnant at that time, of Arcoast. Insurrectionists: Having gathered the intel that a massive naval battle between the Covenant Remnant and UNSC forces including the Confederacy of the Storm and Arcadia, Innies made a plan to weaponize all their ships, and set them on course, appearing as a massive group of slipspace portals, with just about their biggest organized fleet ever. It was this massive organization of slipspace portals that was detected by Arcoast sensors, which in turn was the reason why the portal that transported and EMP'd the entire fleet was activated. The innies, landing on Arcoast, decided that they were better off alone, figuring that 'If they taxed us before, now that they have a clean slate they'll tax us again, except we're stuck with no money already.' Still, they accepted the creation of the settlements in each zone, and many Innies live in them. Despite that, they still dislike society, and aren't hesitant to - once or twice - blow something up, with the blame placed on the Trusting Storm.
  21. Alright, here we go. Call of Duty is a very sparsed game, and for that reason it has a very large group of players. You have many playlists, much more than that which we see on Halo. For each playlist there are many different types of ways to win. If I need to detail it, I will do it later. For this post, let's talk about the 'Fun' of call of duty. To do that, let's all ignore the crazy, fun things you might find as a super-casual player, things that may be put on youtube channels such as VanossGaming, TrollarchOffice and channels of members of the Trolliance (A group of - you guessed it - trolls) Now, we'll take most of the core playlists here - TDM...Domination....Kill Confirmed.....Hardpoint......most of them, while objective based, are built so that if one team has a lot of kills, they win. Obviously, you could do things like use rush-based classes only and just speed-cap, or place down Claymores and then hide and wait, but as I said, ignore the crazy fun things. You will win based on how many times you are smashing the enemy back into their spawn. So yeah, knowing the map is vital. Why? Spawns flip a lot more in CoD maps, especially in certain playlists. In fact, Demolition, Domination and CTF are really the only maps where you have stationary spawns, with Domination being that you can control it as well. If you know the map, you'll know where the enemy could be spawning depending on where you just killed them. That being said, I admit that I'm lazy. I hate TDM because of flipping spawns; I play Domination a lot because it's easy to play defense and survive, rather than aggressively rushing the spawn in TDM and then flipping it and doing the same. Obviously, hardcore means players are more hardcore, so less bullets to kill, more teamwork based players with mics. Sometimes I have fun playing Hardcore seriously as well, as (Being from Hong Kong) it's the only place I get players with mics when searching alone, even if I do end up with a red-bar and terrible lag. So, next, onto creating a class. Explaining it from my point of view, Weapon determines playstyle, and everything else is support. Shotguns are for CQC, you're always flanking. SMG and Assault Rifles are both versatile, with SMG leaning to offense and AR's to defense, and LMG's are defense based yet can be used offensively (IE Spawn trap) and Snipers defense provided you aren't jumping off a cliff doing 720's while double tapping y and throwing a stun and then noscoping some poor kid who doesn't have your approval to appear in your youtube montage - which is a source of fun for some, legit. Don't judge. So, yeah, weapons do make a difference, and so too do perks and equipment, which help you out a lot. If you're wondering why there are so many of the same type of guns, well, it's because people have preferences. Like how people might like the BR better than the DMR, or vice versa, people might like this SMG which sprays faster for higher recoil, rather than this one with low recoil but lower fire rate. After all, based on their playstyles they can do better or worse depending on guns and it all depends on how well they 'exploit' each tactic. Oh, and about tactics, there are many things considered 'skillful', although most of the time people with skill are called trash. Cod Logic, don't ask why. THings like drop shotting, where you go prone immediately after entering a firefight with near-no cover, so as to reduce your hitbox on the enemy's screen and also temporarily knock off the aim, or halojumping, (And yeah, it's named after Halo) where you turn a corner and jump to surprise an enemy, or even quickscoping, which, while I dislike as it's unrealistic and I find it unfair to other guns, people use 1-hit-to-chest snipers and the auto-aim in the game to not even bother aim, just zoom in and 1-hit-kill you before your bullets hit them. About killstreaks, you might find them cheap but I think I find them WAAAAAAY more skillful than Ordnance in Halo 4. Halo 4 logic: "The noob took 5 minutes to get 5 kills. He might have an Inc cannon or a needler." "The pro took 45 seconds to get 10 kills. Even with a killionaire, he might get a speed boost and frag grenades." Cod killstreaks: "Preselected, once you score enough points/kills [Note - in old games, it was actually killstreaks. In MW3, playing the objective was included to add 1 'kill' to your streak. In BO2, it just turned into points, each kill rewarding X-Amount, and doing good things to your team awarding more] you get something that could help you out. Whether it be a UAV, or the 10x better version, an Orbital V-Sat, to help you know where your enemies are before they know you exist, or the turret/guardian to protect an objective, or the War Machine as a custom super-weapon, or the stronger, player controlled jets and helicopters and finally the Attack Dogs and Swarms to murder people as they spawn, 1. The more damage they deal the more skillful you need to be to get, 2. Give you a rush you never feel in Halo. I think it's fun when I poop on kids with my swarms. Now, of course, about the fun, there's always bs here and there. Lag compensation - can't help it. Campers, too. But, well, a camper may average about 12 kills per game but as a team player, if I did go tryhard mode while playing alone I can easily score 40+ kills, effectively being 4 campers at once, except if I'm camping anywhere, it's "everywhere". OP guns have been fixed on Cod for more than on Halo. Now, on to the other, crazy, wacky fun sides.....to let you know exactly how fun playing casually with friends on playlists like search and destroy, simply view the youtube videos. Back in the days of 2009, commentators ruled the intervidoewebs. Now? Funtages, Trolling, Ninja Defuse montages. I've even made a few. And dang, is CoD fun. You may think otherwise, but that's probably because of a semi-biased view and the fact that you haven't given it enough time. I live in HK - I never get to play with people with mics. Yet, no matter what, I still manage to have fun and should you choose to play with me, I promise you it'll be like you're high except you aren't. And no, I've never been high myself.
  22. OFFICIAL LIST OF STAFF CHARACTERS - These characters can be expected to have surprisingly more power than normal. Normal PC characters usually won't have it. They can, however, earn it. For example, the Arcadian Council of 5 can be accessed by a PC who has risen in rank. Upsetting one of them would be sad, because not only are they the ones slowly helping you guys push the plot.......they command very powerful armies. Arcadian Chairman - Jason Krenakov MacMillan Military Solutions Founder - Tyler Mitchell MacMillan 'Tidal' 2 Heads - Andrew Spada, Zeke Vakee
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