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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. A concept, an idea A powerful force, a historical artifact But when sickness is killed so is this And so anger brewed until you beam the message Because this idea was broke; this force unhealed.
  2. "Using google sketchup" Nah. Hate that thing. I prefer Rhino. Sketchup was the bane of enjoying design technology for me.
  3. You're correct.... And you're added! In any case, we'll start the game when we get....how about 12-14 players? It seems the current number is a bit too high.... And if you guys could help recruit people to play, this would be EVEN faster.
  4. We have the same problem. In any case, is Halo Wars really that worth it to buy for me?
  5. Whats wrong with CSR? 1. How it brings you up is dumb. 2. Therefore, How it brings you down is also dumb. 3. Nobody can see it without using a computer, and so you wont even have time to check other people's CSR. So generally CSR is wrong because it is proof that 343 wants bad players to play their game and feel good about it. Even cod isn't that low.
  6. hehe crew you double xp nobody likes you youre just a tool noobs use worse sr means nothing pahahaha 343i i bet you trying to target the n00btards to buy your game but nope the n00btards are sticking with cod where they can be made fun or and laughed at and shouted at even more because nobody in halo 4 even has a mic anymore
  7. But....May 4th ended already.

    1. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Where you are it did.

  8. Just a question before I write - can the subject the riddle is about not be featured in the Halo Universe but me prominent in the series, being well known?
  9. Have a great birthday!

  10. Hello people! So, recently, me and a few others were talking about playdates, and we realized there should be one for Battlefield 3. After all, it is one of the best games out there; I have never seen ANY other game that successfully creates such massive maps featuring such amazing, large scale gameplay that is both fun yet hardcore at the same time. So obviously, being the nice person I am, I decided to host one. How will it work? Well, the event has been decided as starting on NEXT WEEK'S [May 11] SATURDAY NIGHT 9PM EST. For those who still don't get what time it is, I'll list it out for you. Aussies: Sunday Morning Europeans: About 11PM - AM Saturday Night/Sunday Morning Middle East/East: ....Morning. America: 9-12PM or so. Saipan, Hawaii etc. areas: Afternoon This link should help you: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html In any case, continuing on, this will generally be what we do: Playing in a semi competitive manner, we WILL keep in mind that this game is on of the Trolliest, casual matchmaking games available, and as such we will also be placing C4 on Jeeps and Helicopters, flying jets into tanks, and generally having fun doing fun things. (Oh, yeah. I'm bringing my capture card We'll ONLY be playing Non-DLC maps unless everyone has a DLC map they wanna play on, and they all have it. Because in-game, Battlefield 3 has a 'Squad' system, we'll compensate for it using party chat - we'll generally remain in it but play online. If we're under 4 players, we'll all be in game chat, and if we're over 4 players, we form a party, and try to put everyone in the same squad as well. (Never tried, though. ) In any case, we hope you guys show up! If you guys KNOW you will, just leave a note below and we'll be sure to invite you when the time comes!
  11. Welcome to the forums! Sadly, this is one of my shorter 'welcome' posts, so I apologize. I'm gonna be sleeping soon In any case, I'm gonna say your Aesthetic map, Flock? The birds look REALLY cool. You've come to the right place as a 'chameleon' forger! Now, come on! More aesthetics!
  12. Hmmm.... It's pretty nice. A differen't style, since you are combining commentating, montages, funtages and epic clips videos all into one. Not sure if it's gonna be successful, as we already have the different 'aspects' of videos, but go for it! In any case, why stop there? 343i.org is a community of gamers. Me and a few others have planned out a Battlefield 3 Game Night. You should come join! All we'd be doing is just messing about, having fun.... Such as, obviously, putting C4 on Jeeps, Trolling snipers, and more! Come check it out!.....when it gets posted.
  13. Forge? Awesome! You've came to the right place, because if you need help we can give it, and if you want to showcase it we will greedily ****** it up and gobble it! Anyways, as always, being a semi-stalker is ingrained in my blood.... So I really think you should upload some videos to this little channel here. You know, the 'EnderWeggen' youtube channel. In any case, looking forward to making friends with and stalking playing with you! Now, to the more serious part of this post. Should you encounter any spamb0ts, n00bs or people who are generally mean, here is the legendary mass produced version of the 'Report' button. I've added it into your internetventory so whenever you arrive here, you'll be able to use it. Gee, ain't I nice? Also, here is 6 common sense sticky grenades, and you have the choice of a Brain Shooter, Logic Bayonet and Stupidity Extractor X-63200 (LIMITED EDITION) to choose from for your n00b hunting forum starter kit. Good luck, and don't fall behind!
  14. So I've been thinking about this for a while. Obviously inspired by game shows, this will be a video I will record live then add in edits from Theater mode. What will it be? Simple. A contest. A group of people will join, with a single "judge" running the show. What will happen is, the Judge will choose 3 people up at random of the 15 participants, and each of them will tell a 'Joke'. After a very quick vote session, one, possibly two, people are eliminated. The one/2 who survive shall stand elsewhere. This continues, with groups of 3 being called up and everybody voting for who to die (In the end it WILL be the Judges choice but it will be heavily influenced by the votes and good reasons). Afterwards, there will be a group of people still left, usually about 7-10. The cycle continues again, each person being forced to give a new, different joke. This continues until the final 2 players are left alive, during which both will tell 1 joke and it will be up to everybody's except the last 2's votes to determine who dies. Now, obviously forge will come in handy with this. dying would mean that you respawn elsewhere, probably where you can 'view' the stage. So, I'm open to ideas to improve it. Note that if this is interesting to most of you guys, I'll come up with more 'game show' ideas, and you guys can suggest some as well. I'll be recording this and probably uploading it to my youtube channel. If you guys like this idea, I WILL work out a time to see who will join. If there aren't enough here, I'll ask around on Halocustoms as well. Thanks! Note: Signup won't be here. If this idea is liked by most, THEN I'll do a signup thread with more exact details.
  15. I was talking with Arbiter 617 and some others....we were sad too. But more shocked.
  16. Congrats Thomas! Although timezones do severely hinder things you run like TNT, I'm sure in the long run you've helped many, many people on this forum and others, and 343i.org is as proud that you're here as you are to the award! Good job!
  17. 1. Not 343's forum 2. They probably didn't kill her 3. Nobody is stupid enough to take a character vital to the series, FINALLY give some character development, then kill her off. 4. Great ending, because there's CD!!!!
  18. Does it matter? he wants to voice his opinion about the game. This community is a better place to do it than most. About the population, the massive decline means something, and it means Halo 4 just doesn't entertain the bunch who played previous games.
  19. 1. This isn't 343's forums. In fact, IMO their forums suck. 2. I honestly do think that while the game is great, it would be better off without the name 'Halo' in the game, which probably was the reason why 80% of the game population on Nov 7 bought it..... And also why right now, over 3/4 of the original 400,000 are gone and we're playing a game with a population of less than 100,000.
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