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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. When is the halo 3 play date?

    1. Frankenzer


      I don't think there is a playdate or it might have been forgotten...

    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Hey it's alright... just date ME. O.O lol jkjk

  2. Hey OlAH! Too late, I saw this on halo customs first.
  3. Hey Reachguy! Welcome to the 343i community forum! It's always nice to see a new face, especially when you plan on staying instead of posting once about 343i and exposing yourself as a semi-idiot. While I don't think I really like clans on Xbox Live, I think that there will be people who you might find joining the Red Lancers! Enjoy your time here!
  4. Um.... I think Gryffin wrote the time wrong. I mean, this was posted 12:15, 19th April. For me, 18th PST 7 is about 10 PM 19th. So he technically posted this just 3 hours after playing, if he did play. In any case, if there isn't one, people who wanted to go could just get together.
  5. Fox. Did you even bother reading the thread at all.
  6. That seems very interesting! I feel a bit more interested as to how this got posted in Offbeats, though. Instead of, y'know....the 2 whole subforums dedicated to Forging. In any case, here are some tips for making it interesting 1. Don't say '8PM' because you aren't the center of the world 2. Actually show us the map in the form of images, because it isn't that hard. 3. Describe it for us. 4. Put a retarded picture up so no matter what you say we are entertained.
  7. Call of Duty: Squeaker Extermination 3 part XXXVVVVVIIII "The Final Vocal Cord"
  8. Hey, Buddy! You wanna make better youtube videos, I'm gonna suggest you dump the current mic you own because not only does it NOT have a good pop filter (If one at all) but it muffles your voice up. (Oh, and you cranked your speech voice a bit too loud.)
  9. Sometimes 'Community Forum' could be a forum created by officials just for the community.
  10. This is gonna be awesome! The only problem: I'm going to have to play at 11 AM, and I'm pretty sure there'll be Halo customs as well..... I would LOVE to play BF3 with you, but....its a hard choice. If I were to join you, though, I'd bring my capture card along. EDIT: Actually, I just checked halo customs....and NOBODY had anything before 12 AM for me......
  11. It IS a real thing. I said that I would rather watch that...... The lives of the grunts The lives of the prometheans The lives of the Elites The lives of the Flood The lives of the Moa The lives of the Brutes The lives of the Engineers And finally, the (breef) lives of Noble Team
  12. What if I comment no? I mean, I'd rather watch The Lives of the Grunts by david attenborough...
  13. A Dazzle capture card was great back in the starting days of reach and the days of Halo 3, as it was the cheapest one around, and didn't require much. However, nowadays HD is the new 'thing', and most of the time you aren't gonna get recognized without it. And then, it depends on your system and what you want. Do you want some high speed processing? Blackmagic Intensity. Do you want convenience? Elgato game capture. Do you want to be traditional? The HD PVR, the one HD capture card people have been using since 2008 (Halo 3!) There are many more, such as from Avermedia, but really, I think the biggest one right now is the Elgato. After all, it's the size of a deck of cards, requires only 2 HDMI, and theres no need for a power source.
  14. @CrimsonVolver, if there's one thing I really dislike about Sanctorium it's how the spawns flip. You're gonna kill them and they spawn above/below you. You go, kill them and they spawn above you. All you do is go up and down and up and down in 2v2's and 3v3's and 4v4's, with no power position. Muuuch better with Fiesta. If I really wanted to take your map and make it into a full on slayer-based map, I'd make some radical changes; when Liam said it was meant for 2v2, I thought it was for competitive play, so I was quite confused when I played it.
  15. [email protected] sent you a message. Topic: The Silver Map Pack Text: I'm too lazy to write anything, so I think if you took my email, multiplied it 10000 times then read the first 3 words only, it would generally amount to how I think of your maps.
  16. FOA, The thing is, iff EVERYONE else has a great connection, and YOU can't play, it's YOUR fault. I can play the campaign great. It sucks, and it glitches out, but I finished it legendary. If you can't install disk 2 obviously you can't play matchmaking In any case, be happy you're not on 343's official forums because over there you wouldn't even be flamed.... Nobody would pay attention.
  17. I can use gimp to do it, but by resize do you mean make it smaller or make the filesize smaller?
  18. I can help you out as a Black Ops 2 Game player, maybe an audio editor, and maybe a Host. I have a capture card, too. That, and I could refer some of my subs to you (If their active) and also gain some more from this. If that's ok. Feel free to accept me, but in the end I'm gonna be, y'know, timezone-disadvantaged. I have good black ops gameplay though. If I want to, I can get swarms. If I want to, I can get 11 people to just get so mad, it's hilarious.
  19. I wrote this to help people like you out.
  20. Welcome back! I don't really know you, but it'll be awesome when I do. In any case, I'm pretty sure I deduced what your 'second chance' meant, but.... In any case, the RP you have in your sig is pretty outdated; right now, there isn't really one that's up and running, but lucky for you, me, D-38 Boss and others have been working on getting together and getting what will hopefully be the best RP, with a great story just about nearly fully planned, a planned Machinima to go alongside it, and....more stuff, I guess. I don't know what might get you to play, because I don't know you, so. Soon.
  21. And we're getting close. Reaaaal close. I think we have 2 other RP staff (I hope) and now the only thing really left is 1. Art, 2. Writing the story and 3. Starting the topics. In any case, if you're confused about the Mafia one, would be great if you told me what you were confused about.
  22. Well, even though I don't know you, welcome back! Should we refer to you as Equakon or Kalaphite?
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