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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Coming soon to a Halo-based community forum near you, a big fat sandbox TBRPG which hopefully will not be messed up by timezones!

  2. Come on guys....honestly? I think everyone should have a chance for guessing.... Not guess - hint - guess - hint - guess - correct - riddle - guess correct, with only 2 people participating.
  3. Is not JL


    Hehe. It's ingrained in my blood to do this.
  4. Warrior, because it's just more fun for me to be aggressive instead of defensive or magical. In terms of gameplay? All 3 are great. The Warrior is great in clearing the first swarms of enemies, the Mage's can easily pick people off, deal damage at range, and cause elemental effects to enemies that disadvantage them, and the Cleric's can just heal everyone and generally save people. The lack of one of the 3 will mean you will lose. You will be severely lacking on one aspect of the 3 main combat mechanics, and you WILL lose. Unless you're fishing. In any case, the best Combo, for me is to have, on a bridge that everyone needs to get past, one Cleric put up a Troll Wall to block all the enemies from getting through, and a Warrior using Charged Attack. All the enemies will be forced to run into the Troll Wall, and the moment it breaks the Warrior can release it, which will 1 hit just about EVERYONE in the area. If their entire team was there? The Warrior kills their entire team in one hit. Tadah. I got, like, a 7 kill streak from that move once. Thanks to whichever cleric that was, you made me MVP.
  5. And that, guys, is the reason why 343i.org is one of, if not the best community around most of us know, gaming or not. It's things like these small acts of giving people the respect they deserve, whether they announce it or not, that makes a community, a community.
  6. I have a massive feeling you're right, which makes me sad because I like Blue Prometheans more than Orange ones. Oh well. I'll just pop in the guess I would've said, being the Timeless One.
  7. Your second point, called Lag Compensation, is featured more on CoD... And thank goodness it isn't on Halo because everybody who has a good connection will be slaughtered by those with a bad connection.
  8. Well....let me just have a guess at something. And a question at 3. 1. This was in Spartan Ops.....therefore more befitting the 'Spartan Ops' section, perhaps. 2. Halo 4 is the only game where Valhalla featured fight-able non-matchmaking enemies. 3. Difficulty?
  9. Is not JL


    Hey Feegmonster! Welcome to 343i.org! Don't worry, many of us suck too, but we still enjoy the game! I think. I mean, I'm great at H4, but I find many, many issues with it. In any case, here. Have fun on this forum, and don't be terminated by the n00bs! To start you off in n00b hunting, you have the choice of a IQ Shotgun, a Logic Sniper or a Brain Cell Launcher. Here are also Common Sense Grenades, and your manual for navigating around 343i.org may be found here, simply by sending a private message! Enjoy! Oh, and an added personal note from me: 1. Nova Feeg, Rainbow Feeg, Cosmic Feeg, Ace Feeg and Subzero Feeg should join this place as well! 2. Thanks for reminding me to keep my shrubbery!
  10. A macbook with near no lag when running things like Final Cut Pro, with a hologram projector and an AI system running alongside.
  11. Welcome to 343i.org, Master Kitty! I really hope that by 'Kitty" you mean pup lions and tigers (Tigrex?) and not Hello Kitty stuff. But no matter, enjoy your stay, which better be permanent, and don't go all cat lady on us! If you need any help maneuvering around this forumspace, feel free to ask! Find a n00b and tr0l1? Report him and move on! Good luck surviving! To start you off, here is a logic rifle and 6 common sense grenades. As you advance in n00b hunting, slowly you'll gain more and more powerful weapons!
  12. Wanna take it to PM first? I'd rather not do it all alone.
  13. Tree's aren't sentient. I guess the Forerunners don't care about the Flood if they have the intelligence of a tree.
  14. Yay. Awesome post update. In any case, that really awesome picture by Insignia you see up there? It's just a little sneak peek for you guys for something coming preeeetty soon. It may be hidden beside stuff about Mafia... But....
  15. To help the people who can help: "May I introduce myself, I'm Dutch, and have been living 15 years in Thailand. I am 72 years old and I like to play games. Originally, I used my PC, but every time after a Windows XP update there were problems such as the inability to play a game or not being able to install a game. I have now owned an Xbox 360, and so I also play Halo 4. However, I have not progressed in campaign - I played Dawn in all degrees of difficulty, and Requiem too, but there aren't any levels after Requiem for some reason. Can anyone figure out why, and tell me how to fix it?"
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