I trust both of them. At least they have the common sense of not removing catering to hard core players, even if such catering sucks.
The thing about CSR is that, while many people probably won't care about it, many people do as well - these being the most hardcore of players, the ones who, eventually, will be the ones keeping the playlist numbers up. And to them - and many others - SR 130 means nothing. CSR, though, does. Does it matter that 343 created CSR because of the backlash they received in their forums? No. What does matter is that they created it for the competitive community in a way that will depress anybody who even has a minute care about skill - and probably some who really don't give a crap.
I mean, here is just one point that is pure stupid.
-No visibility in-game. "No more online bullying?" Uh, simple. Get better. Without incentive to have skill, don't have skill. That, or play social. "Less hackers and boosters etc.?" Halo 4 is easily the most hacked game I've played. Boosting? Account selling? Well, if many of those things happens it means your game is actually liked by many. And plus, if a noob bought an account? He's gonna get smashed. Right. Down.